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New Polish Euro Coins

Dziedzic  3 | 42  
19 Sep 2008 /  #31
I think Poland should quit the idea of joining the euro...

I agree with you. Joining the EU would dilute Poland. I was reading something the other day where this billionare bought a castle somewhere in europe(Germany I think) just to throw a Halloween party. It disgusted me. I really dont like the thought of American movie stars or celebrities buying out real estate or antiquities from other countries. Historic real estate should be maintained by government for everyone to enjoy. The same goes for artifacts and antiquities, It shouldnt be sitting in some rich arse holes house collecting dust on his or hers coffee table.
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Sep 2008 /  #32
art has been a private thing before it was a public thing
Dziedzic  3 | 42  
19 Sep 2008 /  #33
Generally speaking, yes thats true.
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Sep 2008 /  #34
so, if one can afford it, one shall own it if one so desires. capitalism and democracy not socialism or communism.
OP Theroen  2 | 15  
19 Sep 2008 /  #35
But then again, some items shouldn't be for sale. I mean can you imagine some oil baron buying the Brandenburg Gate or the Eiffel Tower? These historical buildings belong to the country and its people. This is where i wholly agree with Dziedzic
tore  - | 6  
20 Sep 2008 /  #36
Hello everybody;
i am glad to see that some people payed some attention to my comments.
i am a bit concern though, it seems to me that polish culture is strong and stubborn enough...it's been tested for centuries..still survived many attempts to

obliterate it...

You see every economy..., according to the different models applied in macroeconomics has two legs fiscal and monetary policies...this two legs support the whole of the body of an economy...

Giving up one , means nothing but chopping up one and trying to keep on walking with the one left...who in his/her brains would even think of doing that..

and that is exactly what they are trying to do to poland....look at denmark, sweden norway...these countries were pushed into the european idea ...bravely they told the giants in brussels to stick that amorfous project up their arses..

They still don't like the EU...but unfortunately for them , everybody else seems to be buying into it.

Giving up your zlotych will mean giving up a possibility to run your own land...allowing some guy in the central european bank, who doesn't even speak polish to please some corrupt politician and hungry bankers they previously bribed anyway to get rich through the debts you will be enticed to sign...

peace brothers
outintheyard  27 | 517  
22 Sep 2008 /  #37
Tic Tock another second off the clock another corupt policy changes hands left all for the good in what is left in some people to only slow it down , but never stop it.
lesser  4 | 1311  
22 Sep 2008 /  #38
Some logical reasoning for people who don't know what to think about Euro issue.

If always lying politicians are unable to find one good argument in favor of Euro then something is seriously wrong. Usually they don't have any problems with promises. This leads to the conclusion that they are 100% sure that we have nothing to gain here. What is more they shake their asses because experiences of other states which joined Euro-zone were not story of success. So, if we have nothing to gain then who need unnecessary risk? In the name of ideology? That is really weak reason...

What is more, perhaps some of you remember how many times Polish politicians praised Zloty to be so good currency?
outintheyard  27 | 517  
22 Sep 2008 /  #39
I am not from Poland and my opinion would be to keep the countries currency as its own and stay away from the Euro. Poland will become stronger in the long run and a force to be reckoned with. Might as well change the name of the country to Eurupole? The world needs countries with individuality That is what makes culture and diversity.
harrySummer  - | 10  
22 Sep 2008 /  #40
capitalism and democracy

How should both them match? The rich ones buy everything they want to buy - including the political parties and the medias. That is the reality in USA, GB, Italy, Germany and so on.

I agree with you. Joining the EU would dilute Poland. I was reading something the other day where this billionare bought a castle somewhere in europe(Germany I think) just to throw a Halloween party. It disgusted me. I really dont like the thought of American movie stars or celebrities buying out real estate or antiquities from other countries. Historic real estate should be maintained by government for everyone to enjoy. The same goes for artifacts and antiquities, It shouldnt be sitting in some rich arse holes house collecting dust on his or hers coffee table.

