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Day before Schegen:Canada finds Polish passport, US deports,cut from home

2 Dec 2007 /  #1
Dear Sir or Madame,

Attached is a copy of a sketch to my article in Polish
or Polony Press which may
be interested to you:

On June 8 of this year I was driving with my own car
from Logan (near Salt Lake City)
in the States of Utah where I live (I was planning to
fill the immigrant petition to the INS
after the employment visa H1B, even if I would have to
leave the United States to legalize
the status - currently I was on B1 visa)
to Calgary in Canada in the province Alberta .
I got to the border crossing in Coutts/Sweet Grass in
the state of Montana , one
of very few where the Canadian and the American side
share the same office building.
First the immigration officers of the Canada forbid me
the entry on Canadian territory
because I had no valid Canadian visa (I was no
worrying neither about Canadian or
American visa because the Polish press reported (Nowy
Dziennik about 25th of March)
that Poland is a VWP country (Visa Waiver Program i.e
without visas like the rest of
the European Union)
since the February, so it is also not subjected to
issuing visas by Canada.
My tourist-business visa expired only 9 months before
this date (my detention).
The Canadian side returned me to the American side
when I was ordered
to wait 5 hours for the immigration officers superior
in confinement.
After a few hours the immigration officer arrested me
according to the article 236
(I remained silence)
of the Immigration and the Naturalization Act a I was
transported to the arrest in Shelby ,
and after tree days to the arrest in Boulder near
Helena in the State of Montana.
Next, with the combination of busses and federal
planes I was transported to the
immigration court in Florence in the State of Arizona

On June 25 the I have asked the immigration judge for
the voluntary departure
from the USA and on July 27 I was taken to the cargo
airport in Santa Ana in the
State of California , from where the KLM plane took me
to Amsterdam .

I do not understand the aggressiveness of United
States immigration services
against my person i.e. my arrest by the United States
during the DEPARTURE
(to underline) from the Unites States and while
driving my own car and during the legalization
of acts allowing illegal immigrants remaining in the
Membership of the Republic of Poland in the European
Union and
lack of any other Nations of the European Union
in deportation arrests of the USA , also the fact of
having the house in the US
and the way I was traveling - I was cut from home and
my property in the
Unites States while traveling for one day to Canada
"out of my bed"
Iand I found myself after two months of arrest cut
from my home at Okecie airport.

I am educated as scientist (and of world fame), I have
never worked illegally in the United
States neither outside my profession.
I got to the USA on F-1 visa and later worked on H1B
visa and frequently
traveled on B1/B2 visa.

In 1991 I graduated Warsaw University of Technology
and next after sending about
25000 letters to all universities on the world and
passing the American maturita GRE and TOELF I managed
to get to study (PhD i.e. doctorate) in the University
of Rochester
in the State of New York.
In the USA I found myself really because of poverty
and by an accident, because
I was also accepted to the University of Lancaster in
the UK, but because of the
lack of the Republic of Poland membership in the
European Union I was requested
tuition fees which I was able to avoid in the USA .
Despite of the fact that I am traveling on Polish
Passport I have also the citizenship
of the Federal Republic of Germany and the second
place of residence in Germany.

In the arrest of the immigration court in Florence I
was the only one of two Polish
citizens for about 200-500 Latinos per day arrested
for crossing the Mexican
border so called "on black" which obviously increases
my misunderstanding
of the whole situation.

I will provide you with any other information like
copies of the deportation documents or
the satellite photos of objects where I was kept if
they are useful.

Maciej (Matt) Kalinski
postie  7 | 112  
2 Dec 2007 /  #2
My tourist-business visa expired only 9 months before
this date

Looks like you over-stayed your visa.... and they had a right to expel you from the US.

Though why you'd post this in the UK section of PF is a bit of a mystery...
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
2 Dec 2007 /  #3
This guy needs to talk to a Doctor.
Michal  - | 1865  
2 Dec 2007 /  #4
I feel sorry for and what you have been through. It always seems strange to me and unfair as the whole united states is crawling with illegal workers and it is a matter of 'no questions asked'. However, it also seems to me that the Poles seem to think that E.U. memberships is a free passport to do whatever they like, whenever and however. Poland is an Eastern European country with its ties to the former Soviet Union not with the English speaking World. Sorry, but that is my view for whatever its worth!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Dec 2007 /  #5

That story and the letter get you deported by default. What a bunch of garbage.

