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Currency symbol, date in Polish

2 Feb 2007 /  #1
I need to know the currency symbol if one is used and how to write out the date in Polish.

As in America we use $1 to indicate one dollar, what would it be in Poland? I know you use PLN but is it PLN1?

and todays date I would write it in english as February 2, 2007, what would that be in Polish?
thanks for all of yoru help
krysia 23 | 3058  
2 Feb 2007 /  #2
In Poland they write the date first, then month, so it would be 2- 02 (Luty) - 07

Złoty is polish currency so you write 1zł.
2 Feb 2007 /  #3
What about PLN?
OP csimms  
2 Feb 2007 /  #4
so if i was going to write out the date what would it be in Polish?

from english to polish

So it would be 2 February, 2007

thanks fo the symbol for currency

krysia 23 | 3058  
2 Feb 2007 /  #5
That is correct.

The New Polish Złoty is the unofficial name of the current currency of Poland, introduced on January 1, 1995 as a result of the devaluation of the old currency.
OP csimms  
2 Feb 2007 /  #6
Ok thank you.. so if i was to format a computer system in Poland and use the zł it will be known what it is..

do you know polish to write todays date out in polish?

Need a sample.. thanks..
krysia 23 | 3058  
2 Feb 2007 /  #7
What do you mean? like this?: drugi luty dwa tysiące siódmy rok.
Which means: Second of February 2007
OP csimms  
3 Feb 2007 /  #8
would that be the formal way you would write it.. like if you where writing on a note the date for business..
thanks so much for your help
eabc 1 | 28  
3 Feb 2007 /  #9
we write just 03 - 02 - 2007 - it is the formal way! Day - month - year ! We dont use the letters, only numbers
Kowalski 7 | 621  
3 Feb 2007 /  #10
It's old fashion maybe and disapearing but I've seen it written like this:
3 luty, 1999 or
22 sierpnia, 2003

People who do handwriting would often write dates using Roman numerals but only to indicate the month:

12. XII. 2007, 01.III. 2003 etc

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