Poles should better think about waterworks, electric power houses, banks and factories first. Otherwise the day will come that Poles will have to sell their last artifact.
southern  73 | 7059  
22 Sep 2008 /  #41
to keep the countries currency as its own and stay away from the Euro

If you don't adopt the euro,the zloty will sink.Europeans will not give you money to support the zloty against their currency!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Sep 2008 /  #42
Giving up your zlotych will mean giving up a possibility to run your own land...allowing some guy in the central european bank, who doesn't even speak polish to please some corrupt politician and hungry bankers they previously bribed anyway to get rich through the debts you will be enticed to sign..

I don't see problems with TAKING Euros in Poland...lot's of Euros...no probs...:)
Imagine an island of the Zloty amidst a sea of Euro! Well..why not....

My prediction is the EURO will become the global lead currency during the next decades, displacing the Dollar.
It will be advantageous to be part of that zone, but if not you will manage too as do the countries who have no Dollar now.
harrySummer  - | 10  
22 Sep 2008 /  #43
If you don't adopt the euro,the zloty will sink.Europeans will not give you money to support the zloty against their currency!

Would be the best for Poland: Poles had to buy their own stuff and would come out great by export.

My prediction is the EURO will become the global lead currency during the next decades, displacing the Dollar.

My prediction is that the Euro will die during the next five years. The Capitalists will need a new currency to betray the people once again.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
23 Sep 2008 /  #44
My prediction is that the Euro will die during the next five years.

Well...any support for that opinion?

Just being anti-capitalistic yourself will not scratch the global market economies much I fear...:(

PS: Are you communist??? Anarchist??? What's your alternative?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
23 Sep 2008 /  #45
Well...any support for that opinion?

I wouldn't imagine so, I often wonder how long it will be before the UK decide it's the way to go - The euro is pretty strong and and I seem to get less and less each time I go away :(
outintheyard  27 | 517  
23 Sep 2008 /  #46
There will always be a battle here . History goes back to Rome. They though there cuurency would dominate the world too.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
23 Sep 2008 /  #47
No battle - the euro is here to stay and we're a little bit more sophisticated than the romans were 2,000 years ago - it works and companies like it since it cuts costs on Forex and all the other associated costs with "buy-in" currency - the only down side is all the countries I visited pre euro were slightly cheaper than the UK or comparable - now with the euro - prices seem to have increased significantly, I'm not sure that wages have increased in line though.
outintheyard  27 | 517  
23 Sep 2008 /  #48
I agree the Euro will out live us. I do not like the reaction to The US dollar. Another reason for Poland Independance
tore  - | 6  
24 Sep 2008 /  #49
All i am saying is:

Keeping your zlotych is already boosting your exports to youand foreign investment in poland.Think of it ...would you buy the same service for 20 zlotych or for £/.20

...if i was a investor who plans to sells his products away from poland anyway...
i would set a company there pay wages there, and sell abroad....
In the long term ...goods made in Poland would be more and more demanded, industries would grow and further employment would be created with and reasonable growth in wages.

I know that in poland people tends to look at spain as an example of growth...in my opinion the wrong one...but i am not polish!!!, that is up you

.."remember:they had the chance to keep their peseta for 20 years"....once they joined the euro, they became expensive and tourism, their main industry ...has deviated to places like turkey...because price-wise is more sensible..and is hotter(which must be horrible).A strong currency comes from a strong sustainable exports over imports trade balance...not form joining a club.

Now if you are working in a bank and/or in a property management company , i do understand very well if you support the euro...since it is convenient for you guys...you are the ones really making the dough...but remember...greed has it limits ..would you like to follow blindly the same growth model as the southern european states and britain?...look at them now...the machine has stalled.

Up to you...best of luck
outintheyard  27 | 517  
24 Sep 2008 /  #50
Tore, you are correct. The facts are on the table
lesser  4 | 1311  
24 Sep 2008 /  #51
If you don't adopt the euro,the zloty will sink.Europeans will not give you money to support the zloty against their currency!

There is nothing for free. Money should be earned! Everything else is demagogy.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Sep 2008 /  #52
You don't earn money.EU subsidizes your economy.One of the terms that you have agreed for getting the subzidies is that you will switch to euro when the terms set by EU to switch to euro will have been achieved.You cannot deny euro if you have met the prerequisites because you get subsidized in order to meet them.

