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Was I wrong or is it just my polish gf

fantoosh  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #1

I stay in Ireland and my gf is from Poland. We have been going steady for almost a year now. Recently, we had a fight about some girl (polish again) who keeps wanting to talk with me...My girlfriend doesnt trust me that I can just talk to some other girl without getting flirtatious. She was very jealous about it and So she went and became friends with her (kind of like marking her territory, not that I mind) and they share jokes with each other and have nice fun. All this happened like 3 months, cut to the present - this other girl tried to talk with me online and I happened to mention it to my gf and she was absolutely furious. She even accused me of cheating on her, while infact we were talking about very general stuff and somethings about my gf too.

Now here's the part I dont understand - she can talk to this other girl but I cannot do it, because it makes her jealous!

Is this normal or is she being overly paranoid and jealous.

Oh, did I mention I am Indian, maybe we have too many cultural differences
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Dec 2008 /  #2
Why not ask your girlfriend? And why are you so intent on keeping contact with a girl that your girlfriend obviously doesnt want you talking to?

Is this an Indian cultural thing for men to want girls to flirt with them whilst they are in a relationship?

Oh, did I mention I am Indian, maybe we have too many cultural differences

OP fantoosh  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #3
Do u read me above. i wasnt flirting...
And how do u think she found that I was talking to this 'friend' ? I told her about it. I thought that clears me from the shadow of doubt
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Dec 2008 /  #4
Simple stay away from this girl..problem solved!
THT  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #5
If there is a guy who is trying to reach your GF through phone and Internet,
Can she talk to that guy then?
mafketis  38 | 11199  
19 Dec 2008 /  #6
Like most men, you have no idea what is going on when it comes to women and completely miss the signals they give each other and the tactics they use.

Your girlfriend, on the other hand, is Polish and recognizes what the other Polish girl is up to. Yes, becoming 'friends' as a way to move in on another woman's guy is nothing new or different in Poland. Usually the guy has no idea of what's going on until he's been dumped by his original girlfriend or cheating on her with the new girl who doesn't respect him (since he was so easy to manipulate) and will also dump him in due time.

The choice is up to you:

1. Continue talking about your GF to this 'friend'.

2. Respect your current girlfriend and find reasons to not talk to this 'friend'.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
19 Dec 2008 /  #7
Very insightful for a man.
There is no trust in your relationship. For whatever reason your girlfriend doesnt trust you.. maybe its justified and maybe not.. but you need to work on this if your relationship is to survive. In the meantime forget about the other girl unless you fancy her, in which case you should dump your current gf as you will end up cheating on her.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
19 Dec 2008 /  #8
A or B or A and B (for one night of glory followed by a long lonely existence)
Kilkline  1 | 682  
19 Dec 2008 /  #9
Maybe shes attacking you because she feels guilt at something or someone shes be doing?
sapphire  22 | 1241  
19 Dec 2008 /  #10
thats also very insightful. I agree that she may not be able to believe that you could be faithful to her as it may not be in her own nature.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Dec 2008 /  #11
Maybe shes attacking you because she feels guilt at something or someone shes be doing?

Evil thinkers evil doers :(
OP fantoosh  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #12
Thats the whole point of the arguement. I am not attracted to this 'friend'. I completely ignore her even to the point of rudeness... The only mistake I might have done was probably to find out what this (other) girl wanted from me. There was no way my gf would ever have found out that I talked to her. It just doesnt make any sense to me. Can she not see that by confessing my 'guilt', I absolve myself from it.

We have great chemistry otherwise and I dont think she's ever been unfaithful to me. But she always tells me that her friends warn her about Indian guys who are players with women. Is that a general impression about Indians or is she just creating drama ?

If there is a guy who is trying to reach your GF through phone and Internet,
Can she talk to that guy then?

She does that quite often on social networking websites. ofc she tells me about it.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Dec 2008 /  #13
But she always tells me that her friends warn her about Indian guys who are players with women.

