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Poland..wake up to a multicultural world

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 May 2009 /  #901
despite having a much harder way than blacks we somehow managed to create a relatively wealthy and very productive community in US

Of course you did,you keep telling yourselfs that,lol,poles had it harder than blacks.....cant remember reading about the Polish civil rights movement,or Rosa Parkska getting kicked off a bus.

The brutal reality is that certain races, cultures and religions are heavily disfunctional and should not be allowed to thrive in European culture.

"should not be allowed to thrive.." You mean,keep them down and in their place? I dont suspect you will see the irony of your statments but Im sure those with a little insight will.

Because it gave us the world, arts, discoveries, sciences, they're all either European or ............................ or enforcing their redneck backwards ways on the society.

Again,its so great it wont get swept away then will it.....lol,rednecks,aint they pi ss poor white folks?Ya know,the average JoeSixTooth of trailer park fame?

England should round up all radical muslims at gunpoint and dump them on some African coast.

I happen to agree 100% there,if you go on "my" streets of "my" country and spout some of the disgusting stuff they do I say,sod free speach,if you want to live under muslim law,F*CK OFF TO SAUDI ARABIA!!!

But,people like you dont just want rid of the proven fanatics,you want rid of Everyone based on some spurious genetic or skin tone link,guilty until proven guilty ,so,I say again,you claim European culture as being liberal yes? With your extremly non liberal ideas YOU are the one who is straying from European cultural norms arnt you,or do you really not see that?

When Muslims beat the shite out of you for wearing a cross or kissing a girl in public you'll change your opinion, its already happening in Sweden or UK.

What a load of bollox,sure stuff like this happens every now and again but lets see,if 2 boys ,white boys kissed in public in Poland or Tennasee what do you think would happen? That fellow white folks would say "good on you,your keeping with the spirit of white liberal tollerence..." or more likely beat the living sh*t out of them.....
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
7 May 2009 /  #902
And what went on in the balkans at the same time as rwanda shelley,or is this selective memory contagious,mexicans bring the flu,Poles bring amnesia...

I said on a 'grand scale', I haven't forgotten about the Balkans or in fact closer to home (Ireland). But the Balkans have had peace for a considerable amount time now, the same can not be said for the majority of Africa.

Why do you feel this,like I say,is your link to our culture so weak that you will let it slip away because someone tells you to? How can we lose our identity? I dont feel black or muslim just because a few of them live near me,do you?
Seriously,Im interested in getting to the bottom of why some people fell they will just hand over their own culture as soon as it rubs up against another.
I may be wrong but,from experience it always seems to be people with the least knowladge of "their" culture and certainly a very low input into "their" culture who bleat about losing it.

I certainly don't think Im going to turn black or muslim, but I do feel that the recent changes in schools and their changes to the curriculum, i.e. no more teaching about our history in so much as kids wont learn about our kings or queens or about various historic battles that we fort because most of the kids that attend certain schools are not from this country so they don't feel it's relevant to them.

The fact that Urdu is being tought in primary schools when kids should be concentrating on English, the fact that we are called racist for wanting to fly the union flag or St. Georges cross, the fact that the St. Georges parades and celebrations were cancelled as they thought it might cause racial tension, the fact that we have to print leaflets in 20 different languages and employ tranlators because people cannot be bothered to learn English, the fact that our soliders get abused in the street after they come home from fighting and the only ones that are charged are white British people because they took umbridge at the offensive nature of the banners and chants from so called British muslims who have no respect whatsoever for this country.

The powers that be are too afraid of upsetting minorities so instead they throw money at them for every diversity project there is whilst all the while libraries are closing their doors.

