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Should Poles become a minority in Poland?

nunczka  8 | 457  
15 May 2009 /  #121
what did u expect in Mykonos? They've been "going Greek"

LOL. Capita, you are a nut. But cute though. You can come up with some funny S**T at times.
espana  17 | 951  
15 May 2009 /  #122
going Greek

that very rude , poor greeks and poor filios.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
15 May 2009 /  #123
You can come up with some funny S**T at times.

why thank you,kind sir..;)

that very rude

que lastima.....:)

Back on topic...this thread is silly, Poles are not about to become a minority in Poland, are they?
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2009 /  #124
what did u expect in Mykonos? They've been "going Greek"there

Maybe but it is sth different when you meet a crew coming from a cruise boat consisting of thousands of gays.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 May 2009 /  #126
It is not suggested to swim in the same pool with them or after them.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
15 May 2009 /  #127
Especially not for women..unless of course you WANT gay triplets!

Butthe question is...will Poles become a minority in Poland?....:)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 May 2009 /  #128
Frankly i consider 70% of Wroclaw slum districts, Krzyki, Gaj being the predominant shite hole of the lot.

You must have lived in Ritz hotel to consider Wroclaw a slum but then again no one is keeping you here.

Its not your call mate its happening

Luckily even if very partially it is my call but since you're living here you should know best that colored minorities have no future in Poland.

The ability to change one's self is priceless in my opinion.

In a liberal who's opting to destroy his own country? Never.

Assuming hes under 35 years of age

I'm 26 and my views are as they are because i've been to London, every single colored neighbourhood is a shitehole, the ones that are still labeled "colored" but are good have at least 50% whites living in them, the conclusions were obvious to me.

Good post but there's little point offering rational argument to a bigot.

How am i a bigot? I dont want to shoot them, i dont want to starve them i just want to keep them out of my safe and stable Poland because i saw what a mess they did out of fuzzy fluffly multiculti UK.

Despite Wroclaw claims about how cool and nice it is to have them there its not, no one benefits, not the economy, not the wealthfare state, ceirtanly not whites who have been virtually denied certain parts of the city so whats the point in being open minded if all i do is LOSE because of it?

All i want is to keep colored out of Poland, i'm neither alone nor in a minority with this desire so Wroclaw you're wrong, we can protest, we can petition, we can write articles showing what a monkey den countries with large colored minorities became, our welfare and stability is more important than making a paki feel welcome in Warsaw.
nunczka  8 | 457  
16 May 2009 /  #129
Despite Wroclaw claims about how cool and nice it is to have them there its not, no one benefits

I would just love for some one to show me where any country profited from African immigration. They are a drain on any civilized societies.
Wroclaw Boy  
16 May 2009 /  #130
Luckily even if very partially it is my call but since you're living here you should know best that colored minorities have no future in Poland.

Funny you should say that im black and my Polish partner is WHITE!!.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
16 May 2009 /  #131
@mrlol "Should Poles become a minority in Poland?"
In short, in fact your question is about culture not about ethnic. In order to understand that you need short glimpse of polish history:
- Poles were minority in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in fact this Kingdom was much more mixed than current Britain, except colour of skin,
- then Poles were even smaller minority in Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russia
- then Poles were the bigest minority (less than 50%) in Poland betwen WW1 and WW2
- last sixty years is in fact first time in history (except midle ages when it is arguable to even use a concept of nationality) when Poles weren't minority in Poland...

So, why we are still here? Because of our culture (good or bad, doesn't matter). Culture equals language. And here lies your Brits biggest strength and weakness... Because you gave your language to the world, and the world took it... So your language is no longer yours, ergo you don't possess your culture... Ok, this is exaggeration, but is it really? I think this is the source of problems with a question "what does it mean to be British person ?"

So, at last, to answer your question. Of course Poles shouldn't become a minority in Poland, but in the sense of culture and language. Simply because without coherent culture there is no stable society (even USA has such thing as coherent culture, but it is probably most open culture, monster which so far has been able to consume everything :-) ). Ok, enough, this topic is to complex...
McCoy  27 | 1268  
16 May 2009 /  #132
Poles were minority in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth


Commonwealth population was around 7 million, with a rough breakdown of 4.5 m Poles, 0.75 m Lithuanians, 0.7 m Jews and 2 m Ruthenians


then Poles were the bigest minority (less than 50%) in Poland betwen WW1 and WW2


68.9% of the population was Polish, 13.9% were Ukrainians, 8.6% Jews, 3.1%[1] Belarusians, 2.3% Germans and 2.8% - others, including Lithuanians, Czechs and Armenians.

Ironside  50 | 13055  
16 May 2009 /  #133
If not multi-culturalism than what are you proposing?

I'm proposing that people in every country should take control of the governments which obviously are under some other influence.

How are they secondary to culture and religion when culture and religion are not passed through blood and play no role in the spread of ideas?

If you take a wee black boy and rise him in the European family he will share culture and religion with his foster family regardless his racial and genetic characteristic.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 May 2009 /  #134
Funny you should say that im black and my Polish partner is WHITE!!.

