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Becoming a SPANISH teacher in Poland

mikebarrera  1 | 6  
27 Jul 2007 /  #1
Hi I'm Miguel from Mexico. My girlfriend lives in Poland and I want to move there to be with her. I saw a similar post about becoming an English teacher so I decided to ask the same for Spanish. I've never taught but I've always enjoyed sharing my language with foreigners. I even made a small spanish pronounciation guide for them including rules of accentuation.

So, what do I need to become a Spanish teacher in Poland? Any course/certification? Where can I take such courses in Poland? Are there many chances on teaching Spanish? I know English is the most popular laguage all over (for obvious reasons).

Dziekuje, pozdrawiam!
espana  17 | 951  
27 Jul 2007 /  #2
are you sure you can speak castellano?
becouse i cant understand mexicans
first is not spanish ...is castellano
OP mikebarrera  1 | 6  
27 Jul 2007 /  #3
Where are you from little cow and how did you learn Spanish?

shut up vaca de....*censored*

Let him zion, don't interfere with his freedom of speech. Some people find bliss by making such kind of comments. Everybody has the right to be happy.


Anyway... somebody who would be so kind and give me useful information about teaching Spanish in Poland? (or Castellano, just to keep Cow in his lovely state of bliss, I don't want to be the one to ruin it).

27 Jul 2007 /  #4
Teach is not a very good thing to go by here ... is good becouse you can teach without any papers but the pay is low ... I dont know wich courses you must do or place that offers then in Poland but you will find many schools here that offers Spanish and that will not care if is Iberian Spanish or Latin American Spanish and dont listen to this Espana he is not even I native Spanish speaker
OP mikebarrera  1 | 6  
27 Jul 2007 /  #5
Well, I'm still considering teaching Spanish as an option, just to be able to be there eventhough that means I won't earn much.

I'll keep looking for a school, see if I can find one.

Thanks for the info Zion.

Anyone else has any idea?
espana  17 | 951  
28 Jul 2007 /  #6

that better, if you re going to teach ,you should start in the good way
don teach words like ....chingar , naco ,chido,menso, chanfle, wacala, ahorita,chula, chavo, orale ,rajarse,guajolote and much more
this is not castellano at all, (the way your people speak)
becouse then this people come to spain and the spanish dont understand anything
so teach properly!!!
good luck to you in poland
Alicja  - | 44  
28 Jul 2007 /  #7
Mikebarrera, have a look at this site: Although it's for ESL teachers, it can come in handy.
espana  17 | 951  
28 Jul 2007 /  #8
i just have 8 skol and a few cachassa i m sure you know what it it mr zion then i been with alot of people from brazil , they are more friendly than you (they dont call me cabron). well keep having a **** time in poland zion.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Jul 2007 /  #9
Espana he is not even I native Spanish speaker

I think you will find our forum Cow is Spanish! You Idiot!
OP mikebarrera  1 | 6  
28 Jul 2007 /  #10
have a look at this site

Thanks Alicja! I'll check it out

don teach words like ....

Vaca, one thing is that you want everybody to speak with your beloved Castellano, and another thing is to to be ridiculous and think I would teach such words. That's something called common sense Vaca, don't know if you've heard of it.

I'm concious that in Europe they teach your Castellano so I never thought about teaching mexican Spanish. I've always been concious that I have to try to speak like you love so much, with the vosotros thing, the ceceo, the past perfect and all that. Well, at least in class.

I of course never thought of teaching such informal language and that if my students ever ask me about them I know I have to be responsible and tell them that's informal and they should first learn the good things before learning the bad ones. Just like I'm sure spaniards don't teach things like "joder", "gilipollas" or phrases like "me cago en la hostia". Words that although might be normal to any spaniard I don't think they fall in the category of "teachable" language. As I said before: common sense.


this is not castellano at all, (the way your people speak)

Well this sounded a bit derogatory. I wonder if Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra would be happy with the way spaniards speak today, and before you say anything, yeah yeah, he would be even angrier with the way we speak in Latin America, happy?. Or if Shakespeare would be happy with the way british people speak today.



