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Poles invaded the wrong Anglo-Saxon country

kondzior  11 | 1027  
28 Jan 2013 /  #1
SYDNEY (MarketWatch) -- Australia's workplace relations tribunal Friday ruled the country's lowest-paid workers should receive a 2.9% weekly wage increase, in a decision that could fuel industry concerns about rising costs.

In its ruling the Fair Work Australia body decided on a minimum wage of 15.96 Australian dollars (US$15.50) per hour or A$606.40 per week. This constitutes an increase of A$17.10 per week or 45 Australian cents per hour.

Holy sh!t, I think *I* am going to immigrate to Australia! Those kangaroos are stuffed with gold!
alexnye  2 | 30  
28 Jan 2013 /  #2
They want Brits and Irish people.

Not Eastern European peasants who are incredibly foreign and will start building "Polski Sklep" everywhere.
TommyG  1 | 359  
28 Jan 2013 /  #3
Holy sh!t, I think *I* am going to immigrate to Australia! Those kangaroos are stuffed with gold!

I read somewhere that the average wage for the mining industry was around 100k Aus dollars. This salary far exceeds even IT specialists and uni professors.

However, Sydney is the most expensive city in the world to live in... hence the the salary has to be high. Still, there's a lot of money to be made in Oz, I should know...

Good luck to any Pole who wants to work there. It should suit them; healthy lifestyle, good diet and a strong emphasis on sports and recreation.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Jan 2013 /  #4
Holy sh!t, I think *I* am going to immigrate to Australia! Those kangaroos are stuffed with gold!

After England that would make sense for you, although im sure it wont take 5 minutes before your biatching about them as well.
jon357  72 | 22979  
28 Jan 2013 /  #5
(US$15.50) per hour

That isn't actually very much.

Mind you, Australia does have good state regulation about salaries for certain sectors.

After Canada and England that would make sense for you, although im sure it wont take 5 minutes before your biatching about them as well.

Spot on.
alexnye  2 | 30  
28 Jan 2013 /  #6
Australia is an absolutely fantastic place, good vibe around the towns and cities. Low crime, affluent & jobs aplenty This is down to their very strict immigration.

99.99999% are Australian or Anglo/Irish origin people. Same language, same culture.
Even if we want a 1 year working holiday visa we still need to have around £5000 in the bank.

Look at the state of our (UK) cities and some towns, beggars and undesirables from every corner of the planet infest our land from top to bottom grabbing what they can.

When this country finally succumbs to the waves and waves of Pakistani/Polish/Lithuanian/Romanians/Somalians (The list is endless) flooding here for a "better life", we will be looking very affectionately at our sister nations and beg them to take us :D
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Jan 2013 /  #7
Those kangaroos are stuffed with gold!

That's what you think. Try to live in Sydney on AUS$600,- a week and you will see what I mean...
Paulina  16 | 4403  
28 Jan 2013 /  #8

Unerwünschte? :)

This is down to their very strict immigration.

lol Indeed, they have an "interesting tradition" in this respect:


Anglo-Celtic White Power lol
28 Jan 2013 /  #9
99.99999% are Australian or Anglo/Irish origin people.

You're totally wrong here. Only Poles stands for 1.08 % of Australian population (to be precise its: 216 056), let alone other nationalities of European to Asian and Pacific islands origins. I've noticed you show a horrid lack of knowledge in many fields alexnye. It's more less the same percentage of Poles as in the UK.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Jan 2013 /  #10
I read somewhere that the average wage for the mining industry was around 100k Aus dollars.

People working in mining generally make better money than national average, also in Poland.

99.99999% are Australian or Anglo/Irish origin people.




en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pawe%C5%82_Edmund_Strzelecki :)))

Wanna see some picture of sklep over there ?
29 Jan 2013 /  #11
Do Alexnye that the highest mountain on Australian continent is named after a Pole? Maybe he could say what's the name of it?
29 Jan 2013 /  #12
I have live in Australia for 30 years and i can tell you now that is crap, the cost of living is so high the wages they are offering are rubbish if you are spending the money here. This country has become the biggest rip off ever. There are many good things too and sure there are good jobs, the first thing here is that if you want a good job you have to know someone. I have been working in the area of business improvement here and i have never seen so many CV thrown in the bin so 'someone' we know can be hired. This has already happened twice this week, it's a joke. So if you know someone come over otherwise think CAREFULLY.
29 Jan 2013 /  #13

