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EU elections in Poland: excuses for not voting please

7 Jun 2009 /  #1
Please post your excuses here for not voting in the election today. No excuses from me.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jun 2009 /  #2
I was washing my hair.

No excuses from me.

For whom and where did you vote?.
I thought you were an Australian?.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
7 Jun 2009 /  #3
I wasn't one of the candidates, so there was no point in wasting my vote!
Salomon  2 | 436  
7 Jun 2009 /  #4
I have voted. I vote in all elections ...
OP Harry  
7 Jun 2009 /  #5
SeanBM: regardless of what the bigots at the current affairs forum here say, I'm not Australian (or Jewish). I voted in central Warsaw and voted for a bloke I know personally & who would make a great MEP but will never get the chance (because he's black, gay & not Catholic).

Did you vote?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jun 2009 /  #6
regardless of what the bigots at the current affairs forum here say, I'm not Australian

As an Australian citizen (although not one who would describe himself as Australian, my having Australian citizenship is purely an accident of birth)

Sorry, I thought you were but you are only a citizen of that nation, an accident of birth.

Did you vote?

No I did not.
In Ireland the voting was yesterday.
I don't understand political issues here and my country has changed too much for me to know what direction it should be headed in.

We were talking about this on another thread.

he's black, gay & not Catholic

Is that why you voted for him?.
It strikes me that of all the possible things you could have informed us about the guy, his great leadership qualities, his impeccable moral code or his programs.

It is this you write about, him being black, gay & not Catholic that you chose to tell us about.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
7 Jun 2009 /  #7
Please post your excuses here for not voting in the election today.

The exitement of getting my copy of this months beans magazine made me wet myself , so i had to stay in and wash some clothes....
jojospacemunky  1 | 59  
7 Jun 2009 /  #8
i havent voted in 12 years and i am not likely to anytime in the future

oh and provisional results of the European Elections are in ->

OP Harry  
7 Jun 2009 /  #9
Sean: sorry but am posting on the iPhone, so can't quote you. Please note that I listed the reasons why that guy will never be elected, not the reasons why he should be elected. I voted for him because I know him personally, like him and know (from experience) that I can trust him & that he'll put his neck on the line for me.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jun 2009 /  #10
Ok, fair enough, perhaps you could tell us more about his goals.
Who knows, if he is half the man you say he is, people ought to respect him for it and vote for him.
OP Harry  
7 Jun 2009 /  #11
Sean: bit late for that now.

Not that it would have mattered anyway, only 303 of us foreigners bothered to even register....
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jun 2009 /  #12
bit late for that now.

Yes it is.

only 303 of us foreigners bothered to even register....

And how many understand Polish well enough to comprehend what the parties are doing?.
My Polish is no where near that good, although I am learning.

So Harry, just so I never get it wrong again, which nationality do you affiliate yourself with, if any?.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
7 Jun 2009 /  #13
Not that it would have mattered anyway, only 303 of us foreigners bothered to even register....

i will keep it for future references, when you will claim to be Polish!
OP Harry  
7 Jun 2009 /  #14
Sean: I don't identify myself as any nationality. I don't think I have anything in common with anybody just because our parents had sex in the same place. I'm me.

Ironside: I already qualify for Polish citizenship. I just can't see myself needing to take it any time soon.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jun 2009 /  #15
I don't identify myself as any nationality.

i had a feeling you were going to say that.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
8 Jun 2009 /  #16
I voted. My choice won
jojospacemunky  1 | 59  
8 Jun 2009 /  #17
BNP have won first seat in Euro Elections (from the Yorkshire/Humber region)
Salomon  2 | 436  
8 Jun 2009 /  #18
It is list of Polish MPs in euro parlament:

LEWANDOWSKI Janusz Antoni - PO

WA£ĘSA Jarosław Leszek - PO

KOZ£OWSKI Jan Andrzej - PO

ZWIEFKA , Tadeusz Antoni - PO

BUBLEWICZ , Beata Maria - PO

HÜBNER, Danuta Maria - PO

TRZASKOWSKI , Rafał Kazimierz - PO

ZALEWSKI , Paweł Ksawery - PO

HIBNER , Jolanta Emilia - PO



BUZEK , Jerzy Karol - PO

OLBRYCHT , Jan Marian - PO

HANDZLIK , Małgorzata Maria - PO

MARCINKIEWICZ , Bogdan Kazimierz - PO


NITRAS , Sławomir Witold - PO


CYMAŃSKI Tadeusz - PiS

LEGUTKO , Ryszard Antoni - PiS

KEMPA , Beata Agnieszka - PiS

CZARNECKI , Richard Henry - PiS

KURSKI , Jacek Olgierd - PiS

MIGALSKI , Marek Henryk - PiS

PIECHA , Bolesław Grzegorz - PiS

ZIOBRO , Zbigniew - PiS

KAMIŃSKI , Michał Tomasz - PiS

BIELAN , Adam Jerzy - PiS






IWIŃSKI , Tadeusz - SLD

LIBERADZKI , Bogusław Marian - SLD

ZEMKE Janusz Władysław - SLD



SIEKIERSKI, Czesław Adam - PSL

They are still not sure :

