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Polish Home Carers Needed in Colchester, Essex, UK

5 Sep 2017 /  #1
I have a client based in Colchester, Essex, UK in need of home carers, looking after the elderly in their own homes.
Excellent Accommodation provided at very low cost and Rental car provided, if needed. Must be eligible to work in the UK and able to drive. Experienced and In-experienced roles available, full training given and room for career progression if desired.

40 hours per week spread over a range of shifts.
28 Fully paid Days holiday per year
Monthly incentive competitions
£16,000 per annum plus mileage

If you or any one you know are interested please contact me michelle.hidson@carematchrecruitment.com
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
5 Sep 2017 /  #2
I doubt anyone will be interested for that shockingly low wage. Don't be so cheap. No wonder you're posting this on a Polish forum.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
5 Sep 2017 /  #3
So that's pretty much the minimum wage ...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #4
is that even minimum wage? and then charging for accommodation even though the nature of the job requires someone to sleep in?
Shocking really.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2017 /  #5
charging for accommodation even though the nature of the job requires someone to sleep in?

I think it's more about flitting from one old person to another (otherwise, why a rental car?) Sounds like a very bad deal.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #6
oh yes you are right. Anyway it sounds like a really bad deal all round. The worst thing is the old people or their families are probably paying thro the nose.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
5 Sep 2017 /  #7
It's about 7,70 per hour if I got my maths right.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #8
anyway it pisses me off, for a start you are not allowed to state nationality when you are advertising a job.

they dont want British workers for a reason, and that is because they are not going to be compliant with various aspects of employment law, and they imagine that Polish people will be less knowledgeable about this, and / or complain less.

So not only can British people not get jobs, but Euro workers are also being exploited.

It stinks all round.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2017 /  #9
Why do you think the UK completely opened its labor market for? For Polish workers to be paid and have the same rights as British citizens? Don't be ridiculous. Immigration is often a tool used to keep wages down (because lower levels of labor are the only place where the law of supply and demand must never be allowed to work).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #10
Don't be ridiculous.

I am not being ridiculous. British people have been pushed out of the labour market and the immigrant workers that have replaced them are being exploited.

Immigrant workers are however entitled to the same protection from unscrupulous bosses that British people are. It is ridiculous for you to state otherwise.

it has taken me a long time to see it, but see it I have.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2017 /  #11
British people have been pushed out of the labour market and the immigrant workers that have replaced them are being exploited.

To be clear. What I'm saying is: You're right. And... it was deliberate (and I think it stinks as policy).
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
5 Sep 2017 /  #12
is that even minimum wage?

What is the poverty level in the U.K. ? $15,000 a year ?

40 hours per week spread over a range of shifts.

Split shifts 7 days per week ?
What a deal.

It's about 7,70 per hour if I got my maths right.

Exploitation of a desperate person.
In the U.S.A. such a job pays around $25 per hour, which most likely what this agency is charging their client.
jon357  72 | 23361  
5 Sep 2017 /  #13
shockingly low wage.

Crap wages, especially for the home counties.

for a start you are not allowed to state nationality when you are advertising a job.

I doubt anyone who would advertise a job like that at such a wage cares about ethics or the law.

immigrant workers that have replaced them are being exploited.

Yes. It doesn't matter if a worker has crossed a border or not, exploitation of the poor by bottom feeders who profit from their labour is universal.

  • Screen_Shot_201709.jpg
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #14
it was deliberate (and I think it stinks as policy).

and then ...and then,,,,(warming to theme now) we are told we are 'too lazy to work'!!
jon357  72 | 23361  
5 Sep 2017 /  #15
'too lazy to work'!!

Damn right we should be too lazy to do a job like that for peanuts.
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
5 Sep 2017 /  #16
Total welfare pays about $30 per hour so why would a person go do a job like that for $8 per hour ?
Call it lazy but who is the smart one.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #17
well the problem is that the only people for whom a job like this might be profitable, is someone sharing four to a room. Now, young immigrant workers are happy to live like that for a year or so. Brits are not, esp if they have families. Ergo, we are 'lazy'.

It's like my Bulgarian neighbours., working at the meat factory (British need not apply) and living in shitey substandard accomodation which is cheap. A british person would take one look at their accommodation and laugh.
G (undercover)  
5 Sep 2017 /  #18
So what would be the "normal" wage for that kind of job ? What's the uk minimum wage right now ?Wasn't it 1000 GBP a month a couple of years ago ?

A british person would take one look at their accommodation and laugh.

So apparently "British persons" don't need these jobs. It's the same all around the world. Sorry but you would never live in luxury having an unskilled job.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #19
its not about 'luxury' it's about normal safety and hygiene and light standards
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Sep 2017 /  #20
Brits are not, esp if they have families. Ergo, we are 'lazy'.

