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randompal  7 | 306  
4 Jun 2008 /  #31
US population is now largely educated(70% have college degrees)

not meaning to be nit-picky but where did you get this statistic? According to the US Census the percentage of Americans with a Bachelors degree or higher is about 27%
southern  73 | 7059  
4 Jun 2008 /  #32
According to the US Census the percentage of Americans with a Bachelors degree or higher is about 27%

Sorry,65-70% is the percentage which enters college after finishing high school.Of them more than half drop out and so 29% get a college degree.

Anyway I tried to point out that Obama has the advantage of appealing to
1.The low IQ,uneducated black population because he is coloured
2.The low IQ,uneducated latino population because he is coloured
3.The higher IQ,white population because he has higher IQ than average and passes as intellectual.

So the black or latino person do not see what he says,they see the black,charming guy.
The white person sees the intellectual guy,he ignores his appearance.

If I were Mc Cain,I would turn the black audience attention to what he says and the white audience attention to his appearance.For example aggressive,assertive,monolithic,autistic etc judging from appearance,while elitist,arrogant,out of touch judging by what he says.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
4 Jun 2008 /  #33
It's the TV that I don't watch much of. I watch the debates and speeches. McCain has been right beside Bush during the "crusade on trerror" and stands by his policies. He also has the motive to again disrupt the middle east and find every way possible to wage war against Iran. "the most dangerous regime"....right. They will both continue neglect our relations with other powerful countries (CH-RU)to focus on a small desert wasteland which has little hope of becomming entirely democratic.
southern  73 | 7059  
4 Jun 2008 /  #34
to focus on a small desert wasteland which has little hope of becomming entirely democratic.

Obama regards Iran the no1 danger as well,however he says he will use direct diplomacy,Kennedy style.
So Mc Cain-keep the troops in Iraq till 2013,touch against Iran,war not excluded
Obama-removal of the troops from Iraq,direct diplomacy to Iran
Clinton-removal of the troops from Iraq according to army suggestions,diplomacy to Iran according to international PR experts suggestions.
janekb  - | 57  
5 Jun 2008 /  #35
I am sorry for you fellows, but until you will have a real choice I will not participate in this farce. Participation itself legitimizes the process. Distinction without the difference is what describes your parties and consquently candidates. US population is by design kept politically ignorant. Someone here was writing about college education: American colleges produce skilled workers and not intelectuals, thats what trade schools in other countries are for. It does not matter how many years of schooling they have they still end up to be intellectually undeveloped. I was once involved (1978) in selling a quite complicated processing machine to the US, machine operated in Europe by high school graduate required college degreed American operator. You fellows are working too hard and too many hours, being too tired to think it dulls your wits. Surprisingly there are some in the US who still use their noodles, Chomsky for one, his existance seems to be a secret.
Crow  154 | 9558  
5 Jun 2008 /  #36
McCain`s w**** in visit to Thaci (one of KLA leaders and key leader of Albanian separatist movement on Serbian Kosovo-Metohija), months ago

This is how USA makes their new alliances- with worse muslim terrorists and, destruct old alliances- with decent Christian Serbs

Down with USA! Russia and Poland are far batter!

I look forward in Slavic Alliance. Soon, it`ll be only option
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2008 /  #37
McCain`s w**** in visit to Thaci

Maybe they discussed her needs for organ transplantation.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
5 Jun 2008 /  #38
since Brzezinski is way high up in the Obama camp i'd say it's almost a certainty that some genuinely shady stuff is around the corner involving most every aspect of Obama's future presidency, unless Hillary actually let something slip about an assassination.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
5 Jun 2008 /  #39
Regardless of who you're talking too, foreign relations still need to take place. Do you know the context of the meeting? Down where with USA? We're coming for you again ;)
Crow  154 | 9558  
5 Jun 2008 /  #40
Down where with USA?

i don`t give a sh*** where. Slavs should return from USA or at least prepare plan `B`

before you ask... Plan `B` is plan in case that USA collapse and consider that you prepare reserve destination (dislocation) for yourself and your family. Plan `B` goes in order to avoid Mad Max scenario of your family ;)

So, advice. Americans of Slavic origin should stay in contact with their original identity and countries. Remember, plan `B` is something what you must have. USA is evil state and has too many enemies. Collapse of USA is inevitable
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Jun 2008 /  #41
Slavic Alliance

The NuSSR will crush everyone.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
5 Jun 2008 /  #42
But you didn't answer my question. How can we practice foreign relations without meeting with people?

