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Info needed on inherited property value in Poland

14 May 2007 /  #1
I inherited a property in Poland a while back.
It’s in a small town Gora of around 20000 people, about 25km from Leszno and 80km from Wroclaw, I managed to find it on google map. using Gora, Leszno, Poland in the search.

I recently got offered 30,000 zl for it, from an old family friend in Poland,
which is a big relief that I can actually get ride of the place and make some money off it.
As it is impossible to manage from overseas, theres no real estate agents, and I have already had to put in 3000 zl for overdue soldzielnia payments.

Curious if anyone would know what the price of property around that area would be, I was surprised I could get 30000 zl for it, a while back I was told it was worth 10000 zl.

But I can’t find any info on the internet for property sales in the area, or any real estate agents. It’s like a ghost town.

It’s a 2 bedroom apartment on the top floor, quite spatious from what I hear.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
14 May 2007 /  #2
Unless It is very sh*tty, 2 room apratment should cost much more.
14 May 2007 /  #3
Its probably much too little. Contact some Wroclaw immobiliary agency and ask what could you have for it. (Some should speak english. I guess)
Good luck!
14 May 2007 /  #4
are you able to get a professional apprisal for it? That would be the best solution. It looks like you need to hire a real estate company to have a look at it at least. Perhpas contacting somebody in Wroclaw would be good choice, since larger companies have people speaking English.

Grzegorz is right, the price seem really low for a 2 bedroom apartment, unless it is in a really bad shape, but is really low offer IMO
OP voitek  
14 May 2007 /  #5
Yea, I kind of suspected it was low, as it is in good conition from what I hear, but then again it isn't in a good location.

I can speak Polish, but even searching the web through the various Polish realestate web sites, I can't seem to find any info on the area or offers of sale.

Looks like I might have to go check the place out myself, on a long weekend or something.
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
14 May 2007 /  #6
but then again it isn't in a good location.

Still should be worth at least 80.000. Unless the roof is leaking and so on...

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