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Here comes the Anti-Immigration marches....

mafketis  38 | 11214  
5 Feb 2009 /  #61
That is exactly what I am not saying, thank you for completely miss understanding what I am saying.

I apologize for misunderstanding. Perhaps you could elaborate on what it is that you are saying?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Feb 2009 /  #62
Poor Sean, the English gave him a bad time boo hoo! btw it's fobbed off not fogged off :)

i love you baby too.

ShellyS, you must have a bad time of it there.

As for Pakistanis, they have not assimilated into British life

That sounds complete, Every Pakistani in Britain is doing this.

You are constantly playing the 'victim card' poor little ShellyS, wants all immigrants out.

You know as well as I do, you are just going through the motions, repeating the same mantras.

Is there a personal reason behind your hatred, I still wonder?.

P.S. I say fogged off.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
5 Feb 2009 /  #63
I don't think that I am a racist but I'm coming to the conclusion that I have become a numbersist.

I have always been a scroungersist
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Feb 2009 /  #64
I apologize for misunderstanding. Perhaps you could elaborate on what it is that you are saying?

Sure, no problem.
I am saying that there is a problem with immigration in Britain.
That the Government need to make quite radical changes to the policy.
Immigrants are not the problem of Britain's immigration policy nor are they the reason for the recession.
Of course Immigrants cause huge problems but on these two particular issues, it is not their fault.
I am quite willing to discuss the recession and to look at the current policies but I am not willing to blame Johnny Foreigner, just because it is easy to do so.

It is of course a common case, when things go wrong people often blame the wrong people.
I hope I have made myself more clear.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Feb 2009 /  #65
Is there a personal reason behind your hatred, I still wonder?.

Sean, one does not just wake up and decide these things, it's more a gradual thing, but it's hardly something Im going to discuss with someone who's still whining on about fictional problems that are none-existent for Irish people in the UK.

As for my life :) It's not bad, of course somethings could always be better, but in general Im quite happy.

As for me "going through the motions" Im just consistent :) Unlike some on this forum that spout shite and then do a great big turn around!

P.S. I say fogged off.

Fobbed off!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Feb 2009 /  #66
someone who's still whining on about fictional problems that are none-existent for Irish people in the UK.

? It is fashionable to be Irish in London these days.
I am pointing out that you are just repeating history and you are a hypocrite.
So ShellyS, is your governments immigration policy Johnny Foreigner's fault?
Is the recession, Johnny Foreigner's fault?.

Unlike some on this forum that spout shite and then do a great big turn around!

What are you talking about?.

Fobbed off!

I read your reply the first time.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Feb 2009 /  #67
? It is fashionable to be Irish in London these days.

Ive never lived in London, but it's never been a problem in Manchester, which is a large city.

I am pointing out that you are just repeating history and you are a hypocrite.

England and Ireland had a bit of a long history, which bit are you referring to?

So ShellyS, is your governments immigration policy Johnny Foreigner's fault?
Is the recession, Johnny Foreigner's fault?.

The recession is because of the glabal markets collapse, but the numbers of people in the UK versu the number of jobs in the UK, is a problem, decreasing salaries because of cheap labour and rising cost of living is a problem for the indiginous population.

What are you talking about?.

Jystina, she is a prime example of a person who changes her views like the wind.

I read your reply the first time.

I know, I was merely correcting you *again* *sign*
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Feb 2009 /  #68
theres so much more racism in the North of England.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Feb 2009 /  #69
Ive never lived in London, but it's never been a problem in Manchester, which is a large city.

I visited Manchester once when I was fourteen, they are all Irish and I found people very friendly, even though I was there only for a couple of days.

England and Ireland had a bit of a long history, which bit are you referring to?

The hating Johnny Foreigners part, of course we were refered to as "Paddy" back then.
But not by everyone, just by people like you though.

one does not just wake up and decide these things, it's more a gradual thing,

So how many years did it take you to become a racist?.

The recession is because of the glabal markets collapse, but the numbers of people in the UK versu the number of jobs in the UK, is a problem, decreasing salaries because of cheap labour and rising cost of living is a problem for the indiginous population.

So why are people blaming the foreigners rather than blaming your governments policies?.
Put blame where it firmly rests.

Jystina, she is a prime example of a person who changes her views like the wind.

I fail to see what she has to do with this topic and why you bother to mention something else.
You say you are consistent, I would agree but a consistent what? racist? It's nothing to be proud of.
Someone could interpret your die hard racism as the inability to change your mind and reassess the situation, personally I would not give you that much credit.

