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Why Americans of Polish orgin do not exist in the USA politics?

Ironside  50 | 13046  
21 Jun 2009 /  #1
There are is about 10 millions people in the USA who claim their Polish origin.
Why in American politic they failed to do some impact, and I'm not talking about one or two Congressmen or Senators.
Where is Polish-American lobby or at last some political or other force visible on the USA scene?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
21 Jun 2009 /  #2

Theres a congress which has served for 62 years..

not to mention the Polish National alliance , everyone here knows about it
my grandmother was a member it was started in 1880.



one more to add
OP Ironside  50 | 13046  
21 Jun 2009 /  #3
Are those organizations visible ?
And what influence do they have?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jun 2009 /  #4
Maybe Polish Americans see through all the political hypocrisy, lies and outrageous pie-in-the-sky promises which no one ever intended to keep in the first place, so they want no part of it. Many see all politcians as crooks, careerists and opportunists who are in it only for themselves, their personal careers and fortunes and family interests, despite all the pious platitudes about wanting to serve the people, etc., etc.

I have found a similar attitude in Poland. Since the Polish political iscene is so petty, malicious and ridiculous, many people (esp. the young) turn their nack on politics. One thing that has stuck in my mind was the terse saying of one Polish 20-some-year-old: "Młodzież s-a na politykę!" (Young people don't fancy politics -- to put it mildly).
sledz  23 | 2247  
23 Jun 2009 /  #5
Maybe Polish Americans see through all the political hypocrisy, lies and outrageous pie-in-the-sky promises

Or maybe Americans dont want any more idiots like
Dan Rostenkowski or Roman Pucinski anymore?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
23 Jun 2009 /  #6
From what I understand politics is a "career" in the US. I have watched a documentary on it and I think that Poles just don't have the tradition nor the skills to par it up with other political wizzards. Is is possible that Poles in general are happy with non-political achievements in the US?
23 Jun 2009 /  #7
I think you overlooked. There are lot of Polish Politicians serving their states or Washington, D.C. Where have you been? Party Huh!

I think Polish Politicians are keeping low profiles for security reason. Maybe.

I think you should look up Internets of your states and you will find them.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
24 Jun 2009 /  #8
Are those organizations visible ?

heres one example. pacmi.org/history.htm

1944 - 2004

Organization of the Polish American Congress at the May 28-30,1994 Convention in Buffalo, N.Y. was a significant, proud achievement for U.S. Polonia. Initiated by the combined leadership of the POLISH NATIONAL ALLIANCE, POLISH ROMAN CATHOLIC UNION, POLISH WOMEN'S ALLIANCE, and the NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF AMERICANS OF POLISH HERITAGE, it united diverse (frequently rival) groups in a common cause. Registered delegates numbering 2,257 included representatives of fraternal organizations, clubs, business groups, professional, cultural and educational institutions, religious orders, and clergy. Also present were over 5,000 registered guests. Michigan was represented by 323 delegates, including 21 Roman Catholic priests, 3 Polish National Catholic priests, and 132 women (2 of them nuns).
OP Ironside  50 | 13046  
24 Jun 2009 /  #9
Where have you been? Party Huh!


heres one example.

Well, yes I know about some of it you have presented above but overall influence Polish-American organizations on USA government is nonexistent.
In fact only time when politicians are courting said organizations are before elections, the American-Poles and they organizations are not strong and are not constant force in the American politics - wounder why?

They are only reckon with as the reservoirs of voters and votes - whiteout considerations for closed cooperation between Polish-American lobby and USA government - I wounder if such lobby exist or maybe is so weak that its influence amount to zero?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
25 Jun 2009 /  #10
[quote=Ironside] I wounder if such lobby exist or maybe is so weak that its influence amount to zero?

why all the sudden do you feel such interest in Polish-American influence?

does Poland have such influence on the rest of europe? is polands influence weak
and amount to zero because it sits in the middle of europe?

as for the political scene, what types of influence would you like to see ironside?


I dont believe we have zero, its a combination of influence, it cant be from one
country since we have so many people from different nations living here and mixed
families with multiple ethnic background.