Because of the whole culture thing - arranged marriage etc the fact you are just staying in Dublin for whatever reason (for life? for studies? on a work visa?) I think asian men have a reputation for not being the most upfront with European women and they are just there for a "convenience" whilst they are away from home. So her friends are quite right in what they say.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
19 Dec 2008 /  #14
If there is a guy who is trying to reach your GF through phone and Internet,
Can she talk to that guy then?

She does that quite often on social networking websites. ofc she tells me about it.

Shes definitely shagging someone else.

Get rid of her.
OP fantoosh  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #15
Get rid of her.

thanks Kilkline but she's a keeper.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
19 Dec 2008 /  #16
she's a keeper.

bee keeper ...or zoo keeper..?
osiol  55 | 3921  
19 Dec 2008 /  #17
Someone's got to go in goal.

Hang on. I'll just start reading the rest of the thread now.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Dec 2008 /  #18
Shes definitely shagging someone else.

You old romantic you!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
19 Dec 2008 /  #19
Yes , for sure she is having it away with at least three guys , one of them old enough to be her dad , and one of the guys she is chatting to on the internet has got her to agree to meeting both him and his brother for some naughty fun....I would say get rid of her.......
Brit  1 | 49  
19 Dec 2008 /  #20
But she always tells me that her friends warn her about Indian guys who are players with women.

Indian guys are not players outside of dating Polish women; they certainly were never players before Polish women arrived in the UK. Moreover, British women in general didn't date them before and still don’t.

They have however become players of Polish women whom have allowed themselves to be played. The Indian man has discovered a new prey, a Polish prey, and it is because of these Polish women that they have this reputation!

So be clear.................Indian men can only Play Polish women because it is only Polish women who are giving them the chance to do so! Women from other nationalities do not in general afford them this chance!
OP fantoosh  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #21
Moreover, British women in general didn't date them before and still don’t.

You presumptuous racist prick, who made you an authority on british women. I know many Indian men married to scots or maybe they dont count as 'british' enough for u.

I think you have a severe disability to read, apart from the fact that you are british. which is like a huge disability. I never said Indian men were players, we are the original homeboys. And quite proud of it, the Indian community has the lowest divorce rate all over the world!

I bet you cried to your mommy when you lost your job to an Indian.
Brit  1 | 49  
19 Dec 2008 /  #22
scots or maybe they dont count as 'british' enough for u.

The statement doesn't make sense? If I was refering to English I would have stated English. Scots, English, Welsh, and N I. make up Britain dont they little prick?
OP fantoosh  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #23
Scots, English, Welsh, and N I. make up Britain dont they little prick?

hear hear...how about some knowledge of where u come from Mr.Low-IQ. Britain is England Wales and Scotland and NI is part of Ireland.

And they complain about losing jobs!
Brit  1 | 49  
19 Dec 2008 /  #24
apart from the fact that you are british. which is like a huge disability

Rather Racist

I bet you cried to your mommy when you lost your job to an Indian.

Never lost a job to an Indian? In fact just saved the Indian kid who works for me from redundancy a few weeks back. Good worker and pleasant attitude! Why is it that whenever you say something that offends an Indian guy his 1st line of defense is to talk about money and how great he is at work!

Watch that divorce rate rise big time once Polish girls wise up!!
OP fantoosh  1 | 7  
19 Dec 2008 /  #25
saved the Indian kid

thanks mister, what would the poor indians do without your love and care.

whenever you say something that offends an Indian guy his 1st line of defense is to talk about money and how great he is at work!

Its not a defence mate, its the truth. I know it can be bitter sometimes.

The only thing that anyone needs wisening upto is your bloody condescending attitude. I see that you just enjoy stereotyping people
Brit  1 | 49  
19 Dec 2008 /  #26
lost your job to an Indian.

Its not a defence mate, its the truth.

And they complain about losing jobs!

enjoy stereotyping people

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