I know, I was merely correcting you *again* *sign*

I know.
time means  5 | 1309  
5 Feb 2009 /  #70
So why are people blaming the foreigners rather than blaming your governments policies

i don`t think most people are sean. the killinghome protest according to the union, was about british workers being excluded from applying for the jobs. no doubt some amongst the protesters do/will blame migrants.

the papers are stoking it and it`s quite ironic that the daily de-press and daily heil are actually siding (in a fashion) with a union organised protest.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Feb 2009 /  #71
The 3rd Worlders who flood here are used to a standard of living that Brits haven't had to tolerate since before WW2. They lower the expectations of employers towards their employee's. Of landlords towards tennents.
They import illnesses that were eradicated decades ago. And they think we are inferior for our lack of belief in Allah.

Three generations it has taken to produce home grown suicide bombers and women who dress more strictly Islamic than their cousins on the streets of Pakistan.

They are also behind a huge majority of the heroin being imported and distributed in this country.

It was this comment that annoyed me.

The protest itself is understandable, it is a disgrace what is happening in Britain.

My comments are a reaction to a loud minority.

I have lived and worked in several parts of England with people from all over the world.
I think the British stiff upper lip thing is admirable, it seems people are not as vulgar to foreigners as in other countries.
But I am not going to read the hate on here and not react.

I know it is a bit of a tight rope for me, I wish for you to know it is a certain type of person that I am arguing with and not all English people.

I suppose the separation is normal English people who are pissed off by the policies the government uses and certain business practices.
While the regular family is trying ever harder to make ends meet and the racists who are always waiting for problems so their hatred can be channelled (without justification).

Sometimes good people buy these lies.

I hope I am clear?, I might need to tighten up in editing :)
dtaylor  9 | 823  
5 Feb 2009 /  #72
I hope I am clear?, I might need to tighten up in editing :)

When the racist's win, we get Pre-war Germany all over again...
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Feb 2009 /  #73
ShelleyS: Jystina, she is a prime example of a person who changes her views like the wind.

Hey SS i remember last year when you and Puzzler were arguing like cat and dog.

Then he reappeard recently and you commented on how much you liked him. It was hilarious when he wrote "screw you lady".

Pots and kettles love..
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Feb 2009 /  #74
Then he reappeard recently and you commented on how much you liked him.

I was joking you silly boy! I was being sarcastic, please feel free to find the posts, re-read and then you might understand this time!
Wroclaw Boy  
5 Feb 2009 /  #75
I was joking you silly boy!

Really, I dont think so.
wola  - | 9  
5 Feb 2009 /  #76
theres so much more racism in the North of England.

I don't believe that there is more racism in the North of England than anywhere else in the country. It is just that people from the North say what they think at that moment, whereas other people from certain parts of the country tend to be more reserved about their thoughts, it does not mean that they do not exist.

There are loads of places in the North East where ethnic minorities have lived together for generations without any trouble.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Feb 2009 /  #77
That's pretty true, Wola. I think that some Londoners are getting fed up with the invasion of their city. However, their reaction has been pretty much ok to date.
Mister H  11 | 761  
5 Feb 2009 /  #78
As for Pakistanis, they have not assimilated into British life,

Some have and some haven't, just like any foreigner moving to another country.

It's a massive generalisation to say that they all haven't.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
5 Feb 2009 /  #79
Jystina, she is a prime example of a person who changes her views like the wind.

you trying to insult me by spelling my name wrong ha ha? when do i exactly change my views huh? is it about me being racist and then slamming you for making jokes about black people and saying they're 'hillarious'? i always said i didn't like Turkish men and that's about it, nothing to do with them having dark skin. it's like some people not liking ginger people. you probably only complain like this on the forum, you would not walk up to a bunch of 'pakis' and tell them to get the hell out of 'your' country. so yeah, why are you even here if all you ever do is complain about 'pakis' and n*ggers? next time you want to bring my name up in your rants, get some evidence to back up what i supposedly say and learn how to spell, cheers.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Feb 2009 /  #80
Eh, um, I sense that I shouldn't correct any spelling here on either side ;) (The solid 105kg man tucks his tail between his legs and scuttles away).

Good old marches, a return to grassroots. Scargill would have been proud :)
Misty  5 | 144  
7 Feb 2009 /  #81
friends girlfriend is from Belfast, her family are sick of foreigners!

