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Plane crash in Krakow.

hairball  20 | 313  
28 Jun 2009 /  #1
My wife's family live in Kracow and her mum has just said that a tragic accident has happened about two hours ago.

Some air show has been taking place ove the past few days and a small plane crashed with four people on board.

For sure at least one dead and the othere are seriously burnt.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 Jun 2009 /  #2
For sure at least one dead and the othere are seriously burnt.

It's on the TV news.

Pictures show a Cessna 172 in a group of trees.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
28 Jun 2009 /  #3
Where abouts, I see no sign of smoke or that?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Jun 2009 /  #4
I heard about that too, it was on the news.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 Jun 2009 /  #5
Where abouts, I see no sign of smoke or that?

it was a light aircraft. i doubt you'll see anything now. it happened some time ago.
OP hairball  20 | 313  
28 Jun 2009 /  #6
Where abouts, I see no sign of smoke or that?

From where they live you can see Hute...if that helps???

I know we get the number 129 from PKP and they said it happened in the park right next to their block.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
28 Jun 2009 /  #7
Maybe the old airfield. Think the smoke would have gone by now, as i have a grand view of huta.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 Jun 2009 /  #8
Maybe the old airfield.

no. it was a built up area with a park. the plane came down in the park. TV pictures showed blocks of flats nearby.
lexi  1 | 176  
28 Jun 2009 /  #9
Maybe just of the bonia in Krakow, there is a big park there.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
28 Jun 2009 /  #10
I don't know Krakow. I can only relate what I saw on the news.

I think hairball is better informed on this.
lexi  1 | 176  
28 Jun 2009 /  #11
From where they live you can see Hute...if that helps???

How far from Nova Huta and in which direction?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
28 Jun 2009 /  #12
I think its to the west of plac centralne, as the buildings look familiar to where i used to live.

Edit: So it crashed on park Tysiąclecia, to the west of nowa huta.
It took off from an old second world war airstrip that is still in use today, about 1km from the crash sight.
One man died, 2 men with 3rd degree burns, and one other who is in an ok condition.
pawian  226 | 27561  
29 Jun 2009 /  #13
The plane was probably too heavy. 4 people, max fuel and baggage. Witnesses say it had problems with taking off.
This is the runway in the city:

Planes making acrobatics sometimes fly a few meters over the crowd. I have been always worried about accidents, when we go to the picnic. We went yesterday too.
OP hairball  20 | 313  
29 Jun 2009 /  #14
How far from Nova Huta and in which direction?

I visit Kraków maybe trwice a year so I'm not so clued up on the place....I just tend to follow the Mrs....cerriying everything. Beyond Huta I can see mountains. The crash did happen in a park in the middle of a block-flat area. And it's not too far from the city centre.
gossip  - | 2  
1 Jul 2009 /  #15
Here is the link to the photos and video


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