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Organized Crime: Polish Gang Is Making Profitable Business Of Robberies

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
20 Mar 2008 /  #1
Since this sometimes seems to be an American, Canadian, British or Irish forum, I would like to attention to the fact that there are lots of Polish ppl living in other countries as well. And also as this forum sometimes seems to glorify everything Polish, your opinions on the following:


Unfortunately it's in Dutch, so I will give a quick translation of the contents:

It seems that there are Polish gangs active who actually fly in burglars and thieves via Belgium (Chaleroi Airport and there they hire a car) into Holland. There they burgle shops, factories, houses and so on. The loot is then shipped through couriers back to Poland, where it undoubtly is sold for high prices. After their job is done, they travel back the same way as they came. This business is so profitable that the revenue can amount up to 10,000 Euro a day. The estimated profit yearly is about 220 million Euro. This is based on confessions made by arrested members of the gangs. Recently a woman who was travelling by touringcar from Holland to Poland, was arrested with in her suitcase cosmetics wort 13,000 Euros. She most likely was hired by the gang as a courier.

Does this happen in the US, Canada and the UK too? Or is this just because Holland is a continental country, hence it's much easier to get the stuff out?

Your opinion, pls.

Uncle Bob  2 | 82  
20 Mar 2008 /  #2
It seems that there are Polish gangs active who actually fly in burglars and thieves via Belgium

Gosh, no. How can you say such things?

Does this happen in the US, Canada and the UK too?

OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
20 Mar 2008 /  #3
Gosh, no. How can you say such things?

Maybe because I have a rude character?

Wroclaw Boy  
20 Mar 2008 /  #4
Before I left the UK in 2005 my local gym was constantly becoming more and more congregated by Poles (all meat heads) for those that dont know the term that means steriod freaks.

One particular Pole by the name of Raffel was constantly offering me steroids, coke, cigarettes, ecstacty and such, and at good prices I have to state! When i first new Raffel he drove a 1995 ish Audi. By the time I left appoximately two years later he was driving a new Range Rover.

When people ask me if ive experienced crime in Poland my response is nahh, all the criminals are in England.

W-B (still waiting M-G you bull ******)
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
20 Mar 2008 /  #5
at good prices

I buy my cigarettes usually from Poles also. They are half the price of what they cost in the shops. And it's not even illegal as the ciggies are bought legally in Poland.

M-G (waiting for what?)
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Mar 2008 /  #6
M-G (waiting for what?)

I thought you were the Devil. Oh hang on and a women and a blah blah blah blah.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
20 Mar 2008 /  #7
Oh, that. That was me kidding, nothing else. I can do a spell for you though, if you want to.

Moonlighting  32 | 234  
20 Mar 2008 /  #8
I think it's easier because it's a continental country. It's interesting that you mentioned they were coming through Belgium. Unfortunately, our country is indeed a center for many traffics of all kinds (drugs, weapons, forced prostitution). There was again an article about it this week but people knew that already. A few months ago, there was also an annoucement that Albanian mafia (or Bulgarian, can't remember exactly) was chosing Belgium as one of its bases in Western Europe.

Probably because we have airports, sea ports, a very dense network of highways. So the country is the crossroad between north, south and east. Not to mention the government that lacks the financial resources to establish efficient services to counter organized crime. They're overwhelmed but do their best. It's not enough though...
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
20 Mar 2008 /  #9
These are venture capitalists, I say. Poles have no faults.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
20 Mar 2008 /  #10
Actually, I find that funny

RockyMason  19 | 250  
20 Mar 2008 /  #11
Ive heard of a polish mafia in chicago but it's not that large of an organization and it lays very low from wat i know. If it were to start a war with MS or a black organization they would all be killed off in a matter of weeks. Im not sure wat kind of illegal activities they are up to but i have heard of them loansharking.

I live in cali and i guarantee u no polish organization would survive here with the vicious mexicans that will shoot u for 300$. I don't worry about crime if it comes and bothers me I have a kevlar vest and an arsenal in my room. My dad also has some friends who could easily take care of some idiots who stole from me or my family. =D

Yes if u didn't know crime pays but its just too risky. Once ur caught ur going to jail to get assraped by big bubba! Most ppl involved in crime fro a long time do get caught 2!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
20 Mar 2008 /  #12
Does this happen in the US, Canada and the UK too? Or

not gangs of polish. but yeah, people steal all over the place.. its unfortunate
that they can look away when stealing.. I dont feel sorry for no theifs.. they
get what the deserve.. we all work hard, even those who run businesses.. so
if they get the slammer for a long time.. oh well. good .. they should remember
that these people they take from also have families and children to feed.

lock emm up!!

