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What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others?

4 Dec 2008 /  #361
The jokes about the Polish are our reality and really there is nothing funny about this for us.

There's nothing funny about Poles because so many of you are lying little sh!ts who complain that there are not enough graves in a British cemetery.

One tiny point: Poles love to boast about how 'their' squadron 303 saved the UK during the battle of Britain. Please explain how the deaths of seven Poles is enough but the presence of 70 times more graves in a single British cemetery in Poland is not enough.

Well, either that or just lie about the number of graves, that would be the truly Polish way of debating this point.
4 Dec 2008 /  #362
Not enough British people are buried in Krakow and Malbork and Poznan for you to think that Britain fulfilled its obligations to Poland?

Oh, so now you finally got it! How does it feel when someone is nitpicking details to fit his purpose? Hurts. I learned it from you, dear. Now you know how I feel when you are telling me that we should stop whining because 'technically' we were invited to the parade and ‘technically’ you helped us.

Payback is a b1tch.

And GG is an important issue in this case so you better find that out if you want to be taken seriously.
4 Dec 2008 /  #363
English forum, not Polish. I am sure they would be better able to enjoy it.

good post
IronsE11 2 | 442  
4 Dec 2008 /  #364
If my aunt had balls she's be my uncle. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Payback is a b1tch.

How was life under Uncle Joe?
celinski 31 | 1,258  
4 Dec 2008 /  #365
How was life under Uncle Joe?

See, there's no need for that. What have we said that was so very offensive that makes you so mean.

good post

Thank you, it really gets me that even in here others feel no remorse for us.

4 Dec 2008 /  #366
Payback is a b1tch.

How was life under Uncle Joe?

Fashion moment?
IronsE11 2 | 442  
4 Dec 2008 /  #367
See, there's no need for that. What have we said that was so very offensive that makes you so mean.

Your pathetic notion of betrayal. I'm glad my grandparents fought in Burma. The colonies were more worthy.

Obviously this does not go for the Poles who dont share your ridiculous view.
4 Dec 2008 /  #368
The colonies were more worthy.

Still dreaming your imperialist dream? Missing enslaving peoples much?
Valentine - | 2  
4 Dec 2008 /  #369
we have the right to say fuck you to what americas doing to the people of iraq


we were the last safe heaven for people who wanted to beleave there one beliefs in Europe

but what did we get for that?

invaded be germans! and after we faught them off we were sold off to the soveits?

weave a rich heretige that is not even known of by any one thats not polish
IronsE11 2 | 442  
4 Dec 2008 /  #370
Still dreaming your imperialist dream? Missing enslaving peoples much?

I was born in 1982 dear. And we're still living the imperialist dream in Iraq. You should know about that.

invaded be germans! and after we faught them off we were sold off to the soveits?

Spot the deliberate mistake.
Babinich 1 | 455  
4 Dec 2008 /  #371
You seem to think that with taking him out of the equation everything will be okay, but here you are so wrong!

Who would replace him (Hitler)?
celinski 31 | 1,258  
4 Dec 2008 /  #372
Spot the deliberate mistake.

No, it was the fact that Poland had a constitution that both Hitler and Stalin's groupies couldn't stand. Poland was alot like the USA where people had a voice and could live side by side in peace. Smack in the middle of two dictators that wanted full control over the people.

You see how could they continue with Poland's people going forward with rights.
5 Dec 2008 /  #373
Oh, so now you finally got it! How does it feel when someone is nitpicking details to fit his purpose? Hurts. I learned it from you, dear. Now you know how I feel when you are telling me that we should stop whining because 'technically' we were invited to the parade and ‘technically’ you helped us.

Payback is a b1tch.

And GG is an important issue in this case so you better find that out if you want to be taken seriously.

By GG I assume you mean the General Government. Are you as a Pole saying that the GG ever reflected the true borders of Poland? If so you are a liar and a hypocrite.

Britain did not technically invite you: it did invite you. Britain did not technically help you: it did help you.

With hindsight both of those decisions were wrong. As you (particularly your comments about not enough Brits dying for you to say that Britain helped Poland), Carol and Z-d!ckhead have shown, not enough Poles died during the war. Hitler had the right idea what to do with you, he was just an underachiever. Britain most certainly should have got involved in WWII, it just joined on the wrong side. Face the facts, if the British been fighting the Polish army in Poland, there would now be fewer British troops buried in Poland.
Babinich 1 | 455  
5 Dec 2008 /  #374
Britain most certainly should have got involved in WWII, it just joined on the wrong side.

An interesting counter factual. Does this mean Britain stands by as a silent partner in Germany's move east? Or, do the British provide forces for Barbarossa?
5 Dec 2008 /  #375
Interesting question. I'd imagine that the correct course of action would have been to leave the invasion of Poland very much to Germany, co-operate on the conquest of France (which would be followed by Britain recovering her lost territories in Northern France), Britain to take the lead in security operations in France, Norway etc and then for the British fleet to launch an attack up from the black sea at the same time as the German army kicks off Barbarossa, Indian and other Commonwealth forces could move up through Iraq and Iran to attack Russia from the south, Anzac forces could combine with Canadian and Japanese troops to invade Russia from the east. Attacked from three sides and completely cut off from USA supplies, Russia would not stand a chance. As one of the conditions for peace the Allies could make them responsible for removing the entire population of Poland from the area formerly known as Poland and depositing them somewhere in Siberia.