Theres really not a huge need to have huge influence ( when it comes to us)
because anything said should be something that benefits the whole country
not just the polish americans..
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
25 Jun 2009 /  #11
10 millions people in the USA who claim their Polish origin

But most of these people are X-th generation Americans...
George8600  10 | 630  
25 Jun 2009 /  #12
I have taken government courses in college and there's two alleged reasons. One being that if their immigrants then they can't run for Senate or any other higher position. If they are catholic they cannot run for the executive branch or the judicial branch because they fear that actions made will be based indirectly from the Pope and not individualist. Same goes for any other religion which which has such a system, Including Islam, Muslim, Judaism, etc. Nonetheless, with the fewer than 10 million Polish Americans there are quite a few in the legislative branch being a few in the house of reps, running a governors, mayors, and mostly in state governments. Also, one should consider, that the vast majority of American Politics is run just by those, Americans. 94% of those in American Government claim to be full Americans having had many generations here, regardless of their ethnicity.
4 Jul 2009 /  #13
most of jewish politicians in USA come from Poland before and after the war . If you consider "Polish origin " as being catholic and racist than surely there is shortage for quite simple reason
4 Jul 2009 /  #14
"Młodzież s-a na politykę!" (Young people don't fancy politics -- to put it mildly).

very mildly ;)

Same here in the UK. Despite the fact that it is possible that one person in sixty in the UK is now of Polish origin/descent, I couldn't name a single Polish MP, if indeed there are any. Let's face it, we just don't trust politicians or the political system, and I think that's one of the main reasons why we don't want to go into politics.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
4 Jul 2009 /  #15
Why Americans of Polish orgin do not exist in the USA politics?

Do not exist?

A Pole is an architect of some of the most hated policies and directions of the US presidents in the last 30 years.

And then, there are a few dozen lesser politicians of Polish descent. Now, my question is, why is it that people ask stupid questions before researching the topic on even a very rudimentary level? It's all out there. All it takes is a few clicks.
OP Ironside  50 | 13046  
6 Jul 2009 /  #16
why all the sudden do you feel such interest in Polish-American influence?

Do you know me ? No:)
Its not the sudden interest ....I have my opinion on the subject but I would like to listen to others people opinions, thats what are the Internet forums for!

as for the political scene, what types of influence would you like to see ironside?

Type which is successful:)

Now, my question is, why is it that people ask stupid questions before researching the topic on even a very rudimentary level? It's all out there. All it takes is a few clicks.

Thats a very good question. I got another for you - why are you reading only subject of the thread?
If you did read it you would know what it is all about!!
your welcome :)
George8600  10 | 630  
8 Jul 2009 /  #17
most of jewish politicians in USA come from Poland before and after the war . If you consider "Polish origin " as being catholic and racist than surely there is shortage for quite simple reason

Most Jewish people in Poland were exterminated under Hitler's evil rule.
researchas  - | 23  
13 Jul 2009 /  #18
Yes thats surprising that a population of 10 million does not have much say in american politics, what could be the reason? But why chinese and indians have a say in politics there though they are much lesser than the people of polish origin?
13 Jul 2009 /  #19
But why chinese and indians have a say in politics there though they are much lesser than the people of polish origin?

Yeah, I wonder why China & India people always have say about our politics. Why don't they have their says in their countries.

To live in China & India is worst place and their customs is very strange. Which I don't like.

These people living in our county are wonderful people to be with. They get used to our cultures and deal with it well.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Jul 2009 /  #20
Just give Brzezinski a call and he'll put the Polish case forward ;) ;)
scrappleton  - | 829  
13 Jul 2009 /  #21
Yeah, I wonder why China & India people always have say about our politics

There aren't any Chinese or Indian politicians in the US. Except the Indian kid that got elected gov of Lousianna (after he magically converted to Catholicism).

Just give Brzezinski a call

I don't know why everybody gives him such a hard time. He's has a fine mind. He's a russphobe maybe a little too much but other than that he's an asset. People who paint him as some evil wizard behind a curtain or something are clowns.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Jul 2009 /  #22
Well, he had a past in Afghanistan but he was just anti-Soviet.

Latterly, he has spoken out against the Bush administration and also exposed the nonsense put out by the American media that Arafat walked away from a good deal. He did no such thing.

Zbig new is how Frost pronounces his name.
scrappleton  - | 829  
13 Jul 2009 /  #23
Well, he had a past in Afghanistan but he was just anti-Soviet.

Hey he was right about both Gulf Wars and he's sure as hell right about Israel and that goddamn AIPAC. Luckily, he's starting to be interviewed a lot more over here.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Jul 2009 /  #24
Spreading the word is so important. He has occupied high positions and has had access to a lot of key info.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
13 Jul 2009 /  #25
There aren't any Chinese or Indian politicians in the US. Except the Indian kid that got elected gov of Lousianna (after he magically converted to Catholicism).