And well, it's a pity you can't understand anybody besides spaniards, or that you are so intolerant to other spanish-speaking people, or that you don't want to understand anybody besides spaniards, that's a small universe you have then. It's like I could only understand americans and not british, australians, irish and all that. Well, I know there should be differences but I mean I would just try and understand them, not start criticising the way the speak and tell them that I can't understand them because of that, that it's their fault I can't understand them. Because that's the way you sound.

Or it's like I would dislike the way the others speak. I was taught in the american way, but I still find the british accent very neat and the irish/scottish accents also great, interesting.

Have you been in contact with Puerto Ricans or Argentinians? Just to mention two other distinctive spanish accents in Latin America. Eventhough they speak differently I don't go and tell them "hey, you shouldn't speak like that", I find it interesting and I enjoy listening to Argentinians :) Look Vaca, nobody speaks a pure language, not even british people speak pure English. All languages are affected by regions and other languages, even in the same country, even in Spain itself.

So I'd say maybe a bit of more tolerance and respect from you to other people's differences would be welcome.

Anyway, I've already spent much energy with you so that's all I will comment on the subject.

Thanks for your good wishes, hope they last after you read this message :)

So again, anybody who has some information about teaching Spanish (Castellano for Vaca) in Poland? Dziekuje!!
espana  17 | 951  
29 Jul 2007 /  #11

well mike . hope you are ok . since you joined this forum i been looking your post and
i found yourself as a very good person. hope in the future you dont found the dark side of europe that is the only thing i m trying to tell you and all the problems that you will found out (hope not), but this is your live and is your choice.

(if i was you........ i go to cancun with your polish girldfriend
i do know how the argentinian , puerto ricans speak (i do speak castellano like the people from venezuela) but in my opinion i dont know why mexicans speak castellano in this way and i found this no nice at all (may be . becouse your country is very near to usa and the castellano is turning to a spainglish , and i do not like that)...but this is my opinion and i m sorry if you found this derogatory.

ones more time if your spanish brother in europe turn their back to you ( and i m not doing this....but they will) what will do others? ..thats my question ,and i wish all the best for the future .

i think is good if somebody remind you that ,,,,,
good luck
30 Jul 2007 /  #12
I work for Microsoft Poland they want I Latin American Spanish speaker if you were I will get you a job right the way

miguelito dont listen to this Vaca Loca you will find many schools that will hire you to teach Spanish Latin American Spanish . but you will need a Visa they will not give it to you otherwise is a Public school for Private you will need to have a Work permit what is hard . I know you dont want to marry but I see no way out for you them Matrimonio Ermano !!! Espana cala te E volver a Candiz tu padre eres del marroco and tu mama Negra

Rule#1of the forum TOS. If you continue to comment to others in Spanish, your account will be suspended. Thank you.
30 Jul 2007 /  #13
you will find many schools that will hire you to teach Spanish

I have to agree ;O)
In my experience of being here in Poland for 7 years now teaching English, when Spanish is taught in private language schools it seems to be very popular. So, I dont think you will have much problems finding a job.
30 Jul 2007 /  #14
ok will wacth my tongue
4 Aug 2007 /  #15
Hola,vi que sos casado con una Polaca,quizas me puedas ayudar.Soy Uruguayo y me case con una polaca,vivimos en EEUU,queremos emigrar para algun pais en EUropa,posiblemente INglaterra.Tengo PAsaporte Uruguayo,que tramite debo seguir para estar habilitado para entrar y trabajar en EUropa ?

He oido en un foro que un colombiano comento que te ponen en el pasaporte algo como "dependiente" de un ciudadano Europeo...sabes algo de esto?

