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Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 1 - Staring

Ksysia  25 | 428  
1 Oct 2009 /  #1
It's bad.

First of all, people accuse you of staring all the time. In the Merchant's last time there was a guy taking to my friend Kasia, I turned around to take a look at where the voice was coming from - and the chap was outraged! He 'retaliated', I think: "Someone who spends an hour putting make-up on can't look at other people like they were mad!"

OK, first of all, it has taken me 5 minutes, second of all he was obviously mad as hell because he was talking to me like that. Can't I look at who is pushing their way past my bench in the pub? What is wrong???

Or in London, I was walking down the Oxford street, touristic-wise, taking my good ol' time but avoiding looking directly at any person, when this large black gentleman in a beautiful grey suit shouted towards me: 'averted eyes! averted eyes!' Well, of course I was averting the eyes, as I wanted not to stare at anyone and have some privacy touristicating.

I was shocked, but did my best not to let it show, lifted my eyes to the fist floor window and sailed away. But I decided to test it. Next day I went to Camden Town and this time I was taking good care to check all the people out up and down, paying attention to look at their bodies, especially legs. They loved it. They immediately started smiling at me, showing off their clothes. But I can't help thinking that it's rude.
gumishu  16 | 6181  
1 Oct 2009 /  #2
Next day I went to Camden Town and this time I was taking good care to check all the people out up and down, paying attention to look at their bodies, especially legs. They loved it. They immediately started smiling at me, showing off their clothes.

weird, makes you think people these people are quite shallow
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
1 Oct 2009 /  #3
Get out of London.

Edit - That doesn't sound good ! What I mean is, cities like London are often not the best places to be sometimes. If you dont like it - move on.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Oct 2009 /  #4
Hm, pardon me, but I have no clue what you are talking about here. I am in London pretty often and I look ppl in the eyes quite a lot. Never had ppl getting angry at me or ppl shouting at me in the street. And I am not English nor am I Polish. So, what are you trying to say with this?

M-G (just wondering)
Arien  2 | 710  
1 Oct 2009 /  #5
I guess sheeple will be sheeple, no matter where you go..


OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
1 Oct 2009 /  #6
So, what are you trying to say with this?

Why must I try to say something? I'm telling a story and posting a thread. It's fun.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
1 Oct 2009 /  #7
Actually I think you must be doing something wrong, because Ive never in all my born days had anything like that happen in any city in the UK and I've visited many of them, London a considerable amount of times, from what I remember people are generally too busy to notice other people or too busy admiring their own reflection in windows!

So you are either lying or a complete freak who attracts this kind of attention.
dnz  17 | 710  
1 Oct 2009 /  #8
First of all, people accuse you of staring all the time.

Yes Polish people do and its bloody annoying.

Can't I look at who is pushing their way past my bench in the pub? What is wrong???

Polish people push past people all the time and generally have no respect for other people its just other poles accept this lack of general manners from other people, Brits are generally more confrontational when people are rude dude to the fact theyre not used to it.

Sorry but London is an absolute dump and wouldn't wish living there on my worst enemy, horrible place, rude shallow people and everyone is obsessed with impressing similarly shallow people with how much cash they spend on day to day items.

Also the amount of non EU immigrants trying to change the way Brits live their lives annoys me.

Poles in the UK are great as they fit in well, don't try to force us to live by their set of rules, are generally hard working and easy going and don't blow up our buses and trains. From what i've seen the polish idea of a good time doesn't involve blowing up an airport or wearing a backpack full of explosives in a public place.
mvefa  5 | 591  
1 Oct 2009 /  #9
So you are either lying or a complete freak who attracts this kind of attention.

You talking about freaks? figures!
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
1 Oct 2009 /  #10
Yes Polish people do and its bloody annoying.

That's the thing - I noticed that I'm annoying people. I also read about it on this forum. The point is that I was not trying to annoy - I normally look at people this way. I don't think that I look at Poles any differently.

So if it seems that we have this trait of staring like only Poles can, then do you think that it can be overlooked as a trait? I mean, when Japanese people come to Poland, we can never guess what their facial expressions mean, so we just think that 'it's a Japanese thing'.

