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Poles protest US Stalin memorial plan

1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Nov 2009 /  #1
The Polish community in the United States is outraged by a plan to honour Josef Stalin by placing his bust on a pedestal at the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia.

According to William McIntosh, the director of the Bradford museum, which is coordinating the project, the Soviet dictator deserves to be acknowledged alongside Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt has he was an ally of the US after Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

Article from thenews
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
25 Nov 2009 /  #2
The Polish community in the United States is outraged by a plan to honour Josef Stalin by placing his bust on a pedestal at the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia.

I have a hard time believing this....
OP 1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Nov 2009 /  #3
That Polish community is outraged or that Yanks want to honor their partner? Most Americans think the war started in 1941 and that Germany unfairly attacked poor Soviet Union.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
25 Nov 2009 /  #4
That they really want to honor Stalin with a memorial!
If that would be true there would be much more people protest than only the Poles...(at least I hope so!)
OP 1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Nov 2009 /  #5
Only in America, as we say.

Saddam Hussein was an ally also in the 1980s. He deserves a statue too.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
25 Nov 2009 /  #6
....or the Taliban!

PS: Are there any links to US papers? What do the Amis say?
sjam  2 | 541  
25 Nov 2009 /  #7
The idea of having a bust of Stalin for the D-Day memorial is perverse but the rational of the organisers is according to their mission statement that the D-Day memorial is to commemorate all those affecting or affected by the D-Day landings... so this would include Stalin as leader of the USSR, an Allied nation affected by D-Day. But IMO using their criteria it should logically also include a bust of Hitler as the Germans were also profoundly affected by the D-Day landings I would have thought? But I guess this would be equally perverse.
BrutalButcher  - | 386  
25 Nov 2009 /  #8
When will they make a Hitler statue?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
25 Nov 2009 /  #9
But IMO using their criteria it should logically also include a bust of Hitler as the Germans were also profoundly affected by the D-Day landings I would have thought?

...actually a quite good argument to show the perversity of that plan!
cheehaw  2 | 263  
25 Nov 2009 /  #10
Well having lived several years in post-colonial Virginia, I can say, I am not surprised.

But take heart Bedford VA is in the boondocks and most of civilized Virginia has never even heard of the place, much less ever had a desire to drive that direction. And this certainly won't gain the va rednecks anything but more ill-repute.

you should see it out there in the boonies of Virginia.. little shanty towns of really poor people and blacks descended from slaves.
sjam  2 | 541  
26 Nov 2009 /  #11
The plaque to Stalin's bust will read:

So it goes some way to try and mitigate Stalin's inclusion but the memorial founders also present an odd slant to try and connect Stalin with D-Day:

Lesson: Did Russians participate in the fighting on D-Day? No doubt, though the ones in Normandy
were not wearing military uniforms of the allied USSR. Instead they were Soviet POWs Hitler had conscripted
and deployed to defend the Atlantic Wall - and defend it they did, as enemy combatants. The Soviet allies,
of course, were on the Eastern front engaging the first-rank Wehrmacht troops Hitler had redeployed from
France to slow Stalin's drive west.

Here is the link to the document see page 5 onwards:

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
26 Nov 2009 /  #12
I have a hard time believing this....

me 2

That they really want to honor Stalin with a memorial!


If that would be true there would be much more people protest than only the Poles...(at least I hope so!)

Yeah that made me think of when in the USA Josef Stalin was promoted as an good leader and the example of Democracy for his people.

Some just don't get it

BB help us bring out the truth! ^^
cheehaw  2 | 263  
26 Nov 2009 /  #13
There is a big push from certain groups in the USA to whitewash history and make communism look good. I am not a Glenn Beck fan but he has a good video showing this here:

Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
26 Nov 2009 /  #14
Shhhhh! Don't tell them. They think we are headed for socialism...

Well, Stalin (More honestly the Russian people) did the lions share of the work to stop Hitler. I think mention of this is very appropriate. In fact, Not mentioning it would be quite insulting. The question is, how do you create a memorial without making some group mad?
cheehaw  2 | 263  
26 Nov 2009 /  #15

I think we are already there.. now comes the rewriting of history..

