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March of Tolerance in Krakow

z_darius  14 | 3960  
20 Oct 2008 /  #422
Great and homosexuals are perfectly capable of procreating with the opposite sex, there is nothing physical preventing a homosexual male and female from copulating other than their brains

brain is a physical organ.

If it went against the species as a whole then the world population should be a lot lower than it is.

False assumption. Try - If it went for the species as a whole then the world population should be a lot larger than it is

It's a stupid hypothesis based on stupid circumstances that simply don't mimic reality. If we threw in a bunch of straight guys in one civilization with no women then they'd still be unable to procreate. I guess what I'm saying is that you'd have a great point in this debate if we were discussing your fictional scenario.

The scenario is only an illustration to amplify the point. I said that before. It would be good if you paid attention.

Defining things biologically, pfft! Works great for an amoeba but when dealing with a civilization as complex as the human one

the complexity of human civilization is not possible without the "simplicity" of biological laws.

if I wrote pain is a bad thing then i take it back but show me where i wrote that if so.

You used existence/lack of suffering as an argument. That didn't seem to make much sense to me, if indeed you accept the biological level of the debate. On that level actually bacteria that eats up human flesh and makes people cringe from pain is more related to life than pure homosexuals, so the pain and suffering of the victim is irrelevant to the survivor - i.e the parasite..
Filios1  8 | 1336  
20 Oct 2008 /  #423

Fak off with that gay shite, no need for this...
espana  17 | 951  
20 Oct 2008 /  #424

yes is disgusting , you spoiled my dinner
Filios1  8 | 1336  
20 Oct 2008 /  #425
you spoiled my dinner

Yeah, likewise... and I was going to have some bbq kielbasy too... :(
Damn it all!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
20 Oct 2008 /  #426
On that level actually bacteria that eats up human flesh and makes people cringe from pain is more related to life than pure homosexuals

Sorry but I view the biological environment needed to house the bacteria as a prerequisite and therefore more related to "life" than the bacteria itself.

The scenario is only an illustration to amplify the point

Maybe it was in dire need of amplification cause it wasn't that strong on its' own or maybe there should be conclusion one could draw from your point?

brain is a physical organ

Ok, there's nothing preventing them from naturally procreating aside from their "mind."
Look however you try to slice it, if you lower things to the biological level then there really isn't any difference between a gay guy and you and your respective benefits to the species.

the complexity of human civilization is not possible without the "simplicity" of biological laws.

so? We can reduce biological laws down to chemical laws? And then down to quantum physics? at what point should the reduction stop? and then what conclusions could we draw from whatever point is finally made? To me it just seems like a pointless exercise...:/

You used existence/lack of suffering as an argument

...coupled with beneficial results to argue why something could be interpreted as healthy. That was it, no tricks, no gimmicks.

It would be good if you paid attention.

yes, now if you could manage to do the same and drop the condescending tone then this might still turn out to be a pleasant exchange. if you can't, then, y'know what to do.

Try - If it went for the species as a whole then the world population should be a lot larger than it is

Maybe, but how would the world population being a whole lot larger than it is now be "for" the species? I don't see that as "for" the species at all. In fact, I would view that as akin to a parasite killing off it's host and then dying as a result of having no host.
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Oct 2008 /  #427
As my t-shirt reads "I like cock me" ;-)

Peculiar for an english woman.
Barney  19 | 1733  
20 Oct 2008 /  #428
so? We can reduce biological laws down to chemical laws? And then down to quantum physics? at what point should the reduction stop? and then what conclusions could we draw from whatever point is finally made?

I said a similar thing two pages ago

To me it just seems like a pointless exercise...:/

It is
z_darius  14 | 3960  
20 Oct 2008 /  #429
Sorry but I view the biological environment needed to house the bacteria as a prerequisite and therefore more related to "life" than the bacteria itself.

Since the existence of bacteria predates the existience of higher living forms you argument is void.

Ok, there's nothing preventing them from naturally procreating aside from their "mind."

