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Polish shops and restaurants in Bristol / Bath (Somerset)

SPANER  1 | -  
12 Mar 2008 /  #1
I was wondering if anyone could recomend any Polish shops in the Bristol area, Deli's in particular would be good,
Thanks Hannah
JWB  1 | 12  
12 Mar 2008 /  #2
There is, or at least was last time I looked, one in the Haymarket in the subway underneath the Travel Inn. Sorry I can't be more specific but I'm not from Bristol but have stayed in that particular Travel Inn more times then I would really have liked to.
Vincent  8 | 800  
12 Mar 2008 /  #3
there is one on the gloucester rd ( near railway arches) and, one also in st george( near fountain)
stevo  - | 3  
9 Jun 2008 /  #4
[Moved from]: Polish Restaurant in Somerset (Bristol / Bath) area?

Hi all,

I would love to eat nice Polish food and am looking for a Polish restaurant in the Bristol / Bath area?

Have you got any recommendations?

Many thanks!

Vincent  8 | 800  
9 Jun 2008 /  #5
As yet I have not found anything in the Bristol/Bath area ..The closest seems to be at Janus st, Western -Super- Mare
stevo  - | 3  
10 Jun 2008 /  #6
Do you know its name?
Vincent  8 | 800  
10 Jun 2008 /  #7
It's Kuźnia Polska...23 St Janes St...BS23 1ST...polkie piwo i wodka...polskie jedzenie...polska obsługa ...polska atmosfera :)
stevo  - | 3  
12 Jun 2008 /  #8
Cheers, mate, much appreciated! I have got friends in Weston, so next time I am around, I'll give it a go.

Good luck for Poland on the football pitch tonight!
Vincent  8 | 800  
12 Jun 2008 /  #9
you're welcome...and my mistake, it's St James st...not far from the grand pier.
atyeomatt  - | 3  
17 Apr 2009 /  #10
Church Rd, St George. PM me if you need directions :) There are many Polish people in Bristol. And I have to say that, so far every one of them that I have met has been v nice. I am trying my best to learn Polish and have been for a couple of months.(its tough)!!

Related: Where to buy traditional Polish pretzels in Bristol, UK?

Does anybody know where I can buy traditional Polish pretzels in Bristol? I would ideally like fresh handmade pretzels.

Long time since I left but you might try along the bottom of Gloucester Road, I believe there are a few Deli's there.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Polish shops and restaurants in Bristol / Bath (Somerset)Archived