in your bonkers world, what exactly does the man do, then?
they watch ball games..
still money and sperm discussion? natasia, agree with your all words and thoughts about importance of money and providers of this are mostly men. but, in this real world.
description of life is a thing, description of world system is another thing, "how things could be made better" is another thing.
description of life: human life doesnt resemble animal life anymore. works mostly pressing on buttons, keys, steering wheels, etc which are simple to do also by female world with less physical power.
description of world system: (talking about capitalism): here, you are right. 90% of capitals, companies, etc are in controls of male world and it is hard to compete and take places for female world in such a system. hence, anyone who want to marry will normally have to look for a richer man as much as possible and this is quite understandable (these are words of a true socialist one.)
"how things could be made better": now, this is searching improvements in short term. i suggest capitals should be given to women as soon as possible at first stage. if this is not done, women should go after poor men, should not go after rich men so that those rich men will have to make sports to lose weight before reaching women. this will make things automatically balanced. by going after rich men, maybe, you individually saving yourself as a woman, but, actually giving a damage to global women world. cause you are losing power in control of capitals of the world to male world who mostly have minds one hand span above their heads.
and, the next important criteria. science. when it is true science, it is much more important than money. however, today science is fake, stupid science, therefore, less important than money. to clarify this point, think about cancers. now, cureless, cause this science is in control of money and scientists arent different than directors of businessmen. if it were true science, i am sure long time ago, cures to cancers would have already been found.
so, todays reality is one thing. hope and work for future are another thing. women are chosing men/sperm based on todays reality, but, they should not do this. they should be after true happiness, after what they really want. in my suggested future system with true science, etc, women will have much better living conditions and economical freedoms and these will take them to men they really like/love.
ok, long post. finishing:
you chose your husand today, but, babies come tomorrow.
work for babies. this means improve the future today. means dont be selfish and think global women world. to start this, go to poorer men who have creativity potentials, this will increase their credits and discredit the value of men with more money. when they have lesser money they will think better. at present, women doing correct individually, but, wrong globally.