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Poland residency for an Australian citizen without marriage?

danewood  1 | -  
28 Jul 2015 /  #1
hi guys, I am an Australian citizen. My partner is Polish, we have been together 8 years and legal partners in Australia for 7 year we have 2 kids with Polish passport, we speak Polish at home. I lived in Poland for 1 year 5 years ago and have been 12 times. Just wanted to know if you can get residency without actually getting married (I'm philosophically opposed to it), in Australia its no problem. Or through the kids if they are both Polish citizens? can you apply wile overseas or do you have to be in Poland? can you leave Poland while waiting for residency? I will have to travel for work.

dzięnki everyone
Pol attorney  
29 Jul 2015 /  #2
Well, according to Polish rules, it would be very difficult for you to get residency without actually coming to Poland. Before an immigration office issues a residence card for you, they will have to take finger prints from you here in poland; moreover it's not really possible to submit an application in the Polish consulate. Because of the kids, the office MAY agree to grant residency, but it's not certain and depends on "special circumstances". I am a lawyer based in Poland, so I might help with this case -- contact:
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Jul 2015 /  #3
Because of the kids, the office MAY agree to grant residency, but it's not certain and depends on "special circumstances". I am a lawyer based in Poland, so I might help with this case

Anyone with kids with an EU passport is entitled to legal residency on family grounds (right to be united with the family) in Poland. That "lawyer" above is clearly clueless - there's no "may" and no "special circumstances" - it's a straightforward decision.
Pol attorney  
29 Jul 2015 /  #4
@ delphia No, this is not a "straightforward decision" (unless you are legally married to a Polish citizen). You certainly have no clue on Polish legal rules and regulations, including immigration law or you just don't know how to correctly interpret legal acts.
29 Jul 2015 /  #5
Have a look here cudzoziemcy.gov.pl/index.php?page=malzenstwo-i-rodzina covers most of the info I think you need, in my experience nothing is 'straightforward' in Poland so best of luck!
Pol attorney  2 | 106  
29 Jul 2015 /  #6
Well, according to Polish rules, it would be very difficult for you to get residency without actually coming to Poland. Before an immigration office issues a residence card for you, they will have to take finger prints from you here in poland; moreover it's not really possible to submit an application in the Polish consulate. Because of the kids, the office MAY agree to grant residency, but it's not certain and depends on "special circumstances". I am a lawyer based in Poland, so I might help with this case -- contact or PM:

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