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Expat groups / parents / clubs - Wroclaw
HGV 1 Drivers wanted for immediate start in Northampton UK
Indie Music in Warsaw
Free Beer Brewing lessons in Tri-city.
Poznan CouchSurfing/Language Exchange Club meetings - weekly!
12 - Are those meetings still up and what is the recent address ? :)...

Classifiedsdelphiandomine - 31 Aug 2011 / Caeles - 30 Mar 2013
Singing practice/groups in Warsawa
Polish Student Association Event
5 - Everyone in PSA so twenty as a total....

ClassifiedsNevJordano - 10 Oct 2012 / NevJordano - 10 Oct 2012
Driving Lessons in Krakow
5 - India is the only country in the world where my cab has hit an elephant (Delhi at 1.30 in...

ClassifiedsSS1313 - 15 Jul 2012 / szarlotka - 16 Jul 2012
Hi I'd like to learn Polish via MSN messenger.....I can help you with your English
Upcoming Festivals in Krakow!
15 - When do Rock or Heavy Metal bands usually pay a visit to Krakow?...

Classifiedswiktusz - 4 May 2010 / curdo - 11 Mar 2012
Tauron Nowa Muzyka Festival
English speaking AA group in Warsaw
4 - The bit with the names and phone numbers. I'll PM you with a link to the site with their...

Classifiedssobieski - 24 Jan 2012 / JonnyM - 25 Jan 2012
Where do you guys meet in Gdynia or Sopot?
20 - It's been closed for a while. If you're ever in Gdansk, go to Absinthe, the best pub in...

Classifiedsagatka131 - 27 Sep 2008 / scottie1113 - 15 Oct 2011
Audioriver in Plock
Any (semi)-regular Expat meetings in Poznań?
Board game group -Wrocław (Psie Pole)
'Silent Party' - Poznań
5 - Sounds like heaven - all nightclubs should be like that......

ClassifiedsNightglade - 19 May 2011 / JonnyM - 19 May 2011
Trying to get the hang of Warsaw
English speaking meetups in Kielce
7 - Hi guys. I don't know if this topic is still open or not, but I try it anyway....

ClassifiedsSlide - 13 Oct 2010 / jambowl - 6 Mar 2011
Motorcycle trip from Poland to South Africa in the fall
25 - Hi, Good luck with the trip, my friend has done many trips on a 650 & 800GS's, China,...

Classifiedsconvex - 8 Jan 2010 / Bikerjenko - 22 Jan 2011
Asian Events in WARSAW? Is there any?
Poland Tartan Army
19 - I'm in :)...

Classifiedsbackhander - 29 Mar 2010 / wavesbelow - 30 Apr 2010

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