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5000$ Gross Salary. Is it good in Poland?

9 Apr 2009 /  #1
I got a job offer from Polish Company.
It is 5000 $ Gross.(Is it good for Poland?)

What is the tax rate in Poland?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Apr 2009 /  #2
5000PLN or $5000? If it's the latter, that's close to 17,000PLN at today's exchange rate. That's a really sizeable wage. In this crisis, I'm happy to creep over 5000PLN which is considered quite good.

The standard tax rate is 19% but if you are way up as high as 17k then you'll be in the higher bracket which is between 30-40% I think. I remember discussing this with a Director of Vattenfall a couple of years back and he showed me how they strip(ped) his income right down through various deductions.
DECADA  - | 3  
9 Apr 2009 /  #3
they told me that my salary will be 5000 $ (American Dollars) Gross.
what is the netto after tax?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Apr 2009 /  #4
The good news for you is that, as of 1.1.2009, the rate is down to 32% from 40%.

So, basically 1/3 of your income. 16,700 per month, so right around 5,500 will come off. You'll be earning a little over 11k (11,300 ok) net per month. That's really good, I take in fractionally over 4k net and that's enough.
DECADA  - | 3  
9 Apr 2009 /  #5
Dear Seanus;

The rent (Include electricity,water and others)
Of one bedroom apartment in good area of Warsaw? ($)

Thanks for the info.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Apr 2009 /  #6
Maybe 1500zł so around $450. Maybe even more but you should be able to pick up a good 1-bedroom place for that. I pay 750zł, around $225 but Gliwice is cheaper and my landlord was generous.
esek  2 | 228  
9 Apr 2009 /  #7
Maybe 1500zł so around $450.

I think it will be closer 2k pln... (good area, new flat)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Apr 2009 /  #8
The good news for you is that, as of 1.1.2009, the rate is down to 32% from 40%.

What a breathtakingly Thatcherite move that is :/
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #9
Perhaps, esek. There has been a dip in prices but I don't think to the tune of 500PLN per place.

Yeah, that was a crafty move but it will entice more people into high-end jobs. Poland has lost many investors due to the crisis and high profile people need some bait to lure them back.

Also, the Tories sneakily raised VAT but people didn't look at that, just the flat rates of income tax. It's 22% in Poland, that's higher than our 17.5% was.
esek  2 | 228  
10 Apr 2009 /  #10
Perhaps, esek. There has been a dip in prices but I don't think to the tune of 500PLN per place.

I pay 1400zl (all bills included) for 22-23 sqr. meters in center of Warsaw (300 meters to metro station). It's in old building (late 70's), flat standard is neither low or high... somewhere in between. I must say it was good deal, all other flats in Warsaw center and near metro station were around 1500zl + bills...

Trust me, if you want to rent a flat in Warsaw (nice place, high standard and so on) you are gonna to pay ~2k pln.
pawian  226 | 27539  
10 Apr 2009 /  #11
5000PLN or $5000? If it's the latter, that's close to 17,000PLN at today's exchange rate. That's a really sizeable wage.

I suppose it is annual salary.
10 Apr 2009 /  #12
Sorry I edited my post and it must have been moved to random chat.

I edited because I thought I saw it mentioned <after I wrote my post> that it was a monthly salary.

5000PLN or $5000? If it's the latter, that's close to 17,000PLN at today's exchange rate.

basically 1/3 of your income. 16,700 per month, so right around 5,500 will come off. You'll be earning a little over 11k (11,300 ok) net per month. .

So I wondered what is the average monthly salary in Poland as compared to say UK or USA.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #13
I doubt it. Some people earn much more than 17,000PLN a month. Try quadrupling that amount
10 Apr 2009 /  #14
Some people earn much more than 17,000PLN a month

So if my currency converter is correct then 17,000 PLN equals 3,496.56 GBP (UK english pounds)

Therefore what you are saying Seanus is that some people are earning 17,000PLN X 4 (68000) <monthly> which equals 13,987.17 GBP (UK English pounds)

Is that correct Seanus ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #15
Nope, the conversion was from dollars to PLN, not pounds
10 Apr 2009 /  #16
Yes but if 5000 US dollars equals 17,000 PLN then if I take 17,000 PLN I can convert to UK English pounds ?


