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Do many British carry knives?

osiol 55 | 3921  
26 Apr 2008 /  #31
The best knives are the ones that have a bottle opener and a corkscrew.
I've never been keen on the ones with fish-scalers, magnifying glasses, scissors where the spring always goes, toothpicks, tweezers that don't quite meet in the middle, small saws for cutting I-don't-know-what...
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #32
Toothpicks? Hehehehe, re-usable ones?
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
26 Apr 2008 /  #33
if you carry any sort of weapon you run the risk of someone whos just a little bit harder than you, taking it off you and shoving it where the sun doesnt shine.

I would also add that if you do carry any tools with you be sure you are able to actually use it or else it might end up very nasty.

Since we are discussing mindless violence and lack of respect for human life, today NME magazine found its way to my hands I have read an article about that young goth girl that was killed some time ago in the UK.

I'm still angry... Faking chav trash.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #34
They were no doubt smacked up or off their heads on sth. The hottest coals in hell hopefully await them!!
hu_man 6 | 131  
26 Apr 2008 /  #35
To be honest you would proberly laugh cos the most likley person to carry a knife in england is the most unlikely....... the people who carry knifes in england are the ones protecting themselfs from the c*nts not c*nts protecting themselfs from thier enemys......if that makes any sence..... what im trying to say is the most likely person to carry a knife isnt gang related, so provided your not with a gang trying to mug them you will be fine.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #36
Marvellous insight, and what category do u fit into Sir? Btw, it's knives
hu_man 6 | 131  
26 Apr 2008 /  #37
LOL......i dont carry any thing but my piece ;)

for my friends arnt gangbangers, they wear suits daily but they carry knifes because they have been attacked or approached by some sort of c*nt more than once..can you blame them??

where are you from?
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #38
Hehehe, ur piece or ur peace? I'm from planet earth, I've found a home here, nanu nanu
hu_man 6 | 131  
26 Apr 2008 /  #39
LOL, i meant my peice :)

but seriously what town are you from?
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #40
So, peice is a mix between piece and peace? LOL

Seriously tho, I'm from Aberdeen, Scotland but I live in Gliwice
hu_man 6 | 131  
26 Apr 2008 /  #41
Cool, im from london living in katowice
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #42
Wot's at all abouw an at, no wot a mean. What r u doing in K-town?
hu_man 6 | 131  
26 Apr 2008 /  #43
What r u doing in K-town?

a girl lol... na i got a good job and a good girl so im here..PM me if you want.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #44
That's what it's all about, innit?
OP Grzegorz_ 51 | 6138  
26 Apr 2008 /  #45
What's up sheep ?
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #46
Hey G, u'll be glad to know that £ukasz is doing Poland proud by posting one success story after another.
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
26 Apr 2008 /  #47
it is better than hundrets of posts about Poles in UK :)
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #48
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
26 Apr 2008 /  #49
as to success stories. Poland is success story :) and it is fact. esp when we know how Poland looked like 10 years ago.

as to reality on PF ;-) it is not real world :) sometimes I have feeling that I live in different country than presented here.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
26 Apr 2008 /  #50
We spoke too soon Luke, up popped another anti-Polish thread, the immigration one
MrG 1 | 13  
30 Apr 2008 /  #51
Well i carried a knife around with me on Sunday night.

Please dont get bad thoughts of me..but last weekend Kasia and i nearly got mugged..

but we got away because the 3 guys where Polish so Kasia understood them and was able to..well stop him going for me and getting her.

