I'll try to give you some anwqers:
Worming>> Do you do your own. How much?
As required, if you put them out in the field, they'll need worning reguarly.
Teeth. Does the teeth have
to be cleaned every year
Speak to your vet, wolf teeth can be a problem.
Food.. Hay and oats.. What else?
Maze, during the winter - makes frisky. One thing to watch for during the spring and summer, if you put them to pasture, is Laminitis - when horse eats succulent grass this creates inflammation in the pastern - makes lame.
Are shoes necessary.?
Yes. On average about 6-8 weeks they need re-shoing.
How much pasture land?
Not entirely sure about this one, but about !.5 acres per animal comes to mind.
Haven't done any horse husbandry in years, hence my answers may prove inaccurate.
Correction Editnunczka:
Food.. Hay and oats.. What else?
Maze, during the winter - makes them lively. One thing to watch for during the spring and summer, if you put them to pasture, is Laminitis - when horse a eats succulent grass this can create inflammation in the Laminae - makes them lame.