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Polish men are more sexy....

27 Mar 2007 /  #1
We are so much more sexy than those Brithish srubs! Besides we are famous for Polish Kelbasa, what else do you need? JK
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
27 Mar 2007 /  #2
Er what's a srub when it's at home.

Why is everyone beating up the Brits?

Are you Poles more sexy than the French, Italians, Nepalese, too?
Decorator  4 | 291  
27 Mar 2007 /  #3
Because you have wonderful ego's ??

Unlike the Brithish srubs!!!
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
27 Mar 2007 /  #4
Unlike the Brithish srubs

Dec, what is a srub. A small misspelt bush perhaps? Or is it a new legit abusive word that I must add to my extensive list?
Decorator  4 | 291  
27 Mar 2007 /  #5
Add it to the list young man :)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
27 Mar 2007 /  #6
Ok but what the **** does it mean?:)
Decorator  4 | 291  
27 Mar 2007 /  #7
I think it was a dyslexic insult, i think you were right he meant to say 'Shrub' maybe he's a horticulturalist and wasn't being mean at all? :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
27 Mar 2007 /  #8
Men are men regardless of nationality - I for one like English men, the ones with a good sence of humour that is :0)
Ranj  21 | 947  
27 Mar 2007 /  #9
I gotta agree with Amathyst; I've met both Polish and English men and the English men have much better sense of humors (or I guess I should say, I can relate better to their sense of humors). I think besides a man being smart and having a good heart, sense of humor is probably the sexiest quality to me. If a man can make me laugh, then he's already won me over!:)
James Bond  
27 Mar 2007 /  #10


What !!!!!!!!!!
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
27 Mar 2007 /  #11
English men have much better sense of humors

Better than me Ranj? Come on.....thats a hell of a feat if they have better sense of humor than me :)
Ranj  21 | 947  
27 Mar 2007 /  #12
Better than me Ranj? Come on.....

I'm comparing English men raised in Great Britain to Polish men who were raised in Poland (at least the one's I know). Not saying the Poles had bad sense of humor....just too much cultural difference to understand each others humor.....You of course, Artur, are in a class all by yourself----I mean look at your helmut for god sake!:)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
27 Mar 2007 /  #13
I mean look at your helmut for god sake!

It brings out my eyes, I know. The chicks dig it :)
Ranj  21 | 947  
27 Mar 2007 /  #14
Yes it does, and I'm sure they do:)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
27 Mar 2007 /  #15
Yeah. I'm thinking I might wear a mango on Sundays. Looks more fit for church :)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2007 /  #16
Not saying the Poles had bad sense of humor....just too much cultural difference to understand each others humor.....

you are right.. humour is the hardest thing to translate between cultures.. my bf was trying to be sarcastic the other day and we ended up fighting because I thought he was being serious.. and he often doesnt understand my humour either..still, you gotta laugh about it havent you :)
28 Mar 2007 /  #17
Polish men are NOT more sexy than English:P look at those who wearing all the time truck suit with not natural blond hair uglyy ughhh
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2007 /  #18
truck suit

are they lorry drivers?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Mar 2007 /  #19
we ended up fighting

daffy  22 | 1153  
28 Mar 2007 /  #20
you gotta laugh about it havent you

ay yea, it can be very rewarding and ineresting :)

my gf doesnt understand my humor somethimes - alas its due to email of google talk and not being able to hear the joke in the voice. and i am the same with her! :)

we laugh about that at times and just long to be togehter finally
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2007 /  #21

not literally.. just arguing.. cos he told me he had found a great job with lots of money.. and I didnt realise he was being sarcastic :)

we laugh about that at times and just long to be togehter finally

does she live in Poland? Although I love him, I must admit that sometimes I long for being 'untogether' (as in not living together)..ah, the joys of domestic bliss and intercultural relationships..
daffy  22 | 1153  
28 Mar 2007 /  #22
does she live in Poland? Although I love him, I must admit that sometimes I long for being 'untogether' (as in not living together)..ah, the joys of domestic bliss and intercultural relationships..

she lives in Poland tak, unfort :'( bu i do admit to liking this on occasion as i can feel very smothered at times and she would say that i dont want her (which is not true) she just loves being with me---as i do with her) but there i times i just like to be on my own :) you know, me time

so iunderstand you completely and entirly

She give me space even when i dont need it , though ive asked her to let me tell her when i need space because when i dont need it, i love it when she is just with me. I prefere not to 'guess' when i need space as she has got that wrong a few times)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2007 /  #23
thats very interesting. Personally I would like more space, but its pretty impossible to get it . Polish culture seems to dictate that you spend a lot of time together, which is great.. but I dont think its normal not to want to spend some time with your friends and not with your loved one, even if its only once a month or so.. this is a constant source of friction for me and one which I ultimately believe will come between us.. even though we love each other very much. Hes now agreed that I can go out with female friends on occassion, but not male ones (even if they are gay!) If men and women generally dont understand one another, it is doubly hard in an intercultural relationship.
daffy  22 | 1153  
28 Mar 2007 /  #24
well i was with an irish girl for 2 years and we spent ALL our time together...at the times i didnt think of it as bad. and i didnt mind so much but i just want me time rather than friedns time as ive no bother her joining sometimes of course but

i guesss its a man woman thinkj. the cultural thing is another factor again./
espana  17 | 951  
28 Mar 2007 /  #25
that is very pretty what you two are talking about.
daffy  22 | 1153  
28 Mar 2007 /  #26
well, im rather embarassed for myself, i know its being honest that i need some time but i would rather like to just spend all my time with her but i know myself that i need time to be on my own and i know myself that i appreciate her more after speending time away even for a few hours!!

hell everytime we meet after a few weeks, its like kissing for the first time everytime :)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2007 /  #27
suppose it depends on the individual.. i had a very hectic social life before I settled down with the Polako, so the change was a bit of a shock.. but hey. anyway, good luck Daffy.. hope it works out for you with the Polaka...btw.. I love your 5 word story and the new movie thread (although its not proving too popular so far).. they brighten up my day at work.
espana  17 | 951  
28 Mar 2007 /  #28
i meet my wife in london and we life there for a year ,she is english and for now we been 9 years ,,,, i love london
sapphire  22 | 1241  
28 Mar 2007 /  #29
buena onda espana. what do you think are the cultural differences between english and spanish?
daffy  22 | 1153  
28 Mar 2007 /  #30
i meet my wife in london and we life there for a year ,she is english and for now we been 9 years ,,,, i love london

congrats man!!! :)

good luck Daffy..

cheers! :) and you! :)

I love your 5 word story and the new movie thread (although its not proving too popular so far).. they brighten up my day at work.

:) awww thanks :) the movie one should take off sometime i think, it similar rules to five word , i cant post in succession is why its stuck! :P

5 word story rocks! and Fizz and eurola rule for compiling it!!! it makes for funny reading!!!

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