He's so obessed by his hatred for muslims and anybody who is not white/catholic/heterosexual.
I Never said anything about skin color. Never.
While i oppose fiercily multiculturalism, i never said anything about racialism.
While there are more evolved cultures (like the Slavic culture) and primitive cultures (like Middle Eastern ones), the same cannot be said about skin color.
But no surprise that the no-brain idiots of the Brit Gang cannot understand something so simple.
About Brith Bashing: The only bashing made here is against Poland... made by brits :)
And by the way, i think that the brits from this forum get offended that they took my words personally. Come on, is not bad work as a "English Teacher" like all the other of gazillions of brits that go to Poland :)
It is low paid but still a job. Dont get offended, brit gang.