Suerte en lo tuyo y no le des bola al gallego racista,tus respuestas hacia el fueron con mucha categoria.
Saludos y un abrazo.

worry about pronouncing correctly your own language,Spaniards pronounce ""s"" like "Z".....and all of them do it incorrectly.
4 Aug 2007 /  #16
she will have to go to the UK first get a job then you can come and live with her there .
all legal but you better learn English the UK is not like the USA that lot of people Speak Spanish
Jonny  1 | 16  
21 Aug 2007 /  #17
Miguel estamos en la misma situacion, My girlfriend is in England right now, but I want to go to Poland to marry her. I'm currently studying graphic design and I teach spanish as a volunteer. If you got any advice you would like to share with me te lo agradeceria mucho. Como conociste a tu novia?
26 Mar 2009 /  #18
Let's get this thing sorted out. "Castellano" is the Spanish that was spoken in castilla. "Español" is the language that the Hispanic Countries speak. Spanish people from Spain conquered some places throughout their History and spread their language. However, they spread the language spoken in "Spain", not in "Castilla". And not all the conquerers were from Castilla. Therefore, every time that you are referring to "Castellano", you are excluding Spanish from Madrid, Galicia, Extremadura, AndalucĂ­a, Cuba, Panamá, etc. Start using the word "Español" to refer to the language that you speak and that some foreigners want to learn.
espana  17 | 951  
26 Mar 2009 /  #19
spanish Constitucion 1978

El castellano es la lengua española oficial del Estado. Todos los españoles tienen el deber de conocerla y el derecho a usarla.

Castilian (castellano) is the official Spanish language of the state. All Spaniards have the duty to know and the right to use.
mvefa  5 | 591  
12 Aug 2009 /  #20
this is not castellano at all, (the way your people speak)

I thought it was the 360 million latinamericans who made spanish an important language. And most of the people around the world, if they study spanish they study the latin american, cause it is easier, makes more sense, and does not have that irritating ZZZZZ the iberian spanish has.

So more respect to THAT people espana, you are bordering with ignorance.
28 Oct 2009 /  #21
Hi guys! Just let me reply to espana (in spanish) and please accept my apologies if somebody may feel offended by my words.

Vamos a ver paparulo. Y tu, ¿de que pueblo de nuestra "querida" o no tan "querida" España has salido, garrulo? Seguro que sigues en el bar de pueblo jugando al futbolin, tomando cañitas en vasos rallados y aceitunas baratas y con el palillo en la boca, y pegando berridos a las nenas a lo catetazo. Pero que penas das tio. Gentuza como tu no tiene cabida en este forum. No voy a malgastar el tiempo en contarte de mi y mi vida, primero porque no te importa en absoluto y segundo porque tu cortedad mental no te permitiria llegar a entender que hay mundo mas alla de tus queridas fronteras. Para los demas, os comento que tengo la suerte de tener una novia polaca, haber vivido en latinoamerica por un tiempo (Argentina y Peru), vivir con un compañero de piso dominicano y haber viajado bastante (y lo que te rondare morena). De todo se aprende y es realmente bonito ver como nuestra lengua, EL ESPAÑOL, se habla tanto y tan bien fuera de nuestras fronteras y lo mucho que puedes aprender de ella. Seguramente cipoton no te has dado cuenta de lo mal que hablamos español en tu "España querida". Solo compara la forma en que te hablaria un campesino peruano y uno de Granada. Probablemente seas un garrulo nacionalista extremo, acostumbrado a decir castellano en lugar de español. Eso dice mucho de tu mente retrograda, aunque en el fondo me das pena. Dos consejos: viaja y estudia mucho (aunque primero sacate el graduado ok?). I wonder how many languages you are able to speak (and write) properly. As I can see from your writing in English I am pretty sure that your Spanish is rubbish. Maybe you jut have a frustrating life that pushes you to make such a disgusting and xenophobe comments. In that case, I would recomend you to seek for psychological help or maybe to jump off a cliff. Anyway, I am really sorry for this guy my friends. Narrow-minded people do not fit in Forums like this. I encourage everbody to study Spanish as it is a really rich and wideworld spoken language.

Gook luck to everyone.

P.D.: Tu, garrulo, vuelve al pueblo que igual te has dejao el ganao sin encerrar.

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