Yep, and neither of those makes him Nazi, in fact the guy despite being controversial and politically incorrect is a good Catholic and never preached hate or prejudice against any group.
He doesn't preach hate and prejudice? Think again. He calls Jewish people the enemies of Christ. You're naive if you believe that this is harmless. Do you honestly think that convinced Catholics who listen to Bishop Williamson will be more likely to accept Jewish people for who they are? No, they won't. Because in Mr. Williamson's world, they will have to convert and completely renounce their ways, otherwise they'll be wrong, and enemies of his Church.
He believes Jews are the enemies of the Christ and aim for world domination and wants them to ... convert to Catholicism. While ceirtanly controversial thats hardly a malevolent and hateful rhetoric.
Maybe he doesn't inspire such emotions in you, but if you can't see how labelling a group of people as the enemies of Christ may cause intolerance and hatred towards that group, then let's just say that you and me don't really understand eachother.
Compare that to Hitler or Himmler and reflect upon your idiotic statement.
Less idiotic than the above two statements. I don't defend this mad man, or slandering of people who happen to have different beliefs. Keep in mind that I'm convinced that no one knows the absolute truth. Not the Jewish, not the Catholics, not the Muslims, not the Protestants, and not the Atheïsts..
You can call me an idiot all you want, but it's obvious that Nazi's have had massive support from within the Catholic Church. It's no secret most extreme right winged movements share similar vieuws when it comes to the Holocaust, or Jewish people? Unlike you, I see much harm in Bishops and Priests who try to convince their followers that the Jewish people are the enemies of Christ.
Look at World War II? It all started with pointing out the differences, followed by wild accusations, slandering, isolation, demonization, dehumanization, discrimination and eventually it all ended in the persecution and murder of people who were different.. A few fools who spouted rubbish?
I think I could tell you to reflect upon your naive statements aswell.