You are denying your own statement the moment you say "aside from". This is an exception that is critical to the issue. Just put it in a slightly different way and you'll see what I mean: because of their "mind" homosexuals are unable to participate in procreation.

so? We can reduce biological laws down to chemical laws? And then down to quantum physics? at what point should the reduction stop? and then what conclusions could we draw from whatever point is finally made? To me it just seems like a pointless exercise...:/

If any of the elements needed for procreation falters then there is actually no limit to where we stop. In fact, many people facing fertility issues are treated on a level lower than that apparently biological. Chemistry indeed involved in the treatment, and as chemistry goes, there is no escaping from molecular levels when dealing with it.

Maybe, but how would the world population being a whole lot larger than it is now be "for" the species? I don't see that as "for" the species at all. In fact, I would view that as akin to a parasite killing off it's host and then dying as a result of having no host.

Life is not just about humans. Why can't understand the need the bacteria and viruses have. The more humans, the merrier for the predators ;)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
22 Oct 2008 /  #430
Since the existence of bacteria predates the existience of higher living forms you argument is void.

well then if you're using existence as an argument then you're claiming that bacteria has more to do with life than any human. I would ask though if the bacteria today is the same variety which predated higher forms? I wasn't around then so I wouldn't know but you seem to have the inside track on this one so i may well defer to you on this.

You are denying your own statement the moment you say "aside from". This is an exception that is critical to the issue. Just put it in a slightly different way and you'll see what I mean: because of their "mind" homosexuals are unable to participate in procreation.

No, I'm not denying my own statement. It seems you're assuming whether or not I believe the "mind" to be biological or even exist, some of, no, scratch that, the majority of the neuro science community believes that the "mind" doesn't even exist. It can be argued therefore that absolutely nothing prevents a homosexual from procreating whatsoever.

I guess your position mystifies me because there seems to be an abundance of evidence which entirely contradicts your assertion. That is, homosexual men have in fact procreated. Sure they've come out of the closet after the fact but it doesn't change the fact that they are able to do exactly what you say they aren't able to do.

If any of the elements needed for procreation falters then there is actually no limit to where we stop. In fact, many people facing fertility issues are treated on a level lower than that apparently biological. Chemistry indeed involved in the treatment, and as chemistry goes, there is no escaping from molecular levels when dealing with it.

great but what's that got to do with the price of fish?

Life is not just about humans. Why can't understand the need the bacteria and viruses have. The more humans, the merrier for the predators ;)

well then we can just as well argue that humans are in general quite "against" life as we seem to have a propensity for wiping out species and organisms, so where does that lead us to then?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Oct 2008 /  #431
"God hates fags"???

How would they know....what a stupid poster. Really reinvents all my prejudices I have about christians (and muslims)!
gtd  3 | 639  
22 Oct 2008 /  #432
That poster us from a group called Westboro Hills Baptist Church and they are nuts. They think every disaster, murder, raping etc is punishment from god for us letting the place go to hell. They go to Soldiers' funerals and protest, call them fags and all sorts of nasty stuff. It is a really evil bunch of people and they really are lucky nobody has hurt them very badly yet.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
22 Oct 2008 /  #433
Nasty! :(
Who would want to have something to do with such a god???
gtd  3 | 639  
22 Oct 2008 /  #434
Well I doubt there is a god...but if there is I am sure he doesnt hate "fags".

Those people are just evil, mental mouthbreathers.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
23 Oct 2008 /  #435
yes is disgusting , you spoiled my dinner

But isn't this what liberal Poles want?...A 'picture is worth a thousand words'!
masks98  27 | 289  
24 Oct 2008 /  #436
wow who gives a crap who people sleep with. I lived in the second largest gay neighborhood in america, chelsea, and nothing happened to me, I'm fine, I have a girlfriend. Those people in chelsea were pretty successful for the most part, very interesting and intelligent - whats wrong with that?

two men can be friends, like brothers, but if a couple decide to go further and become intimate, they suddenly deserve hate and death? you can desire a woman and be admired, but if you suddenly admire a man... - hate and/or death?

except for people who kidnap, murder, defraud their neighbors, or cause great harm to their surroundings, no 'group' is deserving of hate. Except rich people perhaps since they're ripping everyone off all the time.
gtd  3 | 639  
24 Oct 2008 /  #437
They are taught here that it is an illness. You cannot undo peoples' indoctrination most of the time.
ArcticPaul  38 | 233  
24 Oct 2008 /  #438
I think views and opinions concerning sexuality and race are changing faster in Poland than anywhere else.