Yes organised crime also exists in the states.. and all over.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
20 Mar 2008 /  #13
Yes organised crime also exists in the states.. and all over.

Yep but its all the mexican'ts in the US LOL. mostly the mexican'ts have more gangs than ne1 else
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
20 Mar 2008 /  #14
Does this happen in the US, Canada and the UK too?

I've never heard about any polish gangs in canada/usa. The top news stories usually focus on islamic extremists/terrorists. Mexican gangs in the south as well.
Buddy  7 | 167  
21 Mar 2008 /  #15
Ive heard of a polish mafia in chicago but it's not that large of an organization and it lays very low from wat i know. If it were to start a war with MS or a black organization they would all be killed off in a matter of weeks.

Closely followed by......

My dad also has some friends who could easily take care of some idiots who stole from me or my family. =D

Are you insinuating that your daddy and his buddies are tougher than the Polish mafia?

The Iatlian mafia give you an offer you can't refuse.
The Polish mafia give you an offer you can't understand.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
21 Mar 2008 /  #16
Are you insinuating that your daddy and his buddies are tougher than the Polish mafia?

depends on how u define "tougher" if u mean more influential absolutely! They are small time thugs
Buddy  7 | 167  
24 Mar 2008 /  #17
They are small time thugs

Who your family?

I'm just teasing, dude...
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #18
I can do a spell for you though, if you want to.

shouldn't this be on the random gay thread?? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #19
Well, u r the author of that thread buckteeth, so u should know
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #20
Blah Blah Blah. OH sorry you won't understand that... baaa baa baaa
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #21
I think Poles and thievery is a little overstated although the incidence of theft is quite high.

oliver twist was robbed of his virginity by a rampant gay donkey, maybe he can shed some light on robberies.
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #22
oliver twist was robbed of his virginity by a rampant gay donkey, maybe he can shed some light on robberies.

I was not robbed:0 seanus in my past life yes I could have shed some light:) but my boyfriend won't let me now:0 p.s. he wasn't that rampant either:0
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #23
So, the thread. Any thoughts donkey jnr?
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #24
yes I think that thieves are everywhere, don't just think it's a Polish thing. in fact I was one for years:) and I believe you are a botty bandit seanus:0 come on out of that closet you come boyo:):):) seriously though. every country hasd thieves. England more than most, and Scotland and definitely wales. sorry didn'rt wanna metion wales cos seanus will think i am prejudised:) baaaa
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #25
Ok, I agree that theft can be found almost everywhere. Even in Japan, an ultra-safe country, u can lose ur bike or umbrella easily. Other things tend not to be stolen there tho
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #26
Other things tend not to be stolen there tho

true again, this is not on sheepish we are agreeing to much.. no i will not ,marry you
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Mar 2008 /  #27
U'll be in ur element here in Poland. There's plenty of gruel (kaszka) 4 u 2 eat Oliver. They take care of poor, decrepit donkeys well here.
oliver twist  - | 121  
25 Mar 2008 /  #28
well praise the Lord:0 Please sir can I have some more..
I will say though seanus that maybe Polish thieves are in the news more because the worlds a smaller place and it seems like some of the media are trying to stir the s**t for them especially in this country.. funny thing is though. I don't know anyone who has had any trouble from Poles.. seem to keep themselves pretty much to themselves. just a thought have a nice day all:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Mar 2008 /  #29
The British media, like governments, are at the source of the problems. Why should innocent Poles and English suffer from their meddling? The Tomczak case was far from clear cut and the British police handled it badly. The media portrayed him badly too without clear enough evidence. Just my thoughts
Wlad  - | 19  
25 Mar 2008 /  #30
There acually are Polish gangs in America, RockyMason. And in Chicago there not as small as you think. Eastern European organized crime works together whether they are Russian, Polish, Albanian etc. and Russians are way worse than Black "organized crime" (hahaha) and all that ****. Eastern European OC and Mexican/Columbian OC work together so they would never go to war. And quit being so stereotypical about everything. But about the rest of this thread, Ive heard Polish gangs are getting bigger and bigger in England and all over Europe. I just did a study in Criminology about OC in Europe and it said Polish gangs are getting really big and are the fastest expanding crime group in Europe right now. Probably becuz all the Polaks are migrating to work so our communities expand haha kurwa. Can anyone tell me more about it in England. Someone was talking about some guy at the gym, is that getting more common in the Polish community in England? I have alot of cousins who work there from time to time and they said there is quite a bit.

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