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Putin for Polish president?

ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Jul 2008 /  #1
Certainly you all feel special dislike for our ex-president, but let's throw away personal groundless hostility. What would be, if he were Polish president (or president of your country)? Do you want to see such kind of leader as a head of your nation? Please provide me with your opinions, but please without mantras about freedom and repressions, we all know that it is not true.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Jul 2008 /  #2
Putin is strong and decisive, I personally like him. Scotland is doing very well under Salmond and Poland well under Tusk. I believe that he was perfect for Russia, he fitted the bill nicely but, sorry, he's not for Poland and Scotland.

Maybe others?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Jul 2008 /  #3
Putin for Turkmenistan !!!!!!!!!!111111111
Przemas  1 | 101  
6 Jul 2008 /  #4
Russia can only function under the rule of a totalitarian regime.

Democracy has got to be the most obscene and offensive word any Russian can ever hear.

Boris surely cemented this point.

A Mafioso-type leader is the only one that can succeed and flourish in Russia.

Vlad is one the greatest things that has happened to Russia in some time, a heavy-handed individual that terrorizes its citizens and brings stability in the same extension.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Jul 2008 /  #5
But he wasn't Vlad the Impaler, LOL
Przemas  1 | 101  
6 Jul 2008 /  #6
Today, 13:04 Report #5

But he wasn't Vlad the Impaler, LOL

OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Jul 2008 /  #7
Mantras... You know nothing about how Russia is functioning.
Przemas  1 | 101  
6 Jul 2008 /  #8
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Jul 2008 /  #9
If Putin were Poland's president,Kaczynski would be the waiter for the coffee and Tusk would be a cook.Europeans would start to distrust each other.

A person like Putin is not accepted in the EU.
pawian  226 | 27563  
6 Jul 2008 /  #10
Mantras... You know nothing about how Russia is functioning.

They guess a little and that`s enough.

This opinion below is a bit farfetched but reveals some truth about Russia:

Russia can only function under the rule of a totalitarian regime.
Democracy has got to be the most obscene and offensive word any Russian can ever hear.

Why is it so that Russia must be ruled by a strong man who resorts to authoritarian measures? And why do most Russians support strong dictators at power in their country?

Russia is a big post-imperial country with potential for separatist movements which might blow it up from inside. Russia has already lost many sattelites countries when the USSR collapsed. Only a dictator might stop further decomposition of Russia and preserve its endagered territorial integrity. Such policy cannot be attained with democratic measures.

That is why Russia will never adopt democracy in Western style, because it would be too dangerous, both Russian political elites and average people realise it. There will be always facade democracy on the surface, but practically half dictatorship.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
6 Jul 2008 /  #11
it's very hard to write in the forum from mobile.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Jul 2008 /  #14
Then don't write with a mobile then, LOL
Borrka  37 | 592  
6 Jul 2008 /  #15
My guess is that having Mr Putin as a president we could all afford such a wonderful and delicious dinner:

shopgirl  6 | 928  
6 Jul 2008 /  #16
Why is it so that Russia must be ruled by a strong man who resorts to authoritarian measures? And why do most Russians support strong dictators at power in their country?

It's all they have ever known?

southern  73 | 7059  
6 Jul 2008 /  #17
Why is it so that Russia must be ruled by a strong man who resorts to authoritarian measures?

Because if he is not strong enough,they take control over him.
Dublinjohn  - | 38  
6 Jul 2008 /  #18
Putin for Polish president?

Thats a good one.
What about Bertie Ahern for Polish president. Oh you dont go betting on horses here... ah well
6 Jul 2008 /  #19
Because if he is not strong enough,they take control over him.

The Czars had Cossacks, Putin surely has somebody.
Przemas  1 | 101  
6 Jul 2008 /  #20
I look back on this topic and truthfully fall into hysterics.

Here we have some Russian asking us Poles how we would like some ex-kgb scum running our Nation.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Jul 2008 /  #21
Thats a good one.
What about Bertie Ahern for Polish president. Oh you dont go betting on horses here... ah well

Your Berty is too unatractive....heh I would rather say, he is ugly....and old...
Przemas  1 | 101  
7 Jul 2008 /  #22
I would love to comment on this topic some more, though I really don’t want to sport a face like Yushchenko.

You Russians are such vile creatures.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Jul 2008 /  #23
You Russians are such vile creatures.

Why? Why you always hate us so wildly? I think that it would be much better to build good relations! ....well just in case, who will be your president in the future? who knows? "Tsarstvo Polskoe", I think it sounds good, isn't it?

Here we have some Russian asking us Poles how we would like some ex-kgb scum running our Nation.

Who knows....who knows.....
celinski  31 | 1258  
7 Jul 2008 /  #24
I look back on this topic and truthfully fall into hysterics.

I 2nd that and while Putin is moving to Poland we can get the Bush's moved into the Kremlin. LOL
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jul 2008 /  #25
Your Berty is too unatractive....heh I would rather say, he is ugly....and old...

Ah I see, you meant president of the gay parade.
celinski  31 | 1258  
7 Jul 2008 /  #26
There have been sinister jokes about Putin's administration in the 21st century, too. In one, the ghost of Stalin appears to Putin in a dream and advises him to shoot all his inefficient officials and paint the walls blue.

"Why blue?" Putin asks. Stalin laughs and replies: "I knew you'd only ask about the second part."

Taken from:


Elaine Feinstein reviews Hammer and Tickle by Ben Lewis
7 Jul 2008 /  #27
Why? Why you always hate us so wildly?

Don't worry, you're just Deputy Great Satan around here ; -)
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
7 Jul 2008 /  #28
Putin for Polish president?

I think this thread belongs to "Off-Topic Lounge [deletable]", or a sci-fi section if the Admin decides to open one.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
8 Jul 2008 /  #29
Vlad is one the greatest things that has happened to Russia in some time, a heavy-handed individual that terrorizes its citizens and brings stability in the same extension.

What citizens does he terrorize?...Boris Berozovsky?...Putin would be a good US President...I might vote for him.
celinski  31 | 1258  
8 Jul 2008 /  #30
Why is it so that Russia must be ruled by a strong man who resorts to authoritarian measures?

This is what used to be said about lady's that were in abuse relationships. How sad for the Russian citizens.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Putin for Polish president?Archived