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Poles returning to Poland from UK

Crnogorac  3 | 111  
1 May 2008 /  #1
The changing picture in Bradford is in line with the UK trend where it is estimated that half the eastern Europeans who have come to the UK since 2004 have now gone.

A new report from the Institute of Public Policy Research calculated that a million people from eastern Europe had come to the UK in the past four years, but that 500,000 had since departed.


Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 May 2008 /  #2
Maybe they feel that Tusk has reaped in changes or that they have saved enough money.
ArcticPaul  38 | 233  
1 May 2008 /  #3
Maybe it was simply the first opportunity of many poles to experience an adventure abroad. Before 2004 many of the Poles in UK were illegals who had to accept below minimum wage jobs and faced the constant risk of deportation. After '04 they were free to exercise the rights of full European membership.

If I had spent my childhood under communist rule, my teenage years in a nation with nothing in the shops and my early adulthood with severe restrictions on where I could live and work I believe I would have jumped at the chance to live and work abroad. (In fact I did. I spent a year in Australia)

If this situation had occured a decade earlier I think I'd have taken advantage of the availability of jobs in Poland to stay there and enjoy the experience. Some friends helped build Hong Kong Airport for far less pay than they could earn here in UK But they had enough to stay there and soak up the atmosphere.

What more could a young adult with no commitments want?
Przemas  1 | 101  
1 May 2008 /  #4
Get the money and run baby.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
1 May 2008 /  #5
lol yeah that is some of their attitudes i guess, however i'm not crying because the Poles are going home, in fact i welcome the news
OP Crnogorac  3 | 111  
1 May 2008 /  #6
According to the BBC around half of the East Europeans who migrated to Britain since the enlargement of the EU have returned or moved on...

The Poles came here. Worked hard. Now they appear to be returning.

Taken from: finalconflictblog.blogspot.com/2008/04/returning-poles.html
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 May 2008 /  #7
Hehehe, defiance, I love it :)))
Przemas  1 | 101  
1 May 2008 /  #8
ol yeah that is some of their attitudes i guess, however i'm not crying because the Poles are going home, in fact i welcome the news

Oh yeah? Just wait till your faucet drips my friend, what will you do? WHAT WILL YOU DO? Oh, the humanity.

The faucets drip like the English channel, lets all find shelter in the tunnel, I'm drowning from these holes, somebody please bring back the Poles.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 May 2008 /  #9
It's called a tap btw ;) Faucet sounds like some actress
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
1 May 2008 /  #10
I'm drowning from these holes, somebody please bring back the Poles.

absolute rubbish, its anothe myth like the 'immigrants help our economy' wehen all the poles etc etc leave then the lazy 4 million Brits out of work will be forced to work so they can live :) I'm fed up of people making out we depend on the Poles because we don't, its nice their here and i like the way they work however we are not dependent on them (what a laugh)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 May 2008 /  #11
The Brits do have plumbers u know. I dunno about England but in Scotland they are of a high standard. We will find enough people to refill the vacancies
Przemas  1 | 101  
1 May 2008 /  #12
I suck at sarcasm on the intraweb I guess.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 May 2008 /  #13
Yeah, take an injection of British blood and all will be well :)
osiol  55 | 3921  
1 May 2008 /  #14
Plumbing as a job? I thought it was something to do as a hobby.

Reading stuff about Britain relying / not relying on Polish people has just reminded me - the rent money is four days late. I rely on that money.

I can't say that I prefer Poles over workers from the other A8 countries (is that what they're called?) but putting them all together, the quality and quantity of work is usually far better than I've seen from any other temporary workers I've seen in the 10 years I've been in horticulture.

But that's about temporary workers. This Monday, we employed a new woman full-time, who lasted one day. Probably a work-dodger who enjoys living on the dole and takes a job for a day every so often to keep them from taking her benefits away. Just a wild guess, that. Most of the British people I work with work very hard.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
1 May 2008 /  #15
We will find enough people to refill the vacancies

dead right we will :)

Yeah, take an injection of British blood and all will be well :)

good idea
Dice  15 | 452  
1 May 2008 /  #16
I hope when Poles return to their country they will not let the Polish Government make the same mistake the British Government has made. I hope they will not allow an unlimited amount of migrants from abroad to take jobs from Poles, elevating nationalistic and xenophobic feelings. Healthy diversity is one thing but flooding a country with millions of cheap foreign labor is another. It's simply not good for either side.
Przemas  1 | 101  
1 May 2008 /  #17
Amen Dice, Amen.
Keith  2 | 14  
1 May 2008 /  #18
Is this a trend across the whole country, or just in some areas? We have a well established Polish community here in Aberdeen, and I haven't seen signs that many are going back at all. I sometimes get the impression that there is a real difference between the North and South of Britain. Scotland needs all the workers it can get I think...
1 May 2008 /  #19
Is this a trend across the whole country, or just in some areas?

Actually, I think that this might be more specific to England/Wales. I live in Scotland and see no great rush to get back to Poland. Most Poles I speak to say they will be here another 2 years or more but see no sense in heading back to Poland before then. Although, I don't doubt there are some heading home. It's just not happening in great numbers, at least not in Scotland.

Scotland needs all the workers it can get I think...

True and there are topics about this about the forums. Yes, Scotland lacks workers in certain fields.
Keith  2 | 14  
1 May 2008 /  #20
It's just not happening in great numbers, at least not in Scotland.

Sophia  - | 99  
4 May 2008 /  #21
Most Poles I speak to say they will be here another 2 years or more but see no sense in heading back to Poland before then.

I was speaking to a woman the other day who said she would love to be back in Poland just now but it is not a sensible move for her just now. Once she earns enough, her future is in Poland but for now she sees no improvement in Poland to tempt her back.

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