Is there a way to save some money or all go for the living?
29 Jan 2013 /  #14
No you can save money, i managed in 30 years to accumulate plenty. But....there is lots of tax on everything, basic t stuff is getting expensive and so on. We pay huge amounts for cars, houses, our labour means i dont even hire any painters or people like that to fix my stuff everything, when i look at your prices i start to laugh. Its not just that, if you want to surf and live in the sun, do all those things that is good, i have done them all. Now i am bored with what's left. Don't let me ruin any dreams you have to come here it's a great place, it will take you years to learn what's wrong with it and in that time you will enjoy it.
29 Jan 2013 /  #15

Which trades are looked for in Australia?

when i look at your prices i start to laugh

Also the salaries are laugh.
29 Jan 2013 /  #16
Yes your salaries are comparable to your cost of living but that doesnt apply to me if i bring money from Australia, hire several people and so on. Tradesman here are in shortage, most trades. Lots of Australian kids are not doing trades they think that they will get easy money doing other things. If you have a trade you will do well here. If you're polish you will get good reception too, just learn to speak English or don't come at all.

The result of this is, trades people earn lots of cash, they are in short supply and demand is high, they are bad at ringing back, turning up on time, doing a quick job. They are good at charging heaps.

99.99999% are Australian or Anglo/Irish origin people. Same language, same culture.

This is a complete and absolute lie. There is not even close to that percentage. There are parts in Sydney where you cannot go or you will be in big trouble if you are white, i am not going to start naming. In sydney at least half the faces are Asian or other, we play a game called ' spot the ozzie', it is getting harder. There are multinationals EVERYWHERE, the country is overrun by Asians, Indians and about 20 others. It is a fully multicultural place, if you're talking about the irish and english they are who are my friends as well as the ozzies, Australia is not an anglo country any more, if you come to sydney or any other city you will see this in 5 minutes that is one reason i may leave. The person posting that is a fake, never even been to Australia or just a troll. Because of the multiculturalism we have his words here would be considered racist and most people would laugh at him or worse. Those are the people who are considered peasants here, the racist biggots from the old world, don't be fooled by this fake. The irish or any other such person here is 10 times more likely to give you a job as the 'others' tend to stick in large families and ONLY employ their own nationality.

By the way, unfortunately we don't have a single Irish or pom left in our company of 31 people, they have ALL been replaced by indians, we have 8 new indians. In a company i visited last week they had 19 Lebanese people and 1 asian, not a single ozzie, i was getting funny looks because i look and speak like an ozzie. It is like living in a united nations country, nothing like anything else.
Warszawette  - | 128  
29 Jan 2013 /  #17
Thank you Peakus for your input.
You know, it's unfortunately typical of this forum. There are always some people giving wrong facts about other countries, to which they have never been and of which they do not know the language but they "know" the situation in those places ;). They just copy-paste any garbage from the net and that's it, they pretend they know the place. It is pathetic. People ought to learn languages and travel more so they'd see the world the way it really is and get to know people.

This forum should stick to Poland and to Polish things.
TommyG  1 | 359  
29 Jan 2013 /  #18
It is like living in a united nations country, nothing like anything else.

I didn't realise it was quite that bad. I remember being in NZ maybe 10 years ago now. All the locals were getting pretty fed up with all the Asian immigrants. Auckland is now about 25% Asian and it's only going to get worse...

Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
29 Jan 2013 /  #19
I didn't realise it was quite that bad.

Bad for bigots.

All the locals were getting pretty fed up with all the Asian immigrants.

The locals might want to check a globe and realize that Asia is much nearer to New Zealand than Europe is.

Auckland is now about 25% Asian and it's only going to get worse

Worse for bigots.
TommyG  1 | 359  
29 Jan 2013 /  #20
Bad for bigots.

Worse for bigots.

LOL :)
Des, I'd be quite happy for all the Europeans and Asians to 'go home' and let the Moaris have their country back. I never said NZ should be white.

I love the All Blacks, best rugby union team in the world for my money :)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
29 Jan 2013 /  #21
I never said NZ should be white.

