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Looking for apartment in Poznan. What are their prices?

the traveller 4 | 24  
4 Sep 2008 /  #1
I am finally hopefully going to move to Poland and in particular to Poznan.

Could anyone give me any info on renting apartments?

I am interested to know what are the monthly rent prices for 1 or 2 room flats.

And if anybody knows a web page where I could check, i would be really grateful.

Thanks a lot :)

mamaye 2 | 38  
4 Sep 2008 /  #2
Hi Kostas,
if u read in Polish a bit check gumtree Poznań, there are always lots af ads about flats for rent.
If not, I could possibly help u (I've just helped my cousin to find a flat via gumtree, so I'm updated more or less;) but what I need is more specific wishes about how it should look like, etc.

It is also important if u plan to rent it alone or not, as the 1 room flats cost a lot comparing to 2 rooms' ones (if shared with someone it's even cheaper).

The prices differ - up to standard and location. Do u have any preferable location?
For 1 room flat it can be 1200 PLN as well as 2000 PLN...
For 2 rooms flat lets say, approx. 1400 PLN...
But u may find a single room in a shared flat for 400 PLN.
Let me know if u need any help, I live in Poznań and it's not a big problem:)
U can also use my
good luck!:)
OP the traveller 4 | 24  
5 Sep 2008 /  #3
Bardzo dziękuję Mamaye. Juz wiem ze gumtree istnieje i są tam apartamenty do wynajenie.

Myślałem ze cenny normalnie są bardzej tanie. Np czytałem ze są apartamenty dwóch pokojow od 850 w centrum miasta.
Kiedy masz pensja 3000zł na ręke/miesiące, jest normalne płacić 50% swojej pensji dla mieszkanji???

Mogłabyś mi powiedzieć około jaki procent pensji płacą polacy dla mieszkanji?
vndunne 43 | 279  
5 Sep 2008 /  #4
Hi. i live in poznan. Here are a few addresses that may give you a steer in relation to rents for apartments.

not sure if you know any polish, but you are looking for sections on 'Wynajem" (or something like that....)
Good luck
OP the traveller 4 | 24  
9 Sep 2008 /  #5
Of course and i speak a bit polish. I wrote a whole message above in polish .... :(
But really thanks a lot for the links! I think they will be of great help to me in my search. I am greatful!
24 Mar 2009 /  #6
Hi, if anybody is looking for appartment in Poznan near Center I have right now 2 rooms for rent, new appartment,good location, good style I think and good price (it is my appartment so You will not pay extra money for real estate agency).If You will need photos or more information send me


Archives - 2005-2009 / Real Estate / Looking for apartment in Poznan. What are their prices?Archived