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Married a Mexican guy in USA - can I Divorce him from Poland?

26 Oct 2008 /  #1
maybe someone can help me? I married Mexican guy in USA this year. we want to divorce. but he is back in Mexico and I am back in Poland. I never said that i am married here in poland and didn't send my marriage certificate to the polish embassy so I think it is just marriage within US. can I apply for divorce from Poland?how can I do it?
gtd  3 | 639  
26 Oct 2008 /  #2
I don't have answers but to clarify for those who might...is he a US citizen or a Mexican citizen that you married in the USA?

Hopefully someone will have the legal and simple (yeah right) way to deal with it but there is no way anyone in Poland would know you were married in the USA unless you told them. In the US there is no central registry of marriage. It is done by County(district) and there are over 3000 of them so it is simply not possible for someone to just "search" and find it unless they know exactly where you were married.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
26 Oct 2008 /  #3
maybe someone can help me? I married Mexican guy in USA this year. we want to divorce

Maybe you should've thought about it before... isnt it?

Why dont you see if you can avoid the divorce?...

Divorce is not a healthy solution.
urszula  1 | 253  
26 Oct 2008 /  #4
can I apply for divorce from Poland?how can I do it?

Are you a US citizen?
It depends what state you were married in. Some divorces can be done over the internet, some you have to stand in court in person.

The annulement would be better but it has to be done under a year.
But if you live in Poland and don't register there as married, no one will know you are.
OP butterfly  
29 Oct 2008 /  #5
Thank you very much for helping me. I am not a US citizen and he is also not. I am currently in Poland.Urszula, do you know which States allow to divorce oer the internet? I would really like to do it as soon as possible so will not have problems to get married someone else in the future. Thank you very much for help!

I read about the annulment also. A year of our marriage will be on February next year. so I think I could still do it. Just even don't know how to start.
Krakowianka  1 | 243  
29 Oct 2008 /  #6
Some divorces can be done over the internet

I have never heard of any. I always heard it must be done in court, or someone as your representative (if you dont come) like an attorney.
29 Oct 2008 /  #7
Maybe you should've thought about it before... isnt it?

Why dont you see if you can avoid the divorce?...

Divorce is not a healthy solution

sometimes it's the best for the person...

yes, give her hard time... typical "Catholic Pole" attitude...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
29 Oct 2008 /  #8
The annulement would be better but it has to be done under a year.

You have to be present in the country to apply for this - divorce is her only choice, unless she goes back to the US.

For a divorce she will just need to show her marriage cert to her solicitor and he /she can start the proceedings - citing the grounds for divorce etc. (would recommend speaking to ex before hand to agree on best option) - just because she didn't register her marriage in Poland doesn't make her a single woman.

I imagine there are no children or property involved so it wont take too long and it wont be too expensive.

do it as soon as possible so will not have problems to get married someone else in the future.

Think long and hard next time sweety :)
29 Oct 2008 /  #9
she will just need to show her marriage cert to her solicitor

how about a marriage decree?

just because she didn't register her marriage in Poland doesn't make her a single woman.

true.... but there is no paper work in PL if she didn't register this there...
Svenski  1 | 159  
29 Oct 2008 /  #10
check this site out.. there are many more out there online.. (this info is based on the assumption that you have residency in the USA but you may get some tips on how to get an online divorce)

dcchris  8 | 432  
29 Oct 2008 /  #11
you could be a female polygamist why should only the men have all the fun?!
OP butterfly  
10 Nov 2008 /  #12
I just found out that I don't need to be present,so can apply and send the divorce papers by post:) and don't need to be present in court.uff. I will try to prepare everything till the end of a year :) thank you for help:)
gtd  3 | 639  
10 Nov 2008 /  #13
Maybe you could post exactly the steps you have to take for the next person who has the question?

A title of "Divorce in Poland from Abroad" might fit.
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
14 Nov 2008 /  #14
lol what did you see in him lol!! this sux did he promis you a world and gave you Mexico lol this is a hard thing to explain so I will try. If you are not maried in churh then it's good because you could just walk away from it and start a new life in POLAND. If he and you wore illigle imigrants then you are not legaly maried.
OP butterfly  
15 Nov 2008 /  #15
really? we were both illigle imigrants. how can I proof we are not legaly married?is i a thruth? the marriage is not legal when you illegal in the country? how about the people getting married to get papers and stay in Us?
mafketis  38 | 11170  
15 Nov 2008 /  #16
AFAIK if you're married you're married and immigration status has nothing to do with it.
On the other hand, immigration officials can decide the marriage isn't grounds to stay in the US.
It's best to not try to take the easy way out and to assume you're married until you've gotten the divorce.

If you're tempted to try to pretend it never happened you're giving him a lot of power to show up where and when you least expect it to make your life miserable.

Do what it takes to resolve things legally and following the rules.

we were both illigle imigrants.

Let me guess, each one thought the other was legal?

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