As for me and my connection with culture, history has always been a pleasure for me, I particularly enjoy the industrial revolution, a part of our history which we should be proud of, we formed unions, Acts that protected children and the poor and shaped the country for the better. From an enjoyed side of culture, I enjoy visiting friends who are lucky enough to live in nice villages, so I can take part in well dressings and the odd village fate, I particularly enjoy visits to the Imperial War Museum and can't resist a good flower show ;0)

Oh I forgot, Last night of the Proms in my local park in recent years has been a real treat, funny thing was there wasn't one black or brown face to be seen, so much for integration...
IronsE11  2 | 441  
7 May 2009 /  #903
Lets see, we are all from catholic background (which in time turned protestant in places)

My grandmother was a Catholic but I am not. Christianity was an integral part of British culture but not these days. I, like many Brits, have no meaningful cultural connection with Christianity whatsoever.

our languages intersperse

English and Polish are nothing like each other. How you can descibe

Mother in English - Mother.
Polish - Matka.

as a cultural bond is beyond me.

we had similar trends in history (renessaince, positive period, industrial period)

This is a relevant cultural similarity? My football team is called Renaissance, but that's about as far as it goes. Britain colonised the world, Poland was effectively colonised. How is that a similar history?

we all celebrate similar holidays

Having spent this Christmas in Poland, I know how different our respective celebrations are. We don't even celebrate it on the same day!!

Either way, arguing that you don't mind opening Poland's borders to Europeans, based on the fact that they celebrate the same festival, is a bit tenuous don't you think?

so yes our culture is similar

No it isn't (see above)

our respective customs do not contradict each other.

I believe in equality for homosexuals and freedom of choice in regards to abortion. I also believe that the use of contraception should be actively encouraged. Do you agree with me? Does the average Pole agree with me?

Pole in UK will not try to convert you to Islam

Sorry, I was under the impression that you have been to the UK. Obviously not. No Muslim has ever tried to convert me, and I know a hell of a lot of them. Funnily enough, the only people who have tried are Jehovah's witnesses and some prick on Oxford St with a megaphone, who has since been handed an ASBO for pissing shoppers off (He is a Christian btw).

Gone on, tell us the real reason why you prefer "native" Europeans...
SamenessLove  1 | 33  
7 May 2009 /  #904
Getting everybody together in the same neighborhoods.

You're very naive about human nature in general.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 May 2009 /  #905
Of course you did,you keep telling yourselfs that,lol,poles had it harder than blacks.....cant remember reading about the Polish civil rights movement,or Rosa Parkska getting kicked off a bus.

Everyone had it harder than blacks, thats the problem with you uneducated morons you all have an opinion based on your own fat arse and zip knowledge, US government gave blacks preferential treatment, even today kicking a black employee out for shity job risks you a racial based lawsuit.

Whites have it harder this includes Poles, the point is that after the racist episodes US gave huge support to blacks, most whites had it harder and turned out better, want a lecture on all aid programmes the blacks get just for having a slave for great great grandfather?

"should not be allowed to thrive.." You mean,keep them down and in their place? I dont suspect you will see the irony of your statements but Im sure those with a little insight will.

I mean forcefully integrate the ones already in, start using institutional violence against people who try to enforce their backwards religion on us and stop being so goddamn liberal and tolerant towards people who preach hate towards us.

If some Mullah in Poland started preaching forcefull conversion he'd get the living snot beaten out of him within hours, in England you actually encourage those savages.

"should not be allowed to thrive.." You mean,keep them down and in their place? I dont suspect you will see the irony of your statements but Im sure those with a little insight will.

I mean round up those who are troublesome like radical muslims and forcefully evict them to some s--hole in Africa, the next extremist muslim demonstration should be shot at with live ammunition and, the police hour in ghettos with policemen having right to shoot any black found with a weapon.

These minorities are like children, they need control or they will damage themselves and us.

Again,its so great it wont get swept away then will it.....lol,rednecks,aint they pi ss poor white folks?Ya know,the average JoeSixTooth of trailer park fame?

People who do not afford women equal rights are scum, i dont give a crap if its their cavemen culture or stone age religion, i dont respect muslims or Islam for their ways, i dont believe in the possibility of dialogue and i dont want them in Poland, same for blacks.

We're a safe country, we have a growing economy, a wonderful rich 1000 year old culture, i'm not going to **** it all away so i could show the world i'm oh so tolerant towards some bloody savage.

But,people like you dont just want rid of the proven fanatics,you want rid of Everyone based on some spurious genetic or skin tone link

Did you read my previous posts? I dont mind a few colored or muslims settling here, i dont want to open borders to them at large though, i dont want them creating their own fuked up societies, i dont want them trying to impose their way of life here.

