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Polish Election Poll (according to PolishForums)

hello  22 | 891  
20 Oct 2007 /  #151
I don't know if you realize, but it is not allowed to talk about elections - you can pay up to 1,000,000 PLN for violating the rule (not discussing elections 24 hrs before the elections and on the election date). I think it was ruled by the Polish government.
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #152
We can talk about the elections in private, as we are doing here, can't we ?...
hello  22 | 891  
20 Oct 2007 /  #153
IF it was a private forum, probably yes.
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #154
I think there are no effects in talking about the elections here...it's democracy...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
20 Oct 2007 /  #155
I dont think we do sth wrong, it is international forum in english. I dont think our gov is going to accuse bbc or cnn of braking our law just because they discussed about our elections ...
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #156
I dont think our gov is going to accuse bbc or cnn of braking our law just because they discussed about our elections ...

They could...They accused Angela Merkel of being a nazist, why can't they accuse the BBC of "cheating" the elections... :P
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
20 Oct 2007 /  #157
They accused Angela Merkel of being a nazist

even she is 25% Pole ...
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #158
She is ?? :P Didn't know that ! Thanks, funny news ;)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
20 Oct 2007 /  #159
yes her grandfather (from Poznan ) was Pole ...

When Merkel some times become romantic she thinks it is her Polish romantic soul ... (according her interview)
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #160
Oh, i always found her nice...now i know why ;P LoL
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
20 Oct 2007 /  #161
I hope so much we are going to win :)

We will create in Poland sth like generation of 68 in some of EU countries ... maybe with different values but with the same influence ...

Oh, i always found her nice...now i know why ;P LoL

the truth is that she was accuesed of having Polish roots ... but all in all she is very popular there and neo nazists (and some old nzi priks ;) ) are miniority ...

In my opinin she is much better for Poland than Schroeder ...
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #162
the truth is that she was accuesed of having Polish roots ... but all in all she is very popular there and neo nazists (and some old nzi priks ;) ) are miniority ...

In my opinin she is much better for Poland than Schroeder ...

Didn't know she was accused as i didn't know she got Polish roots as well.

She seems good, but i don't know her and her work enough to give my opinion...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
20 Oct 2007 /  #163
She seems good, but i don't know her and her work enough to give my opinion...

... ;) honestly nothing interesting especialy when we look what she did in Germany ... ;)

I m going to sleep ... and tomorow we will have new Poland :)
20 Oct 2007 /  #164
i have to agree that PIS is a much better candidate than PO. First of all PO is nothing but a bunch of loosers and cheats grabbing onto that last ladder trying to save themselves. They might have a nice plan and are probably better organized than PIS but for goodness sakes how can you believe in what they say! They have been involved in so many corruption scandals its not even funny! Right now i seriously think that half the voters who plan on voting for PO are retarded. They lied to you so much and now you guys think that because Kaczynski didnt do everything he said he will you have to retaliate and vote for the other party. Well guess what any thinking Pole knew that Kaczynski will not do everything that he promised>> the reason MOST POEPLE are idiots and listen to whatever they are told. But hey they cleaned up a bit and are trying to make it better. guess what you cant run a country without reliable people who you can trust! So half the PO voters are hipocrites if not most of them but i must say true Poles as they are very gullible! LMAO
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
20 Oct 2007 /  #165
just before sleep

I have to react :)

Look on towns governed by PO and PiS ...

they accused PO leaders there of being corrupted and where people voted on PO towns develope where voters supported PiS there is nothing ... it is PiS slogan "corruption". PO has right plan to solve this problem, less bureaucracy less coplicated law less opportunities to take bribes for officers. What can be intersting PO supported PiS project of CBA (anty corruption office) so in this case they have agrement... jus before campaing PiS sharply accused PO of being corrupted it is mith it is propaganda ...

Good night and good luck ...
Polson  5 | 1767  
20 Oct 2007 /  #166
the reason MOST POEPLE are idiots and listen to whatever they are told

True, Radio Maryja told people to vote on PiS and they did it...fools, aren't they ? ;)
20 Oct 2007 /  #167
Not all votes came from RM but hey it got the job done!
johan123  1 | 227  
21 Oct 2007 /  #168
Exit Polls show PiS ahead!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
21 Oct 2007 /  #169

lol, You know that no body is giving exit polls in Poland during election day ... it is forbiden ... thye give only frequency and first results will be at 8 pm

eh PiS was always using thta kind of propaganda :P
lesser  4 | 1311  
21 Oct 2007 /  #170
True, Radio Maryja told people to vote on PiS and they did it...fools, aren't they ? ;)

About 90% of mainstream media outlets cheering for PO all the time, so I would be careful with this argument in your place ;)
Crow  154 | 9556  
21 Oct 2007 /  #171
Comments in Serbian media...

Poles start voting in early parliamentary election

21 October 2007 | 10:03 | Source: Reuters


Polls before campaigning ended on Friday put the opposition Civic Platform between 4 and 17 points ahead of the conservative ruling Law and Justice Party. They gave the opposition party up to 47 percent support.

"Very often we like to complain it's they who decide, they who argue, who govern, directing our complaints at unspecified 'they'. Today we decide who 'they' are," said Archbishop Jozef Zycinski after voting in the eastern city of Lublin.

"I didn't like being talked down to for the last two years," said Jan Zawisz, 43, who voted with his wife in Warsaw.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Oct 2007 /  #172
I went to vote about an hour ago. Usually one room is used, in a local school, for this purpose. Today, two rooms and long queues. I've never seen anything like it in Poland.

I cut a trip short just so I could cast my vote and on the train home I bumped into someone who took the same, earlier, train home. She was also determined to make her point.

So I expect a big turnout, but I don't know if it will change the result.
johan123  1 | 227  
21 Oct 2007 /  #173
Exit polls suggest a PiS victory!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
21 Oct 2007 /  #174
johan123 be serious it is not posble you know sth about it ...
Polson  5 | 1767  
21 Oct 2007 /  #175
So Polish people are voting ! Do you know the percentage of voters ?

Oh and i forgot to ask : when will we know the results ?...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
21 Oct 2007 /  #176
So Polish people are voting ! Do you know the percentage of voters ?

at 4 30 pm it was about 40% it seams it will be better about 20% than it was in 2005 (8pm 40%) ...

Oh and i forgot to ask : when will we know the results ?...

8 25 pm
Polson  5 | 1767  
21 Oct 2007 /  #177
Hope so ;) That's good.

8 25 pm

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
21 Oct 2007 /  #179
good boy ;)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Oct 2007 /  #180
8 25 pm


This is the exit pole results, not the full result. The official result will be tomorrow or Tuesday.

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