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Lyzko  45 | 9751  
19 Feb 2016 /  #31
Correct, ktoĊ›@ However, try explaining such to most Americans, even supposed college grads:-)

I was merely elucidating for Jamshaid a transference error which might impede lexic comprehension to an "unannointed" native English speaker!

Appreciate your input.
Honest Pole  
29 Feb 2016 /  #32
It's incredible the number of posts we read in PF re conflictual mixed Polish (wife)- husband from somewhere else couples and involving Polish wives running away to Poland with their kids.

Yes exactly I said so myself that naive foreigners should beware polish women knowing how sexist against men and xenophobic are polish courts.


Lyzko  45 | 9751  
29 Feb 2016 /  #33
Not to mention often because of the language aka culture barrier, Honest Pole:-)
Honest Pole  
29 Feb 2016 /  #34
Well polish language is not hat hard compared to some others like chinese or japanese.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
29 Feb 2016 /  #35
Maybe, but still if two people are speaking imperfectly a language other than their own, there are bound to be culture clashes:-)
OP jamshaid  2 | 20  
7 Aug 2016 /  #36
Hi guys I have got a big issu again......
In 1st hearing, As discussed above court give me permission to meet my son twice a month at my wife flate (she is living with her mother together).

I got permission to meet my son in end of april, 2016. I was two times to visit my son. Than my wife give application in court I tried to kidnapped our baby.

1. ( she write We went to park and he tried to take away baby on bus and his mother caught me.)
2. I also misbehaved with her mother and when she was giving milk to baby I snatched baby from her (my wife).
In 4th of August I was hearing in court regarding these allegations but my wife and her mother did not come.
Court ask me some questions:-
1. Regarding visits and did I tried to kidnapped baby????
My answer was NOT

But court decision was against me

Court decided I am not allowed to see baby anymore until doctors will take your psychology test and next hearing????

So guys my English is not very good please help me what I have to do in this situation I have video and audio recordings at my wife home where I am playing with our son but court did not watch these and if my wife and her mother did not come next hearing. The decesion can be in my favor or not???
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 Aug 2016 /  #37
So guys my English is not very good


what I have to do in this situation

You should leave these people alone and move on with your life.
jon357  72 | 23529  
7 Aug 2016 /  #38
1. Regarding visits and did I tried to kidnapped baby????

This is something you need to discuss with a very good (sadly they are usually expensive) lawyer.

If your ex is making malicious false allegations about kidnap, it looks like she is a toxic person. Unfortunately in Poland, it's pretty well expected that people lie in court and if that lie is presented in a plausible way it could cause you severe problems.

With courts anywhere (and very much so in PL) you have to expect the worst and hope for the best - a good lawyer however can make all the difference.
OP jamshaid  2 | 20  
9 Aug 2016 /  #39
Thanks sir I hav some questions?

She lied that I tried to kidnapped my son and I want to take baby on bus but her mother caught me.
Where this happend? , what time?, did they call to police? Etc or what questions can be asked from them can some one help please
In court my wife and her mother evidence of enough or court will be ask for other witnesses?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Classifieds / ANY FOREIGNER (NOT POLISH) FAMILY ADVOCATE IN WARSAWArchived