I also noticed that people on this forum are afraid of 'starers', like it was a hostile, racist, or nationalistic activity, while it might not be at all an activity. Just the way that our faces look.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Oct 2009 /  #11
Why must I try to say something? I'm telling a story and posting a thread. It's fun

Oh, ok. But anyway, I never had this in the UK and I like to look ppl in the eye as well and they all look me in the eyes too.

M-G (hm, beef stroganoff with mushrooms)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
1 Oct 2009 /  #12

I've grown to enjoy the liberal approach the mods have but little sh*ts like you who aint even Polish keep trolling on it gets bad, you're not Polish you cant speak Polish so gtfo and stop producing these idiotic posts.

Pricks who come to troll here pretending to be Polish and spouting crap ought to be banned.
gumishu  16 | 6181  
1 Oct 2009 /  #13
Ksysia you really are a magnet of insults ;)

be patient and forgiving Ksysia though

oh and that's me who called you a naive girl, remember ;)

oh and Ksysia I have no doubt you are Polish
mvefa  5 | 591  
1 Oct 2009 /  #14
I've grown to enjoy the liberal approach the mods have but little sh*ts like you who aint even Polish keep trolling on it gets bad, you're not Polish you cant speak Polish so gtfo and stop producing these idiotic posts.

Pricks who come to troll here pretending to be Polish and spouting crap ought to be banned.

Come on! respect a lady, state your point without going to those extremes.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
1 Oct 2009 /  #15
Dude he/she/it is not Polish, chances are its some guy posting for the hell of it.
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
1 Oct 2009 /  #16
Ksysia you really are a magnet of insults ;)'

Hm... noted...

'be patient and forgiving Ksysia though'

this will earn me a crown in Heaven

'oh and that's me who called you a naive girl, remember ;)'

no, I've forgotten ;)

'oh and Ksysia I have no doubt you are Polish'

you are most kind

Come on! respect a lady, state your point without going to those extremes

Thank you, mvefa

Dude he/she/it is not Polish, chances are its some guy posting for the hell of it.

I am Polish. I'm not sure how can you tell since you are Turkish, but I'm disappointed. Are you not a nation of fierce warriors? Not any more, is it?
mvefa  5 | 591  
1 Oct 2009 /  #17
Thank you, mvefa

U're welcome sweetheart!
Nurglitch  - | 5  
1 Oct 2009 /  #18
Polish people push past people all the time and generally have no respect for other people its just other poles accept this lack of general manners from other people, Brits are generally more confrontational when people are rude dude to the fact theyre not used to it.

You've got to be kidding me. It is hard to take a ride on a bus without being forced to hear some chav's 10 Greates Hits broadcast from his mobile, or see a group of kids shouting most vile abuse at each other. No one ever reacts in any way. And why should they? Reacting to this means being beaten up/stabbed by the chavs and then arrested by the police for assault.

I won't even mention what's happening on each Friday night. I can just tell you that people in Poland would be absolutely horrified by the level of barbarism that's on display.

As to the "staring" thing - no idea what that was all about. I've never heard about anything like that.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
1 Oct 2009 /  #19
Why must I try to say something?

Sorry Ksysia - I thought you were serious.

I'm telling a story and posting a thread.

Your story sucks.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
1 Oct 2009 /  #20
I am Polish. I'm not sure how can you tell since you are Turkish,

I'm as Turkish as you're Polish now gtfo.
jonni  16 | 2475  
1 Oct 2009 /  #21
You've got to be kidding me. It is hard to take a ride on a bus without being forced to hear some chav's 10 Greates Hits broadcast from his mobile, or see a group of kids shouting most vile abuse at each other. No one ever reacts in any way. And why should they? Reacting to this means being beaten up/stabbed by the chavs and then arrested by the police for assault.

I won't even mention what's happening on each Friday night. I can just tell you that people in Poland would be absolutely horrified by the level of barbarism that's on display.

You get just the same sort of thing here in Poland. Very similar.

About the staring, it doesn't seem rude here - people stare much more than they would in the UK.

Krysia seems to have met the wrong people though. London can be very unfriendly.
1 Oct 2009 /  #22
Actually I think you must be doing something wrong, because Ive never in all my born days had anything like that happen in any city in the UK and I've visited many of them, London a considerable amount of times, from what I remember people are generally too busy to notice other people or too busy admiring their own reflection in windows!

Things like this never happened to me even once, in nearly 15 years of living there! :)

So you are either lying or a complete freak who attracts this kind of attention.

