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US girl wondering if I can relocate to Poland without help of an employer

Queenvast  2 | 11  
10 Mar 2009 /  #1
I've lived in Poznan 3 years ago for more than a year and I truly enjoyed it. I have close friends there and I have learned to speak Polish. Life is going good for me in the states but I have a desire to go back to Poland. When I was there before I crossed the border every three months and I heard latley that when border patrol notices this trend they are starting to deny re-entrance. From my research it seems I either need to marry or have an employer help with a work permit. I'm not aware of any employers employing americans and I dont want to study. Are there any other ways to get a residency visa??
Ogorki  - | 114  
10 Mar 2009 /  #2
Just out of interest what is it that attracts you to Poland this way?
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
10 Mar 2009 /  #3
I first went on a three week vacation to visit some friends I met through a Humanitarian Aid group. Then I stayed untill my money ran out. Its hard to say what exactly attracts me but I started teaching music to some middle school kids I met there. I established a connection with them. Above the food and culture it would have to be the people and friends that I have connected with in Poland.
nierozumiem  9 | 118  
10 Mar 2009 /  #4
When I was there before I crossed the border every three months and I heard latley that when border patrol notices this trend they are starting to deny re-entrance.

Now that Poland is in the Schengen zone there is no border between Poland and the other member countries, so it is more difficult to prove that you have actually left the country every 90 days, but on the other hand this reduces the chances of you running into trouble. I have heard stories that it is getting tougher for Americans who have been living under the radar in Central Europe for years in places like Prague and Budapest

I'm not aware of any employers employing americans

There are endless threads on this forum about teaching English. If you are a native speaker you will find work and an employer to sponsor you. Maybe for crap pay and conditions, but if you really want to be in Poland you can make it work. Once you have a work permit you can start to look around for better work. It is out there.

I either need to marry or have an employer help with a work permit

If you any parents, grandparents or even great grandparents from Europe you may be eligible for an EU passport. Each country has their own rules, but Poland and Ireland, to name two, are pretty relaxed about it.
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
10 Mar 2009 /  #5
Thanks, nierozumiem!!!!

I do see the threads looking for english teachers but they seem to be for EU members only. I would really work anywhere if they were willing to help provide with a work permit.

Are there any specific employers that are willing to sponsor? Amount of money is not an issue.

Im actually a Puerto Rican-American so Im a spanish mutt whith no connections to spain/Europe.
szymi  - | 6  
10 Mar 2009 /  #6
There are endless threads on this forum about teaching English. If you are a native speaker you will find work and an employer to sponsor you. Maybe for crap pay and conditions, but if you really want to be in Poland you can make it work. Once you have a work permit you can start to look around for better work. It is out there.

Yes, and if you teach English as a private tutor on top of that, you can make some extra cash. I knew an American guy who only did that and was quite well off, at least in Polish standards.
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
10 Mar 2009 /  #7
Like I said it really seems there are looking for EU members only. But I will keep looking.

Yeah .. Im just not saying any jobs.. mybe I have to actually visit again and look around and ask some schools. If any one knows or a school private or what ever that is in need please let me know. Im a real good Teacher, good with kids and adults.
plk123  8 | 4120  
10 Mar 2009 /  #8
I have heard stories that it is getting tougher for Americans who have been living under the radar in Central Europe for years in places like Prague and Budapest

about freaking time.

a Puerto Rican

you may be eligible for passport from Espana . let me talk to mi amigo puertoricano when he returns from spain in about a week. i think this is something he is actually working on right now.
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
11 Mar 2009 /  #9
I have more ties to Taino people than I have to Spain.
Im just trying to find the most legit way to stay in Poland!
nierozumiem  9 | 118  
11 Mar 2009 /  #10
If you, a native English speaker, were to show up in any major Polish city in September, with a CELTA or equivalent, you will have no trouble finding work teaching English. There are some schools that only want native British speakers, but there are certainly enough places that will hire you. However, most schools will not bother with the hassle of a non-EU teacher who isn't even in the country.

You can probably do it without the CELTA, but it will provide that extra assurance that you will find work. You said that you speak Polish, so that is another big bonus. A university degree would be another plus.

Do you speak Spanish as well? There is a very big demand for Spanish conversational speakers and you could make some very decent money on the side giving private lessons.

Start a thread in the "Work and Study in Poland" section looking for schools that hire American teachers. Good Luck.
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
11 Mar 2009 /  #11
Yeah well I just might do that.
dcchris  8 | 432  
11 Mar 2009 /  #12
come here in the late summer and look for schools. you can get hired than you have to apply for permission to stay.
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
12 Mar 2009 /  #13
I guess if its the only other reasonable way...
13 Mar 2009 /  #14
If you any parents, grandparents or even great grandparents from Europe you may be eligible for an EU passport. Each country has their own rules, but Poland and Ireland, to name two, are pretty relaxed about it.

Please, How does this work? 3 of my grandparents were from Poland, but they are no longer living - must I try to find their American Citizenship papers to prove they were Polish? Would that help?
nierozumiem  9 | 118  
13 Mar 2009 /  #15
I'm not of Polish descent and not intimately familiar with the process of obtaining Polish citizenship through grandparents, although I do not that it is possible. I know that there are some historical complications to the matter. For example, your grandparents may have been ethnic Poles, but not necessarily Polish citizens, or they may have departed Poland prior to 1918 when the country of Poland did not exist. So I understand that is general the most difficult part is uncovering the paperwork that proves they were Polish citizens.

There are many discussions regarding this issue in the "Poland Genealogy" section of this forum. You can also try contacting your local Polish consulate in the US.
AnnieRose  - | 11  
19 Mar 2009 /  #16
Thanks. It is going to be mighty hard; Their names were changed by the Ellis Island immigration people. I should try anyway.
vipservice  - | 16  
8 Apr 2009 /  #17

Remember that if you want to lokk for an employer, once you come in Poland you have only 45 days to do this since you can be in Schengen for 90 days and minimum 45 days before the ded line you have to start the process for residence permit an work permit.

Without a work the only way is to get married with a Polsih citizen.
Legally of course since the immigration officer will question both of you.
moe  - | 6  
18 Apr 2009 /  #18
what about if you look for nice guy in poland and merrie him and love him and kidis him that gives you 100% chance to get your visa
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
22 Apr 2009 /  #19
I could I guess... Easier said than done! LOL! When it comes to marriage I look for Love, trust, commitment and Fun! Chance to get visa is not a requirment. By the way I'm still young got lots to do.
5 Jul 2009 /  #20
Hi ,
maybe you should marry european citizen( polish men).
think about it , I could help
e-mail adress capo@op.pl
mr cool  
5 Jul 2009 /  #21
Someone is looking for America citizen too,Polish men are smart,
what,z up baby,just halal at me,
OP Queenvast  2 | 11  
17 Jul 2009 /  #22
Remember that if you want to lokk for an employer, once you come in Poland you have only 45 days to do this since you can be in Schengen for 90 days and minimum 45 days before the ded line you have to start the process for residence permit an work permit.

Thanks for the advice!!!

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