So? Is that supposed to make me feel stupid or something? I'm against having thousands of blacks and muslim since your people constitute the absolutely lowest tier of society in UK, i dont want the same dumps here, we can play the liberal game or we can just speak the truth, blacks and muslims are responsible.

You may think i'm a racist but the fact is i dont give a damn whether the issue is racial, cultural, religious or whatever its nature, the problem in UK is very clearly assosiated with blacks, muslims, arabs and turkish/kurdish immigrants and instead of discussing "why are they the way they are" we can do the wonderfully simple thing, keep the borders closed against you.

I dont believe that striving to understand dangerous minorities is worth it when you can just keep them out.

If you take a wee black boy and rise him in the European family he will share culture and religion with his foster family regardless his racial and genetic characteristic.

Thats absolutely correct but we're still left with the problem of segregating black people and colored minorities in general by their level of europeization which in itself is too time consuming and faulty, in the end you'll still have an army of undesirables inside your borders.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
16 May 2009 /  #135
Commonwealth population was around 7 million, with a rough breakdown of 4.5 m Poles, 0.75 m Lithuanians, 0.7 m Jews and 2 m Ruthenians

It depends what period you have in mind. And how you count it :-)
In the biggest moment (in terms of territory, around 1600) it was like this: around 11 milion, 4.5 mln of Poles, 0.75 mln Lithuanians and 5 mln Ruthenians. And of course smaller amount of Jews and Germans (with questions like: Copernicus, Pole or German? don't start it...)

68.9% of the population was Polish, 13.9% were Ukrainians, 8.6% Jews, 3.1%[1] Belarusians, 2.3% Germans and 2.8% - others, including Lithuanians, Czechs and Armenians.

Yes, my fault, I've check East Smaller Poland region, not Poland. Others sources (more or less) are in line with yours. But it doesn't change much my point :-) Which was that most of the time (beside midle ages) Poles was minority or not too dominant majority in Poland.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 May 2009 /  #136
You miss a very important fact, later in history these minorities (Cossacks specifically) led to a weakening of the state, other minorities (protestant) sided with the Swedes allowing them to take over much of Poland for four years much much later another minority this time the Jews sided with Russians when wiping out Polish elites, if anything the history of Polish tolerance proves that having minorities over is bad thing for business.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 May 2009 /  #137
They maybe racists but they are not supremacists, they maybe nationalists but they are not bigots, since their Catholicism prevents them from being both.

They are not mutually exclusive positions, so I'm not sure I understand your point.

Your argument is that you want what's happening in Britain to happen in Poland?- No thanks.

Is it? You could at least quote me. I've never made that point to the best of my knowledge.

My point is that in a civilised country, a law abiding person should be free to go about their business, free from discrimination based on perceived ethnic stereotypes. As a member of the EU, where Poles are afforded the right to reside and work across Europe (in most cases free from such discrimination), their citizens would do well to remember this.

I just find the whole argument regarding "Poland staying Polish" to be a little absurd. The number of people who use Britain as an example of decay, overun with foreigners and losing its identity make me laugh. Especially when some of those complaining are foreigners who have come to Britain to live and work. It's kind of like me retiring to my villa in the South of Spain, sitting there with my copy of The Sun, speaking English and eating my full English Breakfast, moaning about vast numbers of Moroccans eating away at the Spanish identity.

You can't have your cake and eat it.

segregating black people and colored minorities in general by their level of europeization

**Seeing as some Poles living in Britain are alcoholic, pike plundering scum who refuse to integrate properly by learning English, surely it would be easier for the UK to not let in any of them?

You talk of Europeization, but the simple fact is that some parts of Europe are more backward than others. Why should an economically advanced state like Britain accept immigrants from the backwaters of Eastern Europe? Especially when these people are culturally inferior.

Some people in Britain view Poles in the same way as Muslims or blacks I'm afraid Sokrates. The simply solution is to deny entry to all immigrants. I mean what's good for Poland is good for Britain right?**

**Ironic post. Not to be taken literally**
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
18 May 2009 /  #138
**Seeing as some Poles living in Britain are alcoholic

Yeah yeah keep going mate, i've been in UK and Poles are not the problem and not perceived as one apart from the fact that they work cheaper and better :))

You talk of Europeization, but the simple fact is that some parts of Europe are more backward than others.

Yep ,for example some parts of London :)

Why should an economically advanced state like Britain accept immigrants from the backwaters of Eastern Europe?

You've accepted honor murderers already and the only field on which Poland is "backwater" is economically :))

Especially when these people are culturally inferior.

Are we? Could you provide any examples as to why?:)))

Some people in Britain view Poles in the same way as Muslims or blacks I'm afraid Sokrates

Of course but for different reasons, we work better than Brits, currently even high profile jobs will often first look into potential Polish employees then everyone else, you've invited people who take your jobs by virtue of being better and cheaper when doing them its only natural you'll be afraid, we dont murder you though or convert you to our religion:))

I mean what's good for Poland is good for Britain right?**

Of course not, if you knew whats good for you you wouldnt admit so many Poles since we take your jobs but thats your problem really, i'm just happy that our economy is developing even faster thanks to you suckers.
espana  17 | 951  
18 May 2009 /  #139
i'm just happy that our economy is developing even faster thanks to you suckers

the community european is making your economy better :) , you are going to be equal to western europe soon but what you dont know is that the community european will send you alot of 3rd world people to your land.

you are going to love it!!!!!!