But that was the first time i took a pen knife out, protection! not violence!
Buddy 7 | 167  
15 May 2008 /  #53
In he Uk its illegal to carry a blade over 3.5 inches... the majority of people who carry knives are teenagers....
when I was 22, a friend of mine was stabbed in a fight and bled to death in minutes, cradled in his twin brothers arms...
Youth, bravado and knives are a dangerous combination....
sapphire 22 | 1241  
15 May 2008 /  #54
This is pretty topical right now as there have been 2 young people stabbed to death in London this week in separate incidents. One outside McDonalds in the busiest shopping street in London at 5pm. The government is now calling for a serious crack down on knife crime and they are introducing scanner like machines in some areas where people can be checked for knives. Most knife and gun crime is gang related, so dont join a gang kids, it aint cool.
IronsE11 2 | 441  
15 May 2008 /  #55
This is pretty topical right now as there have been 2 young people stabbed to death in London this week in separate incidents

I believe one of the incidents (Jimmy Mizen) involved a plate being smashed over his head rather than your traditional stabbing with a knife. He was only 16 years old, a very sad story.

The other incident in Oxford St involved a young man who was on bail for a gang rape (which incidentally included putting the victim in a bath of acid so that there was no DNA evidence). The fact that he was actually granted bail worries me greatly. The man allegedly responsible (from Walthamstow round the corner from me) has since been arrested. Presuming he is jailed for life (or the pathetic British equivalent), it will mean two sets of scum will have been removed from the streets in the matter of a week.

The phrase killing two birds with one stone comes to mind.
Mister H 11 | 761  
15 May 2008 /  #56
Well i carried a knife around with me on Sunday night.

Mmmmmmm, I would rather stay at home or move somewhere else.

The other incident in Oxford St involved a young man who was on bail for a gang rape (which incidentally included putting the victim in a bath of acid so that there was no DNA evidence)..

It doesn't surprise me that he was let out on bail, everyone seems to let off their crimes one way or another. Hard to feel sorry for him being dead now we know more about the sort of guy he was.

I agree that the "life" won't be the long, long time in jail it should be. The average age of criminals these days tends to mean that serving life sees someone back on the street before they're thirty.

If prisons are full, build more ! Take away the plasma screens, recording studios and gyms or whatever else they have to prevent in jails to prevent their "human rights" from being breached and fill them up until there is standing room only.
dug321 - | 5  
2 Jun 2008 /  #57
Lets get this answer nailed so people understand more -- White British people very rarely carry knives - the problem lies in the Chinese, Muslim and especially black areas!
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
2 Jun 2008 /  #58
Living in a semi rural environment I have a few knives ( prefer Fiskars and Ontario Knife co. ).
I get them over the internet as its difficult to get good fixed blades now due to the nutters that want to be Rambo.
I only use them in the country.

( Scots word for the day - Gralloch )
JohnP - | 210  
3 Jun 2008 /  #59
Just curious, but are Fiskars (in UK/Europe) many of the same knives as offered in the US by Gerber? (owned by Fiskars)...I love their small hatchets. Those things take a great edge and are nearly indestructible.


Ontario makes some decent, no fuss, no muss knives. Another maker that comes to mind for the budget minded is Cold Steel-everything they make comes sharp enough to shave with, to boot.

Personally for defense I believe in sort of a one-two-three approach if possible.
1. Run if possible. If that doesn't work,
2. Attempt to stop the attacker with less-than-deadly methods. If that is not possible (eg the attacker has already made that jump)
3. Deadly methods.

In the US, defending oneself with a knife is considered use of deadly force in most cases, so it would be wise to know when one is or is not justified in its use. "He was stealing my car stereo" does not apply, for instance.

John P.
szkotja2007 27 | 1498  
4 Jun 2008 /  #60
Yep, Fiskars are Gerbers, I use them for filleting fish.

The Ontarios I like for their simplicity, they aren't going to fall apart too soon. Both brands use good steel which stays sharp. A sharp knife being a safe knife.

I haven't heard of "Cold Steel". Dont want to rub it in but with the present exchange rate, good US knives are really cheap just now :-)

As for violent situations, the worst thing that can happen when seeing a knife is if the victim gets an "Adrenalin Dump" which makes them vey succeptible to commands from the assailant.

I think that Psychology is a major part in any incident. The people that tend to carry knives already have questions about their own abilities and confidence.

If cornered give them choices and options not to use the knife.
If you have an exit route - run !

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