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Ostrowiec NFZ hospital refuses to take any new patients

Wroclaw Boy  
29 Sep 2009 /  #1
Yep the main general hospital in Ostrowiec is refusing to take any new patients without life threatening conditions until October 15th.

A relative from my wifes side was supposed to be admitted to the hospital today for cancer screening. Upon arrival he was greeted with an apology and a please come back on the 15th October. Basically they have ran out of funds and are only accepting very serious life or death cases.

This potentially is a life threatening condition, what the hells going on here i ask you?

For MG i think charity should first be given at home.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
30 Sep 2009 /  #2
I'm curious to know what ZUS zdrowotne (health) payments he has been making. WB, you've heard the horror stories of those in the UK who have been making NI contributions and other insurance payments (health related lets say), only to be shafted later.

You can't really put a price on health, that's why Obama is right to play down the private dimension a little and Thatcher was wrong to price people out and let people with money skip the queue.

Isn't there another centre close by?
OP Wroclaw Boy  
30 Sep 2009 /  #3
Isn't there another centre close by?

There isnt another hospital with the right equipment close enough for his loved ones to visit on a daily basis.

I'm curious to know what ZUS zdrowotne (health) payments he has been making.

He has worked his entire life in Poland and has a state pension. Its absolutely astonishing.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
30 Sep 2009 /  #4
It's like coming up against a brick wall sometimes. I just raised that point the other day how much your future is in the hands of others. I hit the roof in anger at that state of affairs. Here's Tusk, the buffoon who did business with America to get a high-tech shield that Iran can't even reach, never mind wants to hit, and they can't even take care of a matter of paramount importance. Literally, life or death. Pathetic!

That doesn't surprise me, WB. I've heard equally horrific stories about ZUS upon the death of regular payers of it. Sth like, you to your coffin and us to our coffers. My fiancee's mum is in the same position. She gets a meagre pittance as a pension having worked all her life in telecommunications but her mother worked 1 year of her life and gets 3 or 4 times the amount. Go figure! That's just weird.

For such a pro-life nation like Poland (see abortion debates), it is a sad day when the above happens :( (Respect your elders who have forever contributed and need your help now)
polishcanuck 7 | 461  
30 Sep 2009 /  #5
but her mother worked 1 year of her life and gets 3 or 4 times the amount.

Sounds like she probably spent some time in a german camp or soviet gulag during ww2.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
30 Sep 2009 /  #6
Well, she is German, yes. However, it has more to do with the death of her husband.

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