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Going to Kraków, Gdańsk, Słupsk, Szczecin...

Czarne Oczy 14 | 64  
4 Jun 2008 /  #1
...Oświecim, and Warszawa..
Can anybody comment on these cities and tell me more about them:)
Tamara 9 | 202  
4 Jun 2008 /  #2
Krakow is a lovely old city with lots of charm. I don't know anyone that doesn't love Krakow. Oswiecim - it is really an experience, speechless is how I best describe my visit there. Warsaw - is probably best experienced with someone from Poland who knows the ins and outs.

Never been to slupsk or szczecin
Zgubiony 15 | 1276  
4 Jun 2008 /  #3
What would you like to know about them? What are you looking to do?

Try Here.

A few people here have been/lived in most of these cities, so I'm sure we can compile some specifics for you.
4 Jun 2008 /  #4
Try Here

i would have suggested that as well :)
OP Czarne Oczy 14 | 64  
4 Jun 2008 /  #5
Thanks for the replys everyone:) countdown to Poland: 24 dni!
christopherpaul - | 1  
5 Jun 2008 /  #6
My Wife and I are going to travel by train from Gadansk to Krakow via Torun in June. We will have 2nights in Gdansk and Torun ,and 3 in Krakow. Any tips or suggestions ?

I'm new to this forum and not sure if this is in the right place !
5 Jun 2008 /  #7
by train from Gadansk to Krakow via Torun

long journey good job broke it up :)

check out the "inyourpocket" website loads of tips and suggestions plus i am sure plenty of people will advise you :)
Florin 2 | 40  
19 Aug 2008 /  #8
I was in Szczecin last week,to meet a good friend, and belive me it was beautiful.. So much green around.. I just love the parks and everything..the tramwaj`s the menels :))) PZM tower... I did so it everyday coz it`s in centrum.. :) and all the buildings the arhitecture, the port, The Duke castle.. I just love it. I`ll sure see it soon! Go there u`ll not be dissapointed!
19 Aug 2008 /  #9
I am glad you had fun in Szczecin. It is a very 'green" city.
20 Aug 2008 /  #10
Gdansk and Sopot are both very nice. There is much to see in both. This time of the year should be good, too! We were there in Oct. and it was cold, even, icy.

There is much to see in Gdansk... the churches, Neptune Fountain, etc. If you have time, take the train to Malbork and see the castle. It is very impressive.

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