The scandinavian countries,UK etc were excluded from the euro zone(one reason being of course not being massively subsidized and some other reasons as well) but new members and southern european countries have no choice but to accept euro.
lesser  4 | 1311  
24 Sep 2008 /  #53
You don't earn money.EU subsidizes your economy.

This is exaggeration. Polish economy is far from what it should be, because highly negative influence of Polish bureaucracy. Currently the EU impose on us even more bureaucrats, sending regulations that cannot be disputed in Poland or in any other member country. This is parasite organization which only wasting cash of European taxpayers.

As far as subsidies are concentrated. To the large extend this is Brussels propaganda. (the EU help for fishery is a great example) Media often reports how much of cash Polish bureaucracy may receive from Brussels. Later from time to time the say that something like 10% were really taken. They always fail to mention that Poland gives its share to the EU as well. No summary reports are published to verify how it is in fact.

If Poland would reform itself, it would develop much faster than today. One should mention here that 'old members' don't develop at all, they are stuck in stagnation. While some Asian countries develop nicely, why on earth they don't want to establish "European model"?
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Sep 2008 /  #54
As far as subsidies are concentrated. To the large extend this is Brussels propaganda. (the EU help for fishery is a great example) Media often reports how much of cash Polish bureaucracy may receive from Brussels. Later from time to time the say that something like 10% were really taken. They always fail to mention that Poland gives its share to the EU as well. No summary reports are published to verify how it is in fact.

Now we are talking to each other.Don't tell me that GDP growth is not due to EU funds.

Currently the EU impose on us even more bureaucrats, sending regulations that cannot be disputed in Poland or in any other member country

This buraucracy maybe will save our asses.

If Poland would reform itself, it would develop much faster than today


While some Asian countries develop nicely, why on earth they don't want to establish "European model"?

They will prey for european model when they sink.
tore  - | 6  
24 Sep 2008 /  #55

I agree with you on the subzidises issue, but don't you think that it sounds more like a poor blackmail...come on bro!!?...Are you suggesting that because in the south, goverments gave in to the sweet idea of money for free...to help to keep

up industries like the cheese in france(which would be sunk without EU help), some fruits and strange crops that are of no use(heard of the lino ...in Spain).

The Policies and intentions have to change, or change has to be forced,less subsidizes, more foreing investment..Poland has to move away from industries doomed to die or find a way to make them profitable...shift the little help that europe might send into better and more efficient industries...

I understand what southern is saying...but it does not seem fair to pimp other countries ...who is brussels really representing then?..the scandinavians do not share the idea of europe as a whole, the south seems to be rather passive with anything that is imposed from strasburg/Masstricht...and they won't be able to help this many new countries in the same way as it did with southern states anyway,,,because the truth is that the cake(money) has shrunk and there are more guests to the party...hungry(in a positive way) ones.

In brief, Europe has changed regardless of what any o us might think ...that subsidizes thing can be administrated in the same way and might not work as well as before..changes are needed...from the top, new ideas are needed...you can not run 21 members 15 or 20 years after ..following the same doctrines you did to run 15, you can get stuck in the past.
lesser  4 | 1311  
25 Sep 2008 /  #56
Now we are talking to each other.Don't tell me that GDP growth is not due to EU funds.

Belarus have higher GDP grow, this is closing argument I suppose. :)

This buraucracy maybe will save our asses.

Save from what?

They will prey for european model when they sink.

Europe is backward, face it.
southern  73 | 7059  
25 Sep 2008 /  #57
Belarus have higher GDP grow, this is closing argument

It comes from russian subsidizing through selling cheap oil which is exported by Belarus.
pandora69  - | 18  
25 Sep 2008 /  #58
im 'in-different' at the moment.
lesser  4 | 1311  
26 Sep 2008 /  #59

Poland is nothing comparing to 'Asian tigers', some are not mentioned above. Polish grow is caused by mowing away from communism. The value is clear, read the statistics of France, Germany and Italy, the oldest members.
tore  - | 6  
1 Oct 2008 /  #60
I just read in the warsaw voice that president kaczka refuses to join the euro , i don not particulaly like this guy , but for once he says something i agrre with

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / New Polish Euro CoinsArchived