  • inm.jpg
lesser  4 | 1311  
18 May 2009 /  #140
we dont convert you to our religion:))

We don't? WTF??? :)


I hope that at least you converted somebody :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
19 May 2009 /  #141
you are going to love it!!!!!!

I'm going to establish my own state then, if a Brit could do it why cant i?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 May 2009 /  #142
Go for it, let me know when you have so I can escape Britain ;0)
jwojcie  2 | 762  
19 May 2009 /  #143
if anything the history of Polish tolerance proves that having minorities over is bad thing for business.

"Missing point" thing in history discussion vary with point of time which is used to support arguments :-) What you said is true if you choose something around 1600. But why those minorities become so disloyal? Look here (in Polish):

and it will become obvious. In late XVI century strong Counter-Reformation took place. Catholic church fought with protestants, and by the way with Orthodox church (Union in Briest in 1596). Counter-reformation in Poland was effiecient process of destroing social stability in Kingdom. I find it hard to blame minorities that they fought back. Especially when I take into consideration how important was religion in those times.

BTW. Ha, above-mentioned history lesson should teach us, that we should avoid strongly religious immigrants because in time they would be a problem... Hm... to late for UK... While in EU we can only hope that our winters are to severe I suppose...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 May 2009 /  #144
Maybe but it is sth different when you meet a crew coming from a cruise boat consisting of thousands of gays.

I can almost sense your excitement as you typed that!
IronsE11  2 | 441  
19 May 2009 /  #145
Yep ,for example some parts of London :)

And most parts of Poland.

You've accepted honor murderers already

I've sone no such thing. Your arguments often rely on blatent lies and that particular remark pretty much sums you up.

the only field on which Poland is "backwater" is economically :))

LMFAO - Keep telling yourself that ;)))

Are we? Could you provide any examples as to why?:)))

Adherence to outdated religious ideals... The same thing you accuse Muslims of.

we dont murder you though or convert you to our religion:))

Yes of course Sokrates, all Blacks and Muslims are murderers who try to forcefuly convert people to their religion. And of course, all Poles in Britain are good law-abiding citizens:


Nothing like a bit of balance in an argument, but I know that doesn't fit well with your particular agenda.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
19 May 2009 /  #146
Adherence to outdated religious ideals... The same thing you accuse Muslims of.

Rubbish captain dishonest, we do not spread our religion with baseball bats and gang activities like muslim do, in fact we do not spread our religion at all since its dying out in the younger generations.

I accuse muslims of their backwards religion being an agressive hell on wheels, casual catholicism once a week doesnt even come close.

And of course, all Poles in Britain are good law-abiding citizens:

Nothing like a bit of balance in an argument, but I know that doesn't fit well with your particular agenda

You've just destroyed your own argument with that link, 135 polish criminals deported in one year? There's districts in London that have 5 times more convicted muslims in a month.

LMFAO - Keep telling yourself that ;)))

So we're backwater because many of us are catholic? Are we also backwated because of 1000 years of history, culture arts and literature in accordance with european development?:)

Face it buddy Poland is anything but backwater you're just forcefully pushing the idea across to get some solid ground while defending muslims with their hellish little "culture".

As for me i'm fine with what you think as long as you think it in your home and dont try to screw Poland with your shity opinion.
lesser  4 | 1311  
19 May 2009 /  #147
Adherence to outdated religious ideals...

This is really funny if a person like you accuse a person like me to be backward :)) This is very comfortable for a leftist to say that everybody who doesn't share your basic fallacies is backward. I think that this labelling improve your humour spoiled by obvious intellectual inferiority that you feel. :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 May 2009 /  #148
And it also applies to the rightists, lesser. What fallacies are you alluding to?
lesser  4 | 1311  
19 May 2009 /  #149
socialism, egalitarianism, equality mania, perverse concept of sexuality, the one and only true religion of atheism, anti-discrimination quest, preference of security over freedom, global warming and all kind of fanatical ecologism which reject science, tolerance for some groups of intolerant (aka Muslims), PC insanity, etc
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 May 2009 /  #150
Socialism is a fallacy? Geez, that's just absurd. Egalitarianism, a bit too far for me. Equality mania, also silly. Perverse concept of sexuality, maybe so maybe not. Atheism, where's your proof that God exists? Anti-discrimination, legislation and decency supports it. Security over freedom? It's a question of balance. Jim Morrison once said, "freedom exists in a school book". Global warming? With all the curries they eat, India and Pakistan are major contributors. It's another one to fool the masses. Fanatical ecologism? I don't like it either but there is sometimes method in the madness. I tolerate Muslims but not radical ones. PC insanity, well, they have superceded the realms of limitations so time to cut back on it. Still, PC has a place.

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