What a load of bollox,sure stuff like this happens every now and again

No, it happens often, want some interesting articles and youtube presentations on Sweden and England? There's a universe of difference between a dangerous neighbourhood in Poland where someone gets mugged once in a blue moon and the same in London where there's criminal activity galore and daily.

What a load of bollox,sure stuff like this happens every now and again but lets see,if 2 boys ,white boys kissed in public in Poland or Tennasee what do you think would happen?

They'd get some disgusted looks, someone might trow a rude comment or insult, no one would beat 'em up.

That fellow white folks would say "good on you,your keeping with the spirit of white liberal tollerence..." or more likely beat the living sh*t out of them.....

Make no mistake Poland is not awfully tolerant or liberal but its safe, its nice and much better off than some of the Western States who decided mongrel is the way to go.

If we let in enough colored and religious minorities we're facing the same heap of crap the West does, thats not multicultural world, thats admitting groups of inferiors to mess up your society.


In regards to your dishonest claims that muslims dont forcefully convert people in UK.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
7 May 2009 /  #906

In regards to your dishonest claims that muslims dont forcefully convert people in UK.

Muslims? So your media example speaks for the entire Muslim population?

How about I take my example of the prick in Oxford St, (anyone who has been there will know who I'm talking about) and use that as proof that all Christians try to convert people?

While we're at it: timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article5711595.ece

If some Mullah in Poland started preaching forcefull conversion he'd get the living snot beaten out of him within hours, in England you actually encourage those savages.

What if some mad Catholic started preaching that contraception does not prevent AIDS? Would you beat the sh1t out of him? No, you encourage these savages.

You are bigoted hypocrite and you can't even see it.

Have you ever been to the UK?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 May 2009 /  #907

You post this request to convert next to muslim gangs converting through violence? Good job buddy go hug Allah and beat up your wife:))))

You are bigoted hypocrite and you can't even see it.

I simply want my country to remain safe and my culture to remain intact, i have nothing against multicultural world if its white Europeans we're talking about, if this world is to include inferior cultures and religions though they can stay in their crime ridden slums, abroad.

What if some mad Catholic started preaching that contraception does not prevent AIDS? Would you beat the sh1t out of him? No, you encourage these savages.

In Poland, a catholic country women do not have to walk dressed from head to toe, have equal rights and do not get murdered for disobiedience, dont even compare Islam which is firmly in the shitiest dark age possible to Catholicism which has its moments but is ultimately benevolent.

Also Iron i was just given this:


We can continue to find examples of how UK is ridden with violence by muslims and to the lesser extent blacks, these people are a few centuries behind us, there should be an organized effort to control them, evict as many as we can and limit their population or they will endanger our physical existence and our way of life.

This is a war of the worlds in which one side simply bends over and lets itself be f**cked.

Also yes Irons i've been to UK, its a wonderful country gone mongrel state, it ceirtanly adds color and variety but at a price i'm personally not willing to pay, these people need to stay out.
SamenessLove  1 | 33  
7 May 2009 /  #908
English and Polish are nothing like each other. How you can descibe

Simple list of some shared words:

Crow  154 | 9463  
7 May 2009 /  #909
Poland..wake up to a multicultural world

Poland, please don`t wake up to a multicultural world

Please, continue to sleep. Why wake up? Only to realise that Polish girls/woman aren`t only Polish but also Arabic?

or,... to realise that today`s Russia looks as better perspective for Poland then today`s USA

fu** reality. Dreams are better

SamenessLove  1 | 33  
7 May 2009 /  #910
What if some mad Catholic started preaching that contraception does not prevent AIDS? Would you beat the sh1t out of him? No, you encourage these savages.

You are bigoted hypocrite and you can't even see it.

I think you miss the point of what are called "standards" or "beliefs". The whole point is to be discriminating against beliefs you don't agree with. So, in a largely Catholic society someone who preaches that contraception does not prevent AIDS wouldn't really be out of the norm. In fact, many may agree. Not really hypocritical then. And the intolerance of Muslim preaching and culture may be justified due to having knowledge about said culture. So then it wouldn't be bigoted.
pauls  - | 30  
7 May 2009 /  #911
a German in Poland after a few years will only be distinguished by a funny accent

So, you believe there really is no such thing as "Uebermenschen und Untermenschen", or is there?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 May 2009 /  #912
Yes and no, i dont believe people can be inferior or superior as human beings at core level but people can be inferior on certain fields based on their racial heritage.