No doubt had this happened Poles would whine and lie about betrayal but they do this anyway, so no loss really.
Filios1 8 | 1,336  
5 Dec 2008 /  #377
VaFunkoolo, you are quite a twat, aren't you?

Britain most certainly should have got involved in WWII, it just joined on the wrong side

So do you feel that a lot of Britons feel the same way you do, that selling their soul and joining the Nazi's would have been the correct thing to do?

Just one more question for you Harry, as you do seem to show some sympathy for Jews, maybe not for Poles, tell me why the allies did not bomb German railroad systems leading to Auschwitz and other concentration camps? It could have saved many Jews, and perhaps irritatingly for you and your kind, saved many Poles too, from getting the gas chamber.
VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
5 Dec 2008 /  #378
VaFunkoolo, you are quite a twat, aren't you?


But the important thing to bear in mind is that Im English

And therefore better than you
Filios1 8 | 1,336  
5 Dec 2008 /  #379
And therefore better than you

Another noimmigration?

Go be with your butt-buddy you racist asshole.
VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
5 Dec 2008 /  #380
As a mongrol Greek I bow to your superior knowledge of bum chums

Nonimi makes a lot of valid points

Just because you find them offensive in no way diminishes their validity
IronsE11 2 | 442  
5 Dec 2008 /  #381
So do you feel that a lot of Britons feel the same way you do, that selling their soul and joining the Nazi's would have been the correct thing to do?

I don't, but apparently (according to our ever so enlightened Polish friends) the actual course of action taken by the British was also immoral. Apparently we should have sent troops headfirst in to Germany the day after the Nazis stepped foot in Poland.

I don't think Vafunkoolo and Harry honestly feel that way, they are just reacting to some ignorant posters, who should be grateful of the fact that Poland exists today, rather than blame the British for their problems.

I wonder why Poland didn't invade Germany when Hitler marched in to Czechoslovakia?
Filios1 8 | 1,336  
5 Dec 2008 /  #382
I wonder why Poland didn't invade Germany when Hitler marched in to Czechoslovakia?

Or France, or the Soviet Union?
JulietEcho 3 | 100  
5 Dec 2008 /  #383
There's nothing funny about Poles because so many of you are lying little sh!ts who complain that there are not enough graves in a British cemetery.

One tiny point: Poles love to boast about how 'their' squadron 303 saved the UK during the battle of Britain. Please explain how the deaths of seven Poles is enough but the presence of 70 times more graves in a single British cemetery in Poland is not enough.

Where exactly have you seen this British cementary in Poland?
VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
5 Dec 2008 /  #384
Using words like Limey quickly identifies you as an American kuhnt

But thats neither here nor there

The question is, why would we by dying for the Polish...?
JulietEcho 3 | 100  
5 Dec 2008 /  #385
The question is, why would we by dying for the Polish...?

Because your whiskey soaked, backstabber promised so before the Polish went there to help, but as usual the british honor and a word is as good as the toilet paper.

Have you ever heard of why, so crucially, he tried to mask Katyn massacre when Germans widely tried to publicize the soviet regime mass murder and why General Sikorski was killed?

Ill answer it for you: because if Katyn massacre came to light, Polish would stop fighting on your side and quite probably would start fighting against the soviets...

HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
5 Dec 2008 /  #386
With hindsight both of those decisions were wrong. As you (particularly your comments about not enough Brits dying for you to say that Britain helped Poland), Carol and Z-d!ckhead have shown, not enough Poles died during the war. Hitler had the right idea what to do with you, he was just an underachiever. Britain most certainly should have got involved in WWII, it just joined on the wrong side. Face the facts, if the British been fighting the Polish army in Poland, there would now be fewer British troops buried in Poland.

Are you English? The only thing worse than the Polish attitude and xenophobia are the british scummy jerks. Britian is one force that has always royaly screwed Europe.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
5 Dec 2008 /  #387
Just my views

Poland is now free to speak out and I fear the truth is what makes the sparks fly. It won't be easy but within the next five years the full truth shall be common knowledge. Ignorance to Poland's history under both occupations must be shown and the truth studied.

As soon as I saw the subject I felt this is a good thing for Poland.
5 Dec 2008 /  #388

Why not read this thread?

There are three Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries in Poland. One in Malbork (232 WWII burials plus 13 WWI dead who were moved from Gdansk in 1960), one in Poznan (283 WWII dead and 174 WWI) and one in Krakow (483 WWII dead plus 24 of civilian internees (including two Imperial War Graves Commission gardeners).

There are also other Commonwealth cemeteries in Poland, such as the one at Lidsbark, which the CWGC were not allowed to maintain after 1945 and so have fallen into ruin. Here's a photo of what Poles consider to be appropriate maintenance of a cemetery where foreigners who died fighting in Poland:
HatefulBunch397 - | 658  
5 Dec 2008 /  #389
Poland is now free to speak out and I fear the truth is what makes the sparks fly. It won't be easy but within the next five years the full truth shall be common knowledge. Ignorance to Poland's history under both occupations must be shown and the truth studied.

Celinski, I think some of the blame falls on BRITIAN.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
5 Dec 2008 /  #390
As do I and this I feel is why conversations become so heated over this. Just like all the other touchie subjects this one is just as impostant as "Katyn", "Soviet occupation" and so on. If we are going to study history lets study the full story, not pick and choose as Polish were forced to do under occupation.

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