Yes, don't get me started. It must suck for British people to be lectured at because they don't want to live four to a room for years on end
G (undercover)  
5 Sep 2017 /  #21
its not about 'luxury' it's about normal safety and hygiene and light standards

Ok but I'm talking about reality... People with unskilled jobs will never have "decent standards". Have they ever had them ? Anywhere ?
jon357  72 | 23361  
5 Sep 2017 /  #22
it's about normal safety and hygiene and light standards

Legal and decent working conditions, safe and with a living wage.
G (undercover)  
5 Sep 2017 /  #23
Now the reality. If Bulgarians didn't come to the meat factory, the meat factory would come to them.
jon357  72 | 23361  
5 Sep 2017 /  #24
Now the reality.

Now the real reality. Before the Bulgarians were there, meat factories still existed. Before these dodgy agencies like the OP appeared, home care still happened, without some bottom-feeding agency taking a cut of the money.

When the minimum wage goes up (as it will after the next election), there will still be pies and home helps. And some of the workers will still doubtless be Bulgarian.

Doesn't look too good for the dodgy employment agencies though. The OP should find an honest job, one with a future.
G (undercover)  
5 Sep 2017 /  #25
Now the real reality. Before the Bulgarians were there, meat factories still existed.

Damn Bulgarians, they dare to work and hence torture the English... can't the wankers just jump into the boats, claim to be refugees then sit on their ass and do nothing ? English finally would have jobs. Serving them.

Now seriously, I'm leaving aside this particular job offer as I don't know If these conditions are crap or not... but general approach, that without Bulgarians, some English dude would have a cool life making more money, is simply ridiculous given 21st century reality. Either they would relocate to Bulgaria or some Polish competition would finish them off. It's been happening countless times. You can't "pay people more" just like that without any side effects... Do that in 1 company and it will get destroyed by the competition, do that in the whole economy and you will trigger off high inflation, people will get more money but the money will be worth less. Apparently you commies just don't get it.
jon357  72 | 23361  
5 Sep 2017 /  #26
Damn Bulgarians, they dare to work and hence torture the English

They dare to let themselves be exploited by the rich.

Either they would relocate to Bulgaria

A home care service can't.

And the amount this dodgy agency are siphoning off the workers' wages can be put to better use.

21st century reality

Reality is how you shape it. Wait until the next election.
5 Sep 2017 /  #27
Crap wages,

It's not great money, but then it is a largely unskilled job. Problem is that wages are not rising in line with the cost of living. It's shift work and unsocial hours, but in that respect it's no different from working in a supermarket or McDonalds.Minimum wage should be an amount people can actually live on.

the only people for whom a job like this might be profitable, is someone sharing four to a room

Not true. I personally know a few people doing exactly this kind of job and they're all doing it as a second wage for the household. Most of them are in fact Polish, but they are working alongside English people too. Unfortunately because it's very difficult to live on just one wage these days, these type of jobs appeal specifically because it is possible to work shifts. Friends of mine often work evening shifts because their husbands are then home from work to look after the kids. Often it's the only time they can work. Personally I think it's awful because family life is being sacrificed, but that's the way it is these days.

I do think these agencies are probably profiting quite nicely out of it though.
I'm also not sure what they mean by ' excellent accommodation provided '. I'm not so sure that it does involve overnight stays. It sounds more to me like they will offer you low cost accommodation if you're prepared to move for the job, or maybe I'm reading it wrong. None of my friends do overnight stays when they work.

I think this is their website:-

G (undercover)  
5 Sep 2017 /  #28
They dare to let themselves be exploited by the rich.

I don't think vast majority of Poles or Bulgarians in the UK are being exploited. They prevent locals charging crazy wages for simple jobs, that's true and that's good for everyone involved.

A home care service can't.

Home care is actually even a better example. What would happen If these people were making 50% more... ? Ok i will help you a bit, many of those old people would end up without any help as they wouldn't afford it. That's how your "improving the world" works.
jon357  72 | 23361  
5 Sep 2017 /  #29
I don't think vast majority of Poles or Bulgarians in the UK are being exploited

The vast majority of low paid workers are being exploited. Others are getting (very) rich from their labour, of which they only receive a small part of the value.

What would happen If these people were making 50% more.

What would happen if some dodgy private business weren't skimming up to 70% from the price paid by the client and the local authority for their work?

many of those old people would end up without any help as they wouldn't afford it.

It's only recently that "those old people" have had to think about paying for home care...

I'll help you a bit - wait until the next election.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
5 Sep 2017 /  #30
That's how your "improving the world" works.

no G that wouldnt be how it would work at all.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Classifieds / Polish Home Carers Needed in Colchester, Essex, UKArchived