Black race has proven itself incapable of creating productive modern society for example, as much as it sounds racist reality proven this to be true, by letting muslims or blacks operate in an uncontrolled enviroment we create a hazard for ourselves, these people need subtle direction and a strong hand or they will do exactly what they're doing now.

Chaos, destruction, prejudice.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
7 May 2009 /  #913
Long story short - the Western culture is in decline and it's doomed. It's doubtful anything can be done about that at this point, save for significantly increased baby production by the Western countries. That seems like a dim chance. Germans, Poles, Brits and such prefer to wank in front of computers screens instead of hitting on non-virtual pussies.

The world will become muslim, the Vatican will be a complex of mosques, women will be treated only slightly worse than goats. And forget the culture as we know it. Mona Lisa will burn, Mt Rushmore will be drilled and filled with dynamite and then exploded.

My generation will pull through because most of us will be dead by then, but the younger generations are screwed. The kids are good at reaping the benefits of various freedoms and rights, but they are pretty inexperienced in fighting for them. Except for the fight to grant them to those who despise those freedoms and who will trample the very freedoms and destroy those who granted them the liberty to do as they please.

The moderate muslims will do squat about that because... well they are moderate and love allah so very very much.

So in the end Poland of the latter parts of the 21st century will be as multicultural as the rest of the world i.e. like the Saudi Arabia - all muslim and any call for multiculturalism will be then penalized by stoning or beheading.
7 May 2009 /  #914
Long story short

Sad, but true. My heart weeps.
pauls  - | 30  
7 May 2009 /  #915
Black race has proven itself incapable of creating productive modern society

Ah? Barack Obama was elected by the citizens of US (large majority, white!) to lead the nation, those who voted for him must be at least as incapable?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #916
Long story short - the Western culture is in decline and it's doomed.

Only because of fatalistic declarations like this. If you feel so strongly, why not try to change things? You can start by figuring out ways to revitalize run down areas of your community. If you and every one else who says similar things organized and worked to revitalize run down areas, you would be adding so much value to properties here and the bad people wouldn't be able to infiltrate them. They wouldn't be able to afford the houses. Maybe you could hire some of them to help with the renovating? All it takes is some organization, dedication, determination, grass roots campaigning and somebody who works in HUD or knows how to find and buy cheaper houses to get these types of ideas going.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 May 2009 /  #917
Ah? Barack Obama was elected by the citizens of US

Only an idiot claims that an entire race shares negative traits, blacks cannot establish modern functioning countries but that doesnt preclude possibility of talented individuals, also we dont know how good or bad Obama will be, we can discuss this only post factum, not now.

those who voted for him must be at least as incapable?

The majority of Americans are absolutely moronic but thats a result of deliberate effort of their goverment and a topic for a thread of its own.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 May 2009 /  #918
Only an idiot claims that an entire race shares negative traits

Well,you said it.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
7 May 2009 /  #919
Only because of fatalistic declarations like this.

It's may be fatalistic but it's also realistic and the process is already under way. Open your eyes.

If you feel so strongly, why not try to change things? You can start by figuring out ways to revitalize run down areas of your community. If you and every one else who says similar things organized and worked to revitalize run down areas, they would be adding so much value to properties here and the bad people wouldn't be able to live in such areas.

I don't live in a run down area, and those which are run down are inhabited by some of the newest immigrants from very colorful ethnic backgrounds. I did my share of help and I gave up the senseless efforts.

I sat on a housing committee for about 5 years. Those mentioned above were handed keys to brand new housing units. Within a year it was hard to distinguish them from some of the worst areas of the Harlem and the Bronx. After inspections of those units we would not even try to wash our shoes - we would throw them out carefully and using latex gloves as you do with bio hazardous material. I am not exaggerating. The units inside were pure filth of the worst kind. Human excrement on floor was not uncommon.

