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Inheiriting property in Poland

regionpolski 33 | 153  
14 Jul 2007 /  #1
My wife's mother passed, and left my wife her condo. What type of court proceedings are necassary to complete the property transfer? Can any of the paperwork be done in the U.S., and will a lawyer be needed?
hello 22 | 890  
14 Jul 2007 /  #2
It would probably be cheaper to have a lawyer in Poland. But I think you'll have to pay about 40% (!) as tax to the Polish government if you inherit a property.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
14 Jul 2007 /  #3
Not really.

Looks like for close relatives like children there is no tax but you have to inform the local tax office within a month.
EOS - | 7  
14 Jul 2007 /  #4
Your wife shall not pay any tax only if she inform about this fact the Revenue office in one month since the court have taken a decision concerning this property.

Above derives from Act of Tax on inheritance and donation ( if my translation is correct )
14 Jul 2007 /  #5
My wife's mother passed

My condolences to your wife RP.
OP regionpolski 33 | 153  
14 Jul 2007 /  #6
Thank you. Much appreciated.
Eurola 4 | 1898  
14 Jul 2007 /  #7
Sorry to hear that, and my condolences.
It must be hard for you wife to deal with it now.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Real Estate / Inheiriting property in PolandArchived