Matt, PhD candidates are expected to display above average intelligence.
How you managed to get to even an undergraduate school is a mystery to me.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
2 Dec 2007 /  #6
In 1991 I graduated Warsaw University of Technology

Good for you, though I think you may have missed the odd Geography lecture.......
z_darius  14 | 3960  
2 Dec 2007 /  #7
Poland is an Eastern European country with its ties to the former Soviet Union not with the English speaking World

Could you stop smoking crack at least on Sundays?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
2 Dec 2007 /  #8
unfair as the whole united states is crawling with illegal workers

yes,but even the least educated "wetback" from central america knows you dont then try to cross international borders...........
OP Matt1  
2 Dec 2007 /  #9
No you dont understand. Maybe my text is not clear in English becouse I
wrote it in Polish first then translated. Not written directly.
I was leaving to Canada. US does not have to let me reenter if the dont.
Some Polish daily (I think Dagmara Babiarz in Nowy Dziennik) wrote Poland
is VWP so Canada would open. I am really German so dont know this thinks so well.
I posted in Britain, some time lived at Tooting, Lodon, maybe some friends
are still there.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
2 Dec 2007 /  #10
Sorry, I'm a little confused here (still a bit of a heavy head after a few beers last night), what do you hope to achieve by posting this on multiple sections of this forum?
OP Matt1  
2 Dec 2007 /  #11
No I am really smart. First tried to get to Canada without inspection not being
fully sure if Polish pass is VWP (through Del Bonita o junction 444 to 243).
I even left my car idling and walked in to Canada for fun.
Was tired and assumed the main Crossing in Coutts is closed.
Only looks closed. Opens on semi-alarm mode if you try.

Sorry the essential. The crossing is not inspected at night (in Del Bonita) but
some idiot put a small gate there with a lock - some 70 cm above the ground.
You can only make walking or on bike.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Dec 2007 /  #12
I am really German

So what are you doing here ? Go away.
OP Matt1  
2 Dec 2007 /  #13
American way of seen media

Sorry, I alnly wanted to be friendly. happened to me because of Polish
passport. Its interested for me you can get in concentration camp being EU
citizen for PhD.

This is to LondonCHick: Simply American way of seeing media.
Once is never enough

No still have this right under 245(i) even if I was out of status.
Had Labour Condition Application filled on dates.
This justice or this people in Coutts are mentally ill or sth.
Dice  15 | 452  
2 Dec 2007 /  #14
I can't understand one word he is saying.
So he overstayed his visa and got deported. Good. For once the INS did what they are supposed to do.

But why has he posted 16 copies of the same message all over the PF?
OP Matt1  
2 Dec 2007 /  #15
No I just want this facts in all newspapers. Only the facts as I wrote. So 16

I already wrote to all Polish. Only one replied. There is some milion illegals
of Poland in the US according to standard concentration of all Polish 1/10 and all
illegals are 10 mln.
They could buy this newspapers no ?

To Michal: Ritt Goldstein, the US citizen once asked for political asylum
in Sweden. They appeared communists to me because of slavery labor
in Swedish military, but they also grant Nobel.
Its difficult to tell about nowadays Poland in EU.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
2 Dec 2007 /  #16
Hello Matt...If you fill in form567/45tg36457/987 and post this to your grandmother , she can then paste down the corner of the document untill the word maudlin is almost completly covered...Using the code word lemon curry you can then phone mr Winston rupert at the small wool shop in the square , and order form t5678/345h and this can be used to make a small paper aeroplane , which when covered wih mouse fur will get you across the border...You will not be allowed to take a car over the border , if you want to do this you will have to be accompanied by an inflatable thingy , and be able to recite the Chinese alphabet whilst drinking a cup of prune juice...I hope this is pretty clear to you , if not i can post it 16 times on this forum , which will help no end....
OP Matt1  
2 Dec 2007 /  #17
Sorry, I'm a little confused here (still a bit of a heavy head after a few beers last night), what do you hope to achieve by posting this on multiple sections of this forum?

I am just from Tooting Bec London, before go to America. Just this.

Oh Jesus, the Professors salary in 91 was some 5-20 US dollars month.
You should take economy.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
3 Dec 2007 /  #18
I am just from Tooting Bec London, before go to America. Just this.

Oh its all so clear now.........??????
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
3 Dec 2007 /  #19
You should take economy.

plk123  8 | 4119  
3 Dec 2007 /  #20
I can't understand one word he is saying.
So he overstayed his visa and got deported. Good. For once the INS did what they are supposed to do.

he'sa just speaking over your head as he's got him one of them PHD thingies. lol

and yeah, finally HSA (INS) did it's job. yaaay! :D
OP Matt1  
29 Dec 2007 /  #21
Could you stop smoking crack at least on Sundays?

I only mean United States cannot ask me a question

Are you citizen of ... ? When on its soil. For any reason, even if deny
to leave by third party. I remained silence, later anwered sth after torture.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Dec 2007 /  #22
geesiskrist, they let you out again, huh?