Why live in the past anyway Crow? It seems like you've made a home for yourself here.

Americans of Slavic origin should stay in contact with their original identity

These are still Americans regardless. Down with the USA will mean down with all of the slavs here too? Why the violent thoughts brotha?
Crow  154 | 9558  
5 Jun 2008 /  #43
These are still Americans regardless. Down with the USA will mean down with all of the slavs here too? Why the violent thoughts brotha?

i don`t know. You tell me. What would you if USA, Germany (so called west) support thesis that Protestant and Orthodox Poles aren`t Poles but that only Catholic Poles are Poles?

What would you if so called west ethnicaly cleansed Catholic Poles from regions where live `former` Poles (Orthodox and Protestant)? What would you if THEY then support thesis that language of `former` Poles- Protestant and Orthodox isn`t Polish but some other language (culture, history)? What if Catholic Poles try to resist to that and so called west then lounch propaganda campain and open war against Catholic parts of Poland? What would you if struggle of Poles (Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox) for unity of their nation are declared to be struggle for Greater Poland in THEIR media? What if so called west send mujaheedines on Catholic parts of Poland in order to weaken centers of resistance? Etc, etc,...

THEY did to Serbians all that plus much more
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
5 Jun 2008 /  #44
PAST my friend. I understand you're paranoia, but we must move on. Religion can be troublesome and I think we need to look at each other as people first.

We'll get through it Crow. I hope, for your sake and mine ;)
janekb  - | 57  
5 Jun 2008 /  #45
I am sorry Crow, but we in Poland were overwhelmed with our own problems for generations and as you can observe very few Poles on this forum tend to be concerned with Polish let alone with panslavic matters. Majority of participants here are Americans (as such with less than rudimentary political knowledge, talk shows is where they get their news from). The other problem is that Poles have historical animosity toward Russians (and lesser toward Czechs). Thus you will not find here receptive audience.

All the best bratko
Babinich  1 | 453  
5 Jun 2008 /  #46
So, advice. Americans of Slavic origin should stay in contact with their original identity and countries.


My goal is to re-connect with the country of my ancestors. This inner drive is what brought me to this forum.

You want to know about America mój brat? Here is the ideology America is moving towards:

The progressives, a growing majority in America, are determined to make the rest of us happy by making our choices for us.

The notion that some of us might be happier making our own decisions just does not register with them.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
5 Jun 2008 /  #47
The progressives, a growing majority in America, are determined to make the rest of us happy by making our choices for us.

Don't comply with the majority, bracie. You are still an individual and can make your own choices. But, you are right - the big government is moving towards a socialistic approach and wants to make decisions for us. Now way.
8 Jun 2008 /  #48
USA isn`t democratic state

try the decaf please.
Crow  154 | 9558  
10 Jun 2008 /  #49
this is interesting

McCain: To Russia, without love

By Mark Benjamin

As president, McCain says he would back up his tough talk with equally aggressive policies. He wants to kick Russia out of the Group of 8, the organization of the world's leading industrial powers. McCain has also long been a proponent of quickly expanding NATO to include former Soviet allies like Georgia. Russia bristles at the notion of the Western military alliance encroaching on her border. "Rather than tolerate Russia's nuclear blackmail or cyber attacks," McCain said in a March speech, "Western nations should make clear that the solidarity of NATO, from the Baltic to the Black Sea, is indivisible."

lesser  4 | 1311  
10 Jun 2008 /  #50
I am sorry for you fellows, but until you will have a real choice I will not participate in this farce.

I lost my interest in current campaign when Dr Paul lost his chances to win Republican nomination. I did not check out about third party candidates. However as far as big two is concentrated I must agree with you. I would do the same in your place, even if our views are very different.

Obama regards Iran the no1 danger as well,however he says he will use direct diplomacy,Kennedy style.

Bush promised non-interventionist policy before he won against Clinton.

In order to beat Obama you would need sb like Sarkozy a more hardcore intellectual,european style.

During such populist championships Sarkozy indeed would be better than McCain duo to his natural talent in this direction.
MarcinD  4 | 135  
10 Jun 2008 /  #51
I will vote Obama but my gut feeling is that McCain will indeed win the election.
10 Jun 2008 /  #52
I was once involved (1978) in selling a quite complicated processing machine to the US, machine operated in Europe by high school graduate required college degreed American operator.