You said that Asian immigration is bad and that it is making NZ worse. You have shown the forum that you are reflexive racist and that is very disgusting. Polonia pities you and your bigoted ilk.


Laugh it up but it only makes you look creepier.
OP kondzior  11 | 1027  
29 Jan 2013 /  #22
Dream job available in Australia:

web.orange.co.uk/article/quirkies/Dozens_apply_for_brothel_insp ector_job

Why on Earth would they need to pay a salary that high for such a job?

Smells like some kind of gimmick. I'm pretty sure that if you wanted to recruit a hands-on brother inspector you'd normally go through private channels to avoid being spammed by applications from horny idiots.
Peakus  - | 25  
30 Jan 2013 /  #23
A high wage here is more than 85k, a great wage is 100k. 16.5 an hour is reallly really low it is kids money. The rent is so high if you dont have house that wage above will mean yiu will be poor. Thats what I keep telling you forget if it looks attractive it is rubbish. To rent a broken shack in sydney is 300 a week. If you want house to rent its a minimum of 600 a week and if you have 4 bedrooms its 800 or much more per week.not only that there is shortage. Add the other costsl to live like food petrol and everything and you will soon realise it is a big fake. Sydney has one if the highest costs of living in the world or us it the actual highest? If you are coming here bring money to start up or you will perish.
antheads  13 | 340  
30 Jan 2013 /  #24
There are parts in Sydney where you cannot go or you will be in big trouble if you are white,

Stop spoutin ***** mate, there is no better sucsess story for multiculturism than aus, sure there are many probs but compared to gun violence in suburbs in the usa, and footy kids runnin around the suburbs of england its a damm safe place. For the record I feel safe in EVERY SUBURB in Melbourne and Brisbane.
Peakus  - | 25  
30 Jan 2013 /  #25
Like I said 10 times its a great place. Its becoming less great. Spouting what mate? Save your propaganda for tourist adverts mate the place is becoming like the usa more every day. It is pretty safe but compared to there its not. I feel safe everywhete here too so what, I dont feel safe letting kids out on their own all the time. Havent for ten years. Besides there is more to it. I was in the army all that and love the place but it is not the place I once liked so much. I dont want to say rhe other reasons, you will make fun of me lol.
tqadtq  - | 2  
30 Jan 2013 /  #26
In Australia the wages are much higher then in Europe because the cost of living is much higher, it is all relative.

If you are making $20 an hour in Australia that is considered a low wage. It will not be enough to properly pay off a mortgage and look after yourself and a house/apartment + car etc. Do not move to Australia if you think you will get paid more and have a better standard of living. The taxes are incredibly high and the cost of living is incredibly high. The country is not perfect at all and you will find yourself hard pressed to make a decent living if you do not already have fluent english, career experience in your chosen field etc. Think about it before moving.

The country is nice, the weather is usually good (depending on where you go) and the people are generally friendly. In terms of Australian culture - there isn't one. It is a hotch-potch of many different nationalities. We celebrate Christmas, but you won't see the streets light up like New York or Paris. The fruit and vegetables are good quality and the roads are overall not bad. The standard of living in the middle class is decent and the private schools are generally decent (public schools, many of them, are not great at all). Private schools do get expensive though (upwards of $30,000 a year for some per student). The universities are generally good but they are also very expensive and very bureaucratic (as most are - but especially bad here). There is tall-poppy syndrom here in the media and in the business world, once you achieve good amounts of success you are cut down by many people around you. For example, say you earn over $100,000 per year here in Australia, you will be taxed $17,547 plus 37c for each $1 over $80,000 + 1.5% medicare levy. Australia is a nice place to live if you have a stable income and don't mind crap politicians. Moving from a low wage job in Poland to Australia will be very hard for you to make any kind of decent living, so plan and think first.
Peakus  - | 25  
30 Jan 2013 /  #27
Ok finally a post I can agree with. Well done.
tqadtq  - | 2  
30 Jan 2013 /  #28
Did you mean the post I made? I live in Australia so I know exactly what it is like. :)
Peakus  - | 25  
30 Jan 2013 /  #29
Yes I mean your post. I didnt have time to explain properly so was not happy with my post but what you wrote is very accurate. Thanks.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Australia / Poles invaded the wrong Anglo-Saxon countryArchived