Of course she's lying - if it was a black Londoner, they would have said "Oi blud" at some point, but clearly he didn't. :)

Looks like ola123 has returned though, doesn't it. What's up ksysia, can't get your hands on "the English land"? haha! :)
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
1 Oct 2009 /  #23
You get just the same sort of thing here in Poland. Very similar.

I have never heard of a Polish chav who would actually kill someone for telling them to shut up on public transport (or any similar story for that matter). Please compare with the unfortunate bloke who told a guy to stop throwing chips at his girlfriend (London bus, upper deck) and got stabbed to death for it. There has been a similar more recent incident happen along the same lines, but don't remember the details.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
1 Oct 2009 /  #24
Of course she's lying - if it was a black Londoner, they would have said "Oi blud" at some point, but clearly he didn't. :)

But he had a nice suit on, maybe he'd had a bad day in court ;0)

Looks like ola123 has returned though, doesn't it. What's up ksysia, can't get your hands on "the English land"? haha! :)

Her council flat has just been demolished, she's upset!

Brits are generally more confrontational when people are rude dude to the fact theyre not used to it.

Not quite true, we have our share of rude people in the UK...Also I dont think we are confrontational...we'll just generally moan if some barsteward does something wrong, or say "Excuse Me" or "Do You Mind" in a rather high pitched voice...

I have never heard of a Polish chav who would actually kill someone for telling them to shut up on public transport (or any similar story for that matter). Please compare with the unfortunate bloke who told a guy to stop throwing chips at his girlfriend (London bus, upper deck) and got stabbed to death for it. There has been a similar more recent incident happen along the same lines, but don't remember the details.

Totally agree with you, but do you really agree with the OP? Or do you think she is a bit of a liar?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
1 Oct 2009 /  #25
My immediate reaction to attractive Polish ladies staring at me in the street or on the tube is that I must have left my flies open.....must be my age I guess.
jonni  16 | 2475  
1 Oct 2009 /  #26
I have never heard of a Polish chav who would actually kill someone for telling them to shut up on public transport (or any similar story for that matter).

@ Magdalena, I really wish that were true.

The night bus to Bródno or Gocław can be hair raising. The tabloid newspapers here pick up on some horrific stories from small towns too, often involving alcohol. Not long ago someone was killed after being thrown from a moving train near Otwock. By two chavs who were stealing his mobile.
Wroclaw Boy  
1 Oct 2009 /  #27
when this large black gentleman in a beautiful grey suit shouted towards me: 'averted eyes! averted eyes!

That says it all you looked and then looked away he picked up on that, his statement was trues as a birds song.

beautiful grey suit

What the foooockkk, you oogled him and complain about the response..

Next day I went to Camden Town and this time I was taking good care to check all the people out up and down, paying attention to look at their bodies, especially legs. They loved it. They immediately started smiling at me, showing off their clothes. But I can't help thinking that it's rude.

Man thats one fcuked up ideaology.... You didnt catch the London vibe at all. you wanted too but you well JUST didnt.

Someone who spends an hour putting make-up on can't look at other people like they were mad!"

Polish women do that, ive had it its not nice.

Can't I look at who is pushing their way past my bench in the pub? What is wrong???

If you dont know im not gonna tel yah

Sorry its basic skills.
1 Oct 2009 /  #28
But he had a nice suit on, maybe he'd had a bad day in court ;0)

lol, maybe :)

Her council flat has just been demolished, she's upset!

Oh noez! "Hands off the English council tenancy" doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it? :D

I have never heard of a Polish chav who would actually kill someone for telling them to shut up on public transport (or any similar story for that matter). Please compare with the unfortunate bloke who told a guy to stop throwing chips at his girlfriend (London bus, upper deck) and got stabbed to death for it. There has been a similar more recent incident happen along the same lines, but don't remember the details.

So true... there's plenty of Polish idiots, but I must admit I've never been threatened by gangs of hooded Poles who will "shank" me, or "draw for the strap", simply for committing the utterly heinous crime of daring to "disrespect" them. Not even in Ealing.
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
1 Oct 2009 /  #29
If you dont know im not gonna tel yah

Then what are you good for???
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Oct 2009 /  #30
Walk and stare the polish way and write them to your testes.(to the place you have for personalities).I am a total balkan abroad.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in UK. Ch. 1 - StaringArchived