more interesting links from this page

Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
26 Nov 2009 /  #16
This is easy! We blame the evil capitalists for the fall of the peaceful and prosperous Soviet Union! Those party leaders and such had to go somewhere years ago. They came here! Just like the Nazis escaped to Argentina. Now they control the Democrat party through proxy politicians. Fairly common knowledge amongst the American people. The only bad thing is that it is also recent knowledge. The best quote I heard was, " It's too late to work within the system, but, It's too early to shoot the f*ckers! "
26 Nov 2009 /  #17
Once I was talking to a group of university students who were protesting Summit of Americas held in Quebec City. I saw Stalin's portrait on one of the posters so I had to ask "Why Stalin?" and one girl told me "He is my hero", so I said "But he was a tyrant and murdered millions of peoples" she said "Oh, he wasn't THAT bad, Bush is worst!". The level of ignorance is scary.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
26 Nov 2009 /  #18
more interesting links from this page

Glenn Beck - this is the first time I have heard him. Talk about dumbing down information.
Do people actually watch this rubbish ?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
26 Nov 2009 /  #19

dumbing down


Well, I guess this makes your argument irrefutable! -Typical.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
26 Nov 2009 /  #20
makes your argument irrefutable

What argument ?
Dice  15 | 452  
26 Nov 2009 /  #21
US Stalin memorial plan

Wait till the Anti-Defamation League or World Jewish Congress find out about it. All the Virginia politicians, both republicans and Democrats can say "goodbye" to their jobs.

BTW, this news is so outrages that I seriously doubt its authenticity. Maybe that website got it from The Onion?
cheehaw  2 | 263  
27 Nov 2009 /  #22
Wait till the Anti-Defamation League or World Jewish Congress find out about it. All the Virginia politicians, both republicans and Democrats can say "goodbye" to their jobs.

I doubt it. I bet they would love it.. them and their bolshevik uncles. Uphold the work of Stalin and you can start shipping americans and everyone else off in box cars to workcamps to help the environment or something, I can think of something.... something..

makes me feel the need to get my grandpa's Ellis Island papers since my family were never slave owners I shouldn't have to pay reparations either.

Glenn Beck - this is the first time I have heard him. Talk about dumbing down information.
Do people actually watch this rubbish ?

heh .. but hey for newbies he is a place to start. I used to like him a few years ago myself. He gets paid to do a show, bring in viewers... He offers some good info but cannot be trusted 100% due to the payroll affiliations. took me a while to figure that out I admit... slap..

The best quote I heard was, " It's too late to work within the system, but, It's too early to shoot the f*ckers! "

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
27 Nov 2009 /  #23
I must ask: What is the Bradford Museum?...Never heard of it before...'Uncle Joe' was a homicidal sociopath...But he had a sense of humor at times...My favorite quote from him was when he was asked by some Western reporter about problems with certain people...He say 'Problem?...No man, no problem'.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
27 Nov 2009 /  #24
I had never heard of it either.. but I have driven through there numerous times and south west VA, south virginia, south of richmond and then some.. is a dirt park for the most part.. really.. lots of poverty.. here and there some old plantation mansions.. a few nice communities sprinkled through but mostly trailors than anything.. tiny one or 2 room cement block houses.. shacks, people living in them.. the black people still being used for cheap cheap labor.. and poor whites too.. being from New York state I was stunned at the poverty. And lack of attention to it. We never saw it this bad up there. even in the worst parts of Brooklyn, it's much better.. south bronx might compare..

When I lived in VA, I mentioned the economic situation quite a few times to a quite a few people.. I was told repeatedly.. "well, this is the commonwealth.. this is colonial virginia"... pretty much quote unquote. I had to take a 2/3's pay cut to live in VA, and the cost of living is not low.. I loved the people of Richmond, and the churches.. the black people are something there, real nice, the ones I met in church anyway.... they have worked hard, they do ok in Richmond.. but southwards, forget it. And the wages, the pay rates all through VA south of the beltway.. terrible. I was so glad to leave Richmond.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
27 Nov 2009 /  #25
That Polish community is outraged or that Yanks want to honor their partner? Most Americans think the war started in 1941 and that Germany unfairly attacked poor Soviet Union.

When did it start? In the early October of 1938 with occupation of Teschen by Poland or rather from the Munich conference itself in September of the same year? I always had difficulty with the start of WWll.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
28 Nov 2009 /  #26
WWII actually started after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and the Bolshevik takeover in Russia...These events guaranteed a WWII.
mbiernat  3 | 107  
29 Nov 2009 /  #27
This is unbelievable.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
1 Dec 2009 /  #28
Nathan WWII started in 30/01/1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg that was beginning after that, 12/03/1933 First Concentration Camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin and so it went and Treaty of Versailles did not helped the treaty ignored many problems with territorial disputes.

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