Must have been the Christmas spirit.
Merry Christmass and a happy 2008, and always remember to have your visas in order ;)
Maat  - | 21  
5 Jan 2008 /  #23
and if you dont than dont try to cross any borders, dumbest ting i heard in a while, if you know your visa expired and you r in usa illegally than wtf you were trying to achive crossing canadian border? and as far as i know canadians let americans go in and out without visas according to some agreements [it works both sides btw] but your not a us citizen, and what you read in newspaper somewhere not being shure about it... nc... btw immigration did it job, we should have a holiday or something, considering that when i was in nyc i saw more illigal ppl than legal they could do better throu...
OP Matt1  
29 May 2008 /  #24
I dont realy know my citizenship. I only lied to the justice on what
documents they found with me to get out
this military US to Europe. You have some basic understanding that
US professors (US citizens or not ) should not be put to concetration camps
like in nazi Germany even if Bin Laden bombs the NY. Specially 40-60 years old fat unfit etc. Immigation court in Arizona has elements of draft. There are tanks and your march when going to eat. This already may threaten Mexican there.

Also some surrounding building are green painted.
We Polish-German-Mexicans have this "no foreign soldier" no ?
mafketis  38 | 11197  
29 May 2008 /  #25
I'm sure it's all been unpleaant for you. But, honestly, it's all your own fault and nobody else's.

1. Trying to cross a third international border with an expired visa is .... not smart.

2. Doing so on the basis of a newspaper article (without checking with the relevant embassies/consulates) is ... not smart.

3. VWP's are not for people to go anywhere they please for any length of time. The Canadian officials already had strong evidence that you don't think visa laws apply to you and that you feel free to overstay your visa. They were absolutely right to refuse entry and to turn you over to US Immigration.

4. Polish membership in the EU and Schengen have _nothing_ to do US and Canadian visa/border crossing protocals.

5. This was a lesson. An unpleasant, expensive lesson but one that you very much need to learn. But rather than learn from it, you're writing a lot of irrelevant nonsense that display no understanding of how you ended up where you did.

Conclusion: Based entirely upon what you yourself have written here, you brought this entirely upon yourself through not paying attention to rules and foolish carelessness.

In Poland no one cares about following rules and everybody thinks they're an exceptional case. In English speaking countries, following the rules is a very important cultural value (which you have not yet learned) and claiming to be a special case gets you nowhere (which you have not yet learned).
OP Matt1  
29 May 2008 /  #26
I am not quite getting you. While your visa expires like H1b or F1 why you would follow any rules if you have no right to work.

I never worked illigaly in the US. The jobs you can find while being
illigal are **** for slaves like building houses, restaurants or cutting meat or
do with chicken.
They pay low 1000 and less dollars a months. I always made at
least 10000 a months. I have PhD.
No illigal imigrants ever followed any rules.
There is 10 mln illigal immigrants so 10 % of North America. You mean they
all dont speak English or so. And I dont no what is aussweis in America while
you are illigal and EU there. What if you dont want to drive ?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 May 2008 /  #27
for slaves like building houses, restaurants or cutting meat or
do with chicken.

So you live in houses, and eat food made by slaves?

They pay low 1000 and less dollars a months. I always made at

This is what I paid weekly to construction workers in late 80's.

I have PhD.

And yet you are more stupid than allowed by law and tried to cross international borders without proper travel documents, based on an article in a newspaper.
OP Matt1  
29 May 2008 /  #28
I already wrote before. I tried to cross without inspection in Del Bonita sinc
do not fully trust press.
The crossing there is closed at night for inspection but your car has
to fly because its locked with some 70cm gate.
I had no time tried it again in Coutts when it is open and got caught.
You can go there and check it under freedom of information.
My car is still there. The number is 207 MRM Silver Taurus 92.
mafketis  38 | 11197  
29 May 2008 /  #29
What you don't seem to understand.

Once your visa expires and you haven't left the country, you're breaking the law. When the authorities find you, they will deport you.

The fact that you have a phd is completely irrelevant.

The fact that you weren't working illegally is completely irrelevant.

The fact that other illegal aliens aren't caught is completely irrelevant.

There is only _one_ relevant fact. Your visa was expired. That made you an illegal alien, eligible for immediate deportation when found. If you didn't know that before, then you know that now.
OP Matt1  
29 May 2008 /  #30
Mann I was living the country when I was arrested. Del Bonita is on Canadian

O Jee this whole looks like US was simply trying to stop me to live
the country to Canada to draft me to US army.
Im +15 after SSS and foreigner.

I already told you. Infiltrating communist state institutiona when young
and having like Princeton PhD am sort of Condolessa Reiss by education
and experience. Arresting me by the US while trying to live to CANADA
you understand to CANADA with my own motor vehicle without a
clear hope to come back looks simply to my as attemped of draft
through immigration by both sides. **** Clear ?
Usually send you notice to apear to home address which they have ftom the
licence plates. I would never apear simply left.

Archives - 2005-2009 / USA, Canada / Day before Schegen:Canada finds Polish passport, US deports,cut from homeArchived