KACZMAREK, Filip Andrzej - PO

JĘDRZEJEWSKA, Sidonia Elżbieta - PO

GÓRSKI , Tomasz - PiS

ZALESKI , Zbigniew - PO

PIOTROWSKI, Mirosław Mariusz - PiS

£UKACIJEWSKA , Elżbieta Katarzyna - PO

PORĘBA , Tomasz Piotr - PiS

SONIK , Bogusław Andrzej - PO

KOWAL , Paweł Robert - PiS


RAKOCZY , Stanisław - PSL


MACHALICA, Krzysztof Edward - PO

RAFALSKA , Elżbieta - PiS
jojospacemunky  1 | 59  
8 Jun 2009 /  #19

now thats an impressive name couldnt imagine saying it when drunk let alone sober!
jonni  16 | 2475  
8 Jun 2009 /  #20
I voted in central Warsaw and voted for a bloke I know personally & who would make a great MEP but will never get the chance (because he's black, gay & not Catholic).

I voted in central Warsaw too, and wavered for a week about whether I'd vote for the guy you mentioned (the choice of my heart) who is indeed a nice bloke, SLD (a tribal vote) or Trzaszkowski (the choice of my head). In the end Trzaszkowski won. And just about scraped in...
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
8 Jun 2009 /  #21
regardless of what the bigots at the current affairs forum here say, I'm not Australian (or Jewish).

if you have australian citizenship do you vote in australian elections?
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
8 Jun 2009 /  #22
No excuses from me.

I don't have valid Polish/European papers.

regardless of what the bigots at the current affairs forum here say, I'm not Australian

I thought I read somewhere you were, that this is (so beautiful) land that you are coming from, no? Hmm...

(because he's black, gay & not Catholic)

Hmm... that's strange, too.
If he was black, gay & not CatholicAND ANTIPOLISH I would understand why you voted for him.

Please note that I listed the reasons why that guy will never be elected, not the reasons why he should be elected. I voted for him because I know him personally, like him and know (from experience) that I can trust him & that he'll put his neck on the line for me.

I don't buy that.
You voted for him because
1 primo: you're an anarchist,
2 primo: you always do an opposite to prove your point (see primo 1),
3 primo: you hate Poland, so by voting for a black man (being seen as an exotic, to say the least) you wanted to hit the system and the people (see primo 1)

only 303 of us foreigners bothered to even register....

I'd day that was extraordinary. I read on the news the frequency was 6.65 in whole Europe.
Over 3 hundred foreigners in Poland who voted is a freaking big percentage (probably only you guys voted here)

Anarchy doesn't work in a long run.

If you're white, I presume you are, you'll be a second class dude.
If you're hetero, I presume you are, you'll be seen as a freak, no matter you speak in a favour of homosexuals.
If you're not a Jew, I presume you aren't, you'll be always a second class meat, goy, no matter you speak in a favour of Jews.

Cheers to you, Harry,
Cheers to all - just hang on and you'll survive this week

OP Harry  
8 Jun 2009 /  #23
if you have australian citizenship do you vote in australian elections?

I do have Australian citizenship but do not vote in their elections. I don't live in Australia and have no intention to do so in the foreseeable future so I don't really have any right to interfere in their affairs.

E_T: Do forgive me for not giving enough of a **** to bother replying to any of your post.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
8 Jun 2009 /  #24
1 primo: you're an anarchist,

No, he is not he is trockist, revolution, war and destroying "oppressive" ("racist", religious) society - that what he stands for!
Switezianka  - | 463  
8 Jun 2009 /  #25

Finally I found a candidate whom I didn't treat as the lesser evil. And, of course, she's not in EP. She started from the wrong list, otherwise she's have quite a big chance to get elected.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
8 Jun 2009 /  #26
My excuse is I'm not in the EU.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
8 Jun 2009 /  #27
Cast iron that one;)

My excuse is staying too long in the nineteenth hole after golf.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
8 Jun 2009 /  #28
I didn't vote because there was no one on the card that I wanted to vote for. I dislike the SNP because I am a fan of the Union. The only one's I would have realistically voted for would have been Green but i disagree on too many of their policies. So I scrapped my slip.
Moonlighting  32 | 234  
9 Jun 2009 /  #30
I voted.

Quite satisfied with the result on a European scale, but horrified by the result in my region ("Wallonia", southern part of Belgium) which saw the combined triumph of Socialists and Ecologists. Yes, in Belgium, we also had a regional election at the same time as the European one. So I quickly switched to TVP Polonia which showed me what I needed to go to bed with a smile.

My girlfriend also allows me to go to bed with a smile, but she desperately resides in Poland. :)

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