This must have been in between waiting in line for toilet paper.

P.S. Chomsky is on Boston radio quite a bit.
janekb  - | 57  
12 Jun 2008 /  #53
P.S. Chomsky is on Boston radio quite a bit.

Surprises me, when I talk with people living in the US that not one heard Chomsky on a radio. Boston could be unique in this regard, or it is because he lives there It seems that man who was from 1990 to 1997 the sixth most quoted person in the world (first was Carl Marx, second was Jesus) is the best kept secret in his own land. In any other place in the world he would be considered a national treasure. He writes quite a bit about media "feedom" and elections as well, highly recommended. Try John Dewey as well.

Its most likely becouse of my poor English, but I missed a gist of your line about toilet paper. If it was to mean that in 1978 we did not have a toilet paper, yes we did not have it and it was not because we did not wanted it. We were lacking many sometimes essential things then, but what we had it was many friends at a lots of time. Looking back I would not change my youth with my son's "opulent" one. My friends are ones from my elementary school times and we still talk and meet more often than weekly and spend vacations together, and its been like that for over 50 years. My son is envious and notices that he does not have friends who are that close.
12 Jun 2008 /  #54
Well it would seem I made a rude comment to you there Jane.. I apologize for that.
I'm sure you had a great childhood filled with some nice memories. Who knows, with what is going on in America right now I might be without toilet paper in the near future myself.

No, there isn't the intellectual tradition in America there is in Europe. The focus is mostly on technology and finance. However, there's thinkers here. Chomsky is definitely known, but more in the northeast and Chicago. He taught at MIT. HE's a good speaker, thoughtful and interesting. I had to read a linguistics paper about him in university.He's older now, 80? or so, and wouldn't be interviewed as often. It's unlikely younger people below 35 would know him. Linguistics students, political science, even computer science students might study him a little now. Not sure I'm 37.

Anyway, cheers.
janekb  - | 57  
13 Jun 2008 /  #55
even computer science students might study him a little now

Interesting how linguistic discoveries find application in many other seemingly unrelated fields. You mentioned computer science, Chomsky's theory is used in medicine as well. Ibelieve he is about 80 now and I hope he will last for a long time.
Crow  154 | 9558  
13 Jun 2008 /  #56
P.S. Chomsky is on Boston radio quite a bit.

BDW, Chomsky is strongly pro-Serbian and support thesis that Serbs are victims of serious plot which final target are complete Slavic world
13 Jun 2008 /  #57
I believe he is about 80 now and I hope he will last for a long time.

I hope so too. I hadn't thought about him in some years. Here is a nice little selection of quotes, excerpts from him:

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
14 Jun 2008 /  #58

Both are puppets of NWO/ZWO...Obama is supposedly 'face of new American multi-culturalism' and McCain a 'patriotic consrvative & supporter of family values'...we have heard this all before...McCain takes money DIRECTLY from the Rothschilds, which is illegal under US campaign finance laws, and then takes a 'go to hell' attitude about it...Obama is financed by many of the same, but through the 'back door' i.e. George Soros and his 'foundations'...both are Israel/Globalists first, America last...as I said, it it a puppet show...both are 'Pinochio'...one should ask, 'who is Gepetto?'

Surprises me, when I talk with people living in the US that not one heard Chomsky on a radio. Boston could be unique in this regard, or it is because he lives there It seems that man who was from 1990 to 1997 the sixth most quoted person in the world (first was Carl Marx, second was Jesus) is the best kept secret in his own land. In any other place in the world he would be considered a national treasure. He writes quite a bit about media "feedom" and elections as well, highly recommended.

Americans know about and have heard Chomsky...Chomsky grew up in my home city, Philadelphia PA, and graduated from Simon Gratz High School...I have been to a few of his lectures...the problem with Chomsky is that he is insufferably arrogant,

and, though he would qualify as an 'intellectual', his public persona is not something that most Americans can relate to...Also, he can be a bull **** artist, as he has shown by his refusal to deal with the realities of what really happened here on 9-11.
southern  73 | 7059  
17 Jun 2008 /  #59
I think most Americans now regard the war in Balkans as a dirty war.
17 Jun 2008 /  #60
Deserves a hell of a lot more scrutiny to say the least.

Archives - 2005-2009 / USA, Canada / POLISH AMERICANS AND THE 2008 US ELECTIONArchived