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Poland has the highest shopping IQ

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
6 Oct 2008 /  #31
Israel wasn't listed...They have an average IQ in the lower -mid 90s.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Oct 2008 /  #32
I think u meant 120 Joe, the Israelis are a smart bunch
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
6 Oct 2008 /  #33
Poland, the winning nation, has the highest shopping IQ, where shoppers rarely spend impulsively and are particularly open to alternative brands

all those years of being called a pikey bargain hunter finally paid off ha ha
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
7 Oct 2008 /  #34
I think u meant 120 Joe, the Israelis are a smart bunch

Nope...the Israeli average is around 94


Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Oct 2008 /  #35
Maybe for shopping, yes. For intelligence, much higher
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Oct 2008 /  #37
Nonsense, intelligence is a rounded concept and these guys would score higher than 100 for sure
Prince  15 | 590  
6 Nov 2008 /  #38
Maybe we have so hight IQ straight form our nature
Maybe it was last 200 years of extraordynary natural seclection.
Maybe it is "foreigners" in "our" blood.
(for racists)

For not racists - who cares and who beleves in it ?
outintheyard  27 | 517  
6 Nov 2008 /  #39
I am a self pronounced Genious!
And polish people in the US also have a very high shopping IQ It has not changed since they came here one bit.
JulietEcho  3 | 100  
8 Nov 2008 /  #40
Poland, the winning nation, has the highest shopping IQ, where shoppers rarely spend impulsively and are particularly open to alternative brands

- Actually Poland has the DUMBEST SHOPPNING IQ.

How many Poles have you seen buying something from another Pole? German understands this simple economical principle; French definitely understands it, even American... but Pole?

He/She will go and buy from Carefurs, Tescos and other so called foreign investments and then whine why they are unemployed and they are no Polish companies... DUMB AS THE COWS!
8 Nov 2008 /  #41

wow, watch your language, I am sure you have proven you point already.
philip  - | 7  
15 Nov 2008 /  #42
Ohh yeaaahhhhh? You just say that 'cause UK barely made it to top 10!

We win and YOU loose! nananananana ;)

I agree with you...I am from England and English and HATE it! in England...people are rude...they give you no smile in the street...this happens all the time...

When I took a few trips to france, geneva my whole opinion was so much better...In europe I felt people are nicer in europe...And poland because of when I did a temping job with about 30 polish and 2 english managers...I absolutly loved it...

People there do not pre-judge you...

OK Not everyone in the UK is bad...you always get a Gem/Ruby among the rubble...I think the best people in uk are found shopping online...and the ignorant people of uk are too ignorant to use the internet :)
10iwonka10  - | 359  
15 Nov 2008 /  #43
I don't think it is so bad, people in UK are in general polite and smile but !!!!!!-SALE, SALE, SALE is 'pushy, ruthless and arogant'- harrasing you by phone calls , forcing you to buy store cards, knocking your doors to sell you something......

I don't know how it is in Poland now but when i was leaving (over 6 years ago) we were still in the nursery :-)
15 Nov 2008 /  #44
in England...people are rude..

Not sure I agree with you here ? To get a smile maybe you need to give a smile first ? I noticed in a previous post you said you worked in Altrincham ? If so, that's the North West and most people are quite friendly there. If you are referring to the South, then maybe i might agree with you but there are a lot of foreigners in the South , especially in London.

I usually smile when I am out and about and nearly always get a smile back, whether I know the person or not <grin> Try smiling first and se what happens :)
Prince  15 | 590  
20 Nov 2008 /  #45

"Professor Lynn, who caused controversy last year by claiming that men were more intelligent than women by about five IQ points on average, said that populations in the colder, more challenging environments of Northern Europe had developed larger brains than those in warmer climates further south. The average brain size in Northern and Central Europe is 1,320cc and in southeast Europe it is 1,312cc. "The early human beings in northerly areas had to survive during cold winters when there were no plant foods and they were forced to hunt big game,""

Maybe it was last 200 years of extraordynary natural seclection.

hehehe not only winters but also partitions, persecutions, Stalin, Hitler etc ... something like Jews (Ashkenazi Jews IQ is about 110 - 120) but we had only 200 years of additional natural selection, the weakest died from hunger, were killed etc... :)

Long live Poland !

We will see if it this stats are true or not... future will tell us.
George8600  10 | 630  
23 Mar 2009 /  #46
Um, is impulsive buying a good thing? Doesn't that just amount to materialism and a mount of debt? Not any of the poles I know.....

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