It's because they know they don't have to run for office to influence policy. They are smart enough to know all that's needed is impeccable lobbying skills.
researchas  - | 23  
17 Jul 2009 /  #26
Well people from both these countries are successful as they have more senators and governors than the polish population of 10 million . Remember asian population is just 3% in the US . So if you look at that pattern, polish origin people should be more successful as they been there for long time and the count is higher. It was in the later part of the century when people from both the countries started coming to US. So I think the achievments of polish population is lesser than the asians. Philipino nurses and dentists in usa are very successful and quite sought after. There poles cannot give a ****, hey you are not white and european. Mind it poles have a serious attitude problem.Thats US. They want the best.
OP Ironside  50 | 13046  
19 Jul 2009 /  #27
Answer to above question is very simple>
Americans of Polish origin are Americans only and any sentiment that they may have to country of ancestors is superficial and secondary.
That is the reason there is no lobby of force strong and influential enough to make a substantial impact on the USA policy towards Poland.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
18 Sep 2009 /  #28
My granddad is probably going to rail on me if he finds out that I ever said this (and he hates me, anyway, long story short; but that's just the kind of person that he is, which is his problem and another long story short. Anyway, I'm crossing my fingers that my granddad doesn't ever find this post.). My granddad was one of three IRS agents who served tax papers to Nixon in light of Nixon's tax scandal and Watergate. Of course, my granddad is a stereotypical, self-hating Jewish Democrat.

His dad was a Jewish-Polish Russian who immigrated to the United States when he was three and settled in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. His mom was a Slovakian-American gentile who was born to Slovakian immigrants in Luzerne County; and they all came from blue-collar, working-class familes. So, he bought into the conventional "wisdom", "Okay; I'm supposed to be a Democrat." However, he sure didn't rally for the working-class or Jewish Democrats (or especially Republicans of any sort). Of course, he still won't admit our Jewish heritage; and clammed up about his role in Watergate until I found out what it was via an e-mail that I received that hinted at it. I confronted him on both of those things, among other things.

I think that (and this is why I use my granddad as an example of Polish and Polish-American people in United States politics) with people like my granddad (who seems to, in one way or another, exemplify self-hating Jews and the bad side of the IRS), there'll be Polish and Polish-American people (especially Ashkenazic Jewish-American) people who'll step back and go:

- These are the kinds of people representing the "good, ol' Polacks"? Oy vey iz meir: I can see why "Polack" jokes and jokes about politicians continue to get spread around.

- Thanks, but we already have people like John Kerry and George Soros [John Kerry being a Jewish-Austrian American, and Gyorgy "George Soros" Schwartz being a self-hating Jewish Hungarian (See the Jewish World Review article on George Soros.)] representing us; and we don't want to be lumped in with anti-Israel, anti-republican, anti-Christian people.

- So, we're expected to vote for people who don't mind haranguing Nixon and Bush, whether or not they actually made mistakes and did stupid things; but we give deliberately-lawless, socialist, and hypocritical people like Barack Obama a pass? Is that the good, Polish Catholic thing to do? Is that the good Jewish thing to do?

- So, Hank Paulson and the rest of the Bush Department of the Treasury and Federal Reserve spent money "like a bunch of drunken sailors". Great [saracastically]: here go the questions. " 'Drunken'? That reminds me of those ____ Polacks who drink all the time- not to mention the rest of the Slavs, and especially those Jews who came over here." "'Jews'? You mean the ones with all the money, anyway? It's no wonder that even the Poles came up with the term 'k___'."

There are still a number of people who hate Polish, Jewish, and Jewish-Polish people and/or their descendants; and when you have Polish and Jewish people who represent or worsen the stereotypes about themselves, even the stereotypical WASP politician will get a pass compared to what the Polish and Jewish communities will get should they try to run even a candidate who would challenge the "Polack" and other stereotypes.
plk123  8 | 4119  
18 Sep 2009 /  #29
Why Americans of Polish orgin do not exist in the USA politics?

all have been busted for improprieties..
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
18 Sep 2009 /  #30
Not necessarily. My granddad's still walking free. If anyone needs a heckling from the likes of Ann Coulter, it'd be him. Then again, Ann Coulter would still end up looking bad, and she doesn't have pure motives, anyway. Besides, if "Jews need to be perfected", I wonder what Polish and Jewish-Polish people need to be, according to Ann Coulter.

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