You cannot have an educated population that retains retrograde prejudice.
It's totally alien to the educated mind.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Oct 2008 /  #439
They are taught here that it is an illness.

where ?
gtd  3 | 639  
24 Oct 2008 /  #440
Here meaning Poland in general. The most common attitude I hear from people is that they believe it is an illness. They are taught this in (some)schools, church and by their parents.

I know I know...this is where you say something like "BS".
Spade  1 | 81  
24 Oct 2008 /  #441
Here meaning Poland in general. The most common attitude I hear from people is that they believe it is an illness. They are taught this in (some)schools, church and by their parents.

C'mon, thats just BS.
gtd  3 | 639  
24 Oct 2008 /  #442
Hahaha..thanks man!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Oct 2008 /  #443
The most common attitude I hear from people is that they believe it is an illness.

Because "It" definately is illness. If you say no then do you really think that a guy sticking his dick in other guy's ass is normal ? Would you like your children to spend time with "gays" ? Anybody who answer yes was very seriously brainwashed. Here "they" don't teach anything about the whole sad homo thing. The issue was left alone, not much pro-homo propaganda, so people may still use common sense making their opinion about this disease. In the west homos and even worse pervs for decades have invested a lot of energy and money in propaganda to make their perversion look like something "cool" and these, who say what It really is as backward rednecks. Now they even start brainwashing with little children.
24 Oct 2008 /  #444
wow, the G dog wrote more then one word and it's all bs...
Filios1  8 | 1336  
24 Oct 2008 /  #445
The most common attitude I hear from people is that they believe it is an illness. They are taught this in (some)schools, church and by their parents.

Again... making a statement with no supporting information. How fragile your arguments really are.
What schools? What churches? Did you have Polish parents??
You're an American that hasn't been living in Poland for very long, and from the looks of things, you spend most of your time on the internet (mainly PF) Is this where you garner your info about Poles? Go out and live a little, you moron, and maybe you can adjust some of your views.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
24 Oct 2008 /  #446
The most common attitude I hear from people is that they believe it is an illness.

Some believe, some research:

Researchers at Brock University in St. Catharines Ontario published a study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences entitled "Biological versus nonbiological older brothers and men's sexual orientation."

The findings suggest male same-sex sexual orientation is linked to having older brothers, even if those brothers are not raised together. By way of explanation the researchers suggest that homosexuality results from an immune reaction of the mother to the male child in her womb.

"A theory of male homosexuality consistent with the present findings is a maternal immune response to succeeding male pregnancies," says the study. "If this immune theory were correct, then the link between the mother's immune reaction and the child's future sexual orientation would probably be some effect of maternal anti-male antibodies on the sexual differentiation of the brain."

Dr. John Shea, medical advisor to Campaign Life Coalition, explained to LifeSiteNews.com that the study explains the significance of its findings suggesting that "the immune response of the mother's body, damages the sexual differentiation of the brain of the male child in the womb, thus producing an abnormality in the fetus."

If correct the theories would thus show the opposite of the normalcy of homosexuality, which the mainstream media are attempting to posit with the coverage of the study. "I was born abnormal, and therefore I'm normal is not good logic," concluded Dr. Shea.

24 Oct 2008 /  #447
that's just one of many researches... none of them finally prove anything... just speculations, in this thread also...
Filios1  8 | 1336  
24 Oct 2008 /  #448
that's just one of many researches

And you would be hurting yourself if you disregarded these researches as rubbish, before you weighed the facts...
z_darius  14 | 3960  
24 Oct 2008 /  #449
none of them finally prove anything... just speculations

Religious groups speculate one way, gays speculate the other, but Shea and his team are not speculating. They are conducting research on a molecular biology level.
24 Oct 2008 /  #450
i have my opinion about that and you have yours... the point is that people in general are affraid of people who are different then they are and the reaction to this is vulgar... it's pretty sad to look at that...

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