Any suggestions that bathrooms do have their practical use were met with accusations of ethnic profiling and racism, even though there was apparently no racism when they were given the keys to their new, undeserved housing facilities.

For brevity, I won't describe what was relayed to me by some members of various charitable organizations working in some African countries, where efforts were made to better the lives of the native populations by installing clear water wells etc.

Maybe you could hire some of them to help renovate the neighborhoods?

You don't get it do you?
It's not even about the living conditions but about an entire, global cultural shift. If "culture" is even the right word here. Simply put, we are heading straight into what, by comparison, Middle Ages of the roman catholic church will seem like a golden age of freedom and democracy.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #920
You don't get it do you?
It's not even about the living conditions but about an entire, global cultural shift. If "culture" is even the right word here. Simply put, we are heading straight into what Middle Ages of the roman catholic church will seem like a golden age of freedom and democracy.

You and I got more power than we realize. The thing you gotta do is focus on your area and how it is there. You can buy up old houses that need work and fix them up and resell them to people with $$$$$ and make a profit on the side. That's what needs to happen in some of these run down neighborhoods. The problem is, people let them decay without doing anything. They give up and move away and then they stuff like "it's getting worse our country is in a state of decline. Western culture is collapsing" Well yah because you are letting it.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 May 2009 /  #921
The thing you gotta do is focus on your area and how it is there

Go preach to black gangstas or muslim presss gangs, see how you end up, also be sure to take some ID, your body might not be recognizable to your mother without it.

Well,you said it.

No i claim that the majority of the race does, not all whites are administrative geniuses or artists or inventors but these groups are most numerous among whites, races can predispose people positively or negatively in certain fields and the majority will fall into said groups but individuals (few) may break out of the pattern.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #922
muslim presss gangs

I'm not sure we have those here. Not where I live. We got some run down areas but I think they could be improved if people buy up the cheap houses, fix them and resell them. It's one way to make where you live more valuable. It's an easy way too if you get enough people involved and supportive.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
7 May 2009 /  #923
You and I got more power than we realize. The thing you gotta do is focus on your area and how it is there. You can buy up old houses that need work and fix them up and resell them to people with $$$$$ and make a profit on the side. That what needs to happen in some of these run down neighborhoods. The problem is, people let them decay without doing anything. They give up and move away and then they stuff like "it's getting worse our country is in a state of decline. Western culture is collapsing" Well yah because you are letting it.

You disappointed me HB. You didn't understand a thing of what I wrote, so I'll try one last time, although possibly at a level higher than grade 4:

the times are coming when the only use of your head (I'm assuming you are a female) will be to wear a burka. Otherwise your head will be completely useless and will be chopped off, whether the floors in yours, or somebody else's house are swept clean or not.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #924
the times are coming when the only use of your head (I'm assuming you are a female) will be to wear a burka.

I understand where you are coming from but I know for a fact no one is gonna make me do that because I just tell them to go f themselves if they do. Unlike you, I am not worried.
7 May 2009 /  #925
I am not worried

We should be.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
7 May 2009 /  #926
I understand where you are coming from but I know for a fact no one is gonna make me do that because I just tell them to go f themselves if they do.

I'm sure you will.
Good luck.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #927
I'm telling you all this worry and learned helplessness makes you more vulnerable. You should be trying to build your place up and changing where you live.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
7 May 2009 /  #928
Hatie? How do think the ghettos in once white towns and cities develop?

In short: Whitey build up something - non-Whitey wants that to and wanders in - environment detoriates - Whitey families decide with their feet and pack their bags - non-Whites make soon the majority (a ghetto!) which detoriates further, becomes a shii--, only Whiteys who can't afford to move are forced to stay - the refugee Whiteys settle down in another white neighbourhood and rebuild their lives - non-Whitey get dreamy eyes again, follows Whitey again....

Do you see a pattern here? Why do you think that is so?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #929
- Whitey families decide with their feet and pack their bags -

That is the mistake. Do not run away. If you got a neighborhood and leave it and it becomes a ghetto you have contributed to the problem. You done sold out!!!
7 May 2009 /  #930
You done sold out!!!

They don't want to be your friend and assimilate. They want to change your way of life - Forever.
Once the tide starts coming in, if you don't move, you drown.

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