Why? There have always been foreigners. It's not a new thing. I'm never sure where this 'I'm sick of foreigners' thing comes from. Is it because they bring new cultures that people just don't want to get used to? I had the laugh of my life a couple of weeks ago listening to a person who I don't consider a friend but who hangs around thinking they're liked. I listened to a diatribe about Pakistanis and Indians in the UK. A very bad mouthful indeed. Then we all decided to order some food and this idiot said 'Oh get me a beef curry, the hotter the better'. Yeah, the curry, that great British traditional food...

Irish problems in the UK? Yes there are some, especially if you are Irish Catholic in some parts. (Some places in Scotland). You can get stabbed for walking down certain streets in Glasgow particularly.

btw it's fobbed off not fogged off

An Irish friend of mine uses the phrase 'fogged off' all the time. She used it today in fact when she went to see her boss about something, she told me he 'completely fogged her off'. Different dialect, different words.

ShelleyS you are actually very racist (towards British citizens it often seems - considering many 'Pakis' are actually British) and for a female, very foul mouthed. It may be a Mancunian thing that their women resemble their men but for everywhere else in the world, the women have a little decorum and can broadcast their beliefs without using foul language or derogatory statements. No doubt you'll reply to this with about six lines of swearing and insults and I don't care. I learned long ago that people who replied in such a manner lacked the intellect to construct a proper reply, with fact and intelligent argument.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Feb 2009 /  #82
True enough, Glasgow is full of glaekit types who will do you in for being something they perceive as different.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Feb 2009 /  #83
It seems Polish and Pakistanis etc... are being blamed for the credit crunch/recession in part by certain people.

It makes me think of history and when people were starving they blamed the Jews.

I can now see how easy it is for people to turn on a group to "protect" themselves.

The recession is because of the glabal markets collapse, but the numbers of people in the UK versu the number of jobs in the UK, is a problem, decreasing salaries because of cheap labour and rising cost of living is a problem for the indiginous population.

mixer  - | 4  
7 Feb 2009 /  #84
The strange thing is i remember ShellyS saying somewhere that she also has a mixture of french english Jew and god knows what other blood. So she herself is a foreigner in my eyes. Funny how its usually the mogrels themselves who cant accept others just like themselves......
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Feb 2009 /  #85
No doubt you'll reply to this with about six lines of swearing and insults and I don't care.

SS wont reply today as its Saturday and she will not be at work. She is probably the worst racist on here. Mainly towards the Paki's.

and yeh shes got a foul mouth on her alright. It amuses me that she pretends to be a middle class lady with some cash. I'd bet plenty that shes a low class unhappy women forced to work 8-6 mon - fri at a crappy desk job just to make ends meet.
Misty  5 | 144  
7 Feb 2009 /  #86
It seems Polish and Pakistanis etc... are being blamed for the credit crunch/recession in part by certain people.

It does seem that way sometimes doesn't it? In reality it's been caused by governments splashing the cash and bad decisions by the biggest banks in the world. If people want to have a march against anything they should march against the governments or the banks.

While I'm having a bash at governments, this situation in England which kicked off this whole anti-immigration tirade was caused by the British government allowing a system where they could sell a company to a foreign buyer and then allow the foreign buyer to be 'selective' about who they have working for them, in this case importing Italians to work in this Italian firm. That's what really needs to be sorted out. Ideally at least 50% of the jobs should have been advertised in the UK but then again, it's not guaranteed that 'British' people would have applied or got the jobs.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Feb 2009 /  #87
Wroclaw Boy: theres so much more racism in the North of England.

I don't believe that there is more racism in the North of England than anywhere else in the country.

In my experience there is, lets take this very forum as an example. SS manchester, Arise St George, uhm somewhere up North and lets not forget the charming noimmigration. Show me examples of southern English racists.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Feb 2009 /  #88
Misty, That all makes perfect sence to me.

I don't understand why the anger and frustration is being channelled in the wrong direction???.
Is it the class system?, crap rolls down hill (not up).
I really don't understand why the wrong people are being blamed.
I thought everyone understands why the credit crunch/recession happened?.
Maybe it is an inability to think, you go to work and physically see someone else getting the jobs so you blame them?.

Whatever the reason, it is very old.
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Feb 2009 /  #89
I really don't understand why the wrong people are being blamed.

Its not really blame i think its more a case of its not helping British people after all it is our country.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Feb 2009 /  #90
The big picture shows that it is/was British people who did not help British people and now in the aftermath foreigners are getting stuck with the bill.

So what does that tell you?.

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