They'll probably become popular on certain housing estates, cos it's continental innit....and there's only so many Chardonnays you can have in one family
This is a good point and would be a shame if it did happen that way.
They'll be spelt wrong and mispronounced beyond recognition
Yes it's true that this could be a problem.
There are some very nice Polish names that I would not like to hear distorted. I think as a personal choice I would give my child a Polish name.
Can you imagine english girls called Miroslava or Dobromila
Not really but that's the point.
not really .. but then again i like to be different which is why my own daughters name is british and is mispronounced
i was actually going to havea double barrelled name with Angelika the second part of when i was born
Angelika is one name I would consider. Of course, perhaps this is because it's fairly close to an English name.
Both my first name and my middle are not British and both get mispronounced. My middle name I can understand but not my first.