I don't understand your reasoning Seanus...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #17
Well, ok, 16,700PLN is $5000 based on a 3.34:1 ratio. Do what calculations you wish with pounds.
10 Apr 2009 /  #18
6,700PLN is $5000 based on a 3.34:1 ratio

Huh ?

All I was trying to ask was what was the average monthly/Annual salary based on the original posters post and your comments.

Lets go back to just using dollars then if it is easier for you. No ratios are required in this simple formula I think :)

Basically you are saying that 5000 USD equates roughly to 17,000 PLN and that is a monthly salary. Then you said that

Some people earn much more than 17,000PLN a month. Try quadrupling that amount

So I did ! So 17,000 X 4 = 68,000 PLN or 5000 USD X 4 = 20,000 USD. And I'm just asking is that a monthly salary that you are referring too rather than an annualised one ?
pawian  226 | 27539  
10 Apr 2009 /  #19
I doubt it. Some people earn much more than 17,000PLN a month. Try quadrupling that amount

Yes, of course.

But I doubt it that an employee who is elligible to receive a monthly salary of 5K$ comes to Polish forum and asks questions of the sort:

I got a job offer from Polish Company.
It is 5000 $ Gross.(Is it good for Poland?)

Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #20
My fiancee knows people (regular clients) who come into her travel agency and get 80,000PLN per MONTH. Maybe less during this crisis.

I find this hard to believe, VERY actually but it's her word. The Poles love their air figures.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
10 Apr 2009 /  #21
who come into her travel agency and get 80,000PLN per MONTH.

I bet if they really earned that much , they wouldnt be telling her
10 Apr 2009 /  #22
Why would you tell someone who worked in a travel agency how much you earn ?

Weird lol !
pawian  226 | 27539  
10 Apr 2009 /  #23
My fiancee knows people (regular clients) who come into her travel agency and get 80,000PLN per MONTH. Maybe less during this crisis.

I find this hard to believe, VERY actually but it's her word. The Poles love their air figures.

Quite possible. But I suppose they are owners-employers, not employees.

Why would you tell someone who worked in a travel agency how much you earn ?

Yes, it is possible that rich people, especially nouveaux riches, do such things.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #24
Lir, beats me but some gits like talking about the big bucks that they make.

They are owners for sure, pawian.
10 Apr 2009 /  #25
Is that 80.000 PLN Monthly then ?

I still don't believe people come into a travel agency and shout out what they earn. In a bank yes, in a bar yes but a travel agency never LOL. Not when you earn that kind of money.
pawian  226 | 27539  
10 Apr 2009 /  #26
They are owners for sure, pawian.

Just found a site where people brag or complain about their earnings. Well, some are near 5000$ a month (after tax etc) so it is OK. I could be wrong before.

I still don't believe people come into a travel agency and shout out what they earn. In a bank yes, in a bar yes but a travel agency never LOL. Not when you earn that kind of money.

Imagine that you visit this agency once a month to arrange a holiday. After a few visits you feel like at home, don`t you?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #27
Sometimes you never know. I hear figures bandied about here and there but some are frankly laughable
10 Apr 2009 /  #28
don`t you?

No ! Not at all.

All I was interested in was what was considered the average monthly or Annual salary in Poland. Seanus came up with some figures but they are not really factual just based on hearsay......

I really wasn't into discussing what someone may have said somewhere or what someone may have been told by someone who may have heard someone bragging about something allegedly at a travel agency.

I'll google thanks :)

Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Apr 2009 /  #29
No, well you won't be interested in the 'official' figures either, some of the most cooked junk there is.
mephias  10 | 296  
10 Apr 2009 /  #30
Is there a standard salary rise in Poland or in Europe generally ? In Turkey We used to suffer from unstable economy and inflation for long period. So % 20 - 30 salary rise was something expected in early 2000's. Now economy in better shape but still there is a annual salary rise around % 5-10 (especially in IT ). Should I expect same in Poland ?

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