This is the 1944 aggreement for compensation to property owners that were deported from eastern Poland. Today a deadline of Dec. 2008 is set to get claims in, proof of ownership and forced removal. Russia removed us and had no say when the land was split. Why are they the ones to pay the price once more?
Carol, USA YGLob3lSVgVkb8YDgNS5qFRxELyszb9lZYxsmeB7NDsiG_Ns5JAYY8/Land%20Claim%20 Application/Polish%2520Act%2520for%2520Kresy%2520land%2520compensation .pdf
Carol, USA YGLob3lSVgVkb8YDgNS5qFRxELyszb9lZYxsmeB7NDsiG_Ns5JAYY8/Land%20Claim%20 Application/Polish%2520Act%2520for%2520Kresy%2520land%2520compensation .pdf