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Polish foods in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ?

joedrive5  1 | 2  
1 Mar 2008 /  #1
hey guys can you help me?? so im 24 and im a student dietitian (hospital nutritionist) working in newcastle upon tyne and every week our department sees lots of polish people, however its difficult to treat/advise them when we don't know typical polish foods. i was wondering if anybody would be interested meeting me for a chat to tell me about polish foods etc and where you can get them in newcastle. id really appreciate it.. my number is 07825136494 hope tohear from somebody ")
1 Mar 2008 /  #2
Go to the THE GLOBE near the arena in newcastle

its a polish restaurant reasonable prices .... :)
1 Mar 2008 /  #4
You are welcome and maybe they will point you in direction of any shops that sell products in shops though .. you usually can see this shops about .. we currently have 5 and a further one is going to supply polish products here in donny
OP joedrive5  1 | 2  
1 Mar 2008 /  #5
again lol thanks your the only person who replied, im gonna be in town later with some friends, i dont suppose youd fancy to meet for a drink and chat about it?
1 Mar 2008 /  #6
i dont suppose youd fancy to meet for a drink and chat about it?

i live about an hour and half by train away from newcastle so im not local and also i am not polish im a english girl that dines regularly on polish food ... :)
hancock  1 | 95  
3 Mar 2008 /  #7
Australian pizza shop going out of business whats Polish best food to try instead.
lorraine08  - | 1  
10 Mar 2008 /  #8
hi, I am also a student dietitian! I am working in belfast, northern ireland, where we too see some polish patients and i have been asked to research the polish diet so that we have sufficient information availabel to treat polish patients correctly. I can see lots of information on the net about recipes for homecooked polish food. But if there are any polish people living in belfast could you tell me where u go to buy polish food or ingredients. Is it difficult to find the foods you want? or could u direct me to useful websites? Also i have been trying to contact the polish welfare association based in belfast but cant get in touch, would this be somewhere that you would go for information?
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
10 Mar 2008 /  #9
Hi Lorraine and welcome to the forums.

Try this site for NI info.
The majority of it is in Polish, but if you type a question in English you should get a reply.
pax81  - | 2  
30 Mar 2008 /  #10
Hi Lorraine
There is a polish shop on 97 Cregagh Road in Belfast if you're still interested in polish diet. It's not difficult to find any ingredient to prepare polish food...maybe apart from pork's guts:)No, seriously if you have any more detailed question about polish diet please contact me. I'm polish archaeologist on contract here in Belfast...and I'm happy to help.
dclubberz  - | 4  
11 Apr 2008 /  #11
i know one polish shop in berwick upon tweed , it's about half an hour by train from newcastle .
magdalyn  - | 1  
12 Feb 2009 /  #12
there's a polish shop in Newcastle near the gate, if anyones interested. I was on Erasmus in Poland last year, so if anyone is in Newcastle, and wants to meet someone interested in Poland, i'm upfor it. My number is 07847632415, if anyone wants to meet up for a drink or something.
Rozi  - | 2  
13 Feb 2009 /  #13
Hi, I recomend Polish restaurant in Newcastle upon Tyne colled Gospoda. It's on Princess Square (City Centre but restaurant is hiden behind the new Library). Maby this is somthing you looking for. :)

gosiaruiz  - | 1  
18 May 2009 /  #14
every week our department sees lots of polish people, however its difficult to treat/advise them when we don't know typical polish foods.

Hi. You posted the above a long time ago, but I have just registered with the forum and come accross this thread.

I hope you have found all the info you have been looking for. If not, perhaps I could help you.

I happen to be Polish and work in Newcastle. I work with a lot of Polish people too.

Let me know if you still need some info and if so, we can have a chat. In case I don't get a chance to come back to this forum for a while and miss your post, you can also e-mail me on gosia.ruiz@irwinmitchell.com.


Geordie Ahmed  - | 1  
24 May 2009 /  #15
The 3 polish food places in newcastle that i am aware of is The Globe (restaurant) near the Arena, then there is Gospoda (restaurant) at Bewick Court (the tall building next to the libray) and there is a polish deli/shop on newgate street (opposite Wilkinsons)

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Polish foods in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ?Archived