This is defense.If they like you,they will omit they have a boyfriend even if they really have one.
I am talking here about manipulative lying with a goal,about mass organized lying supported by close friends if you understand the issue.
Explain this Phenomenon defence mechanism. What do you mean? The closest I have ever come to asking out polish women was when I sent my wedding invitations to my sisters in law. One week before the wedding they still hadn’t RSVP ed. So I rang them to find out If they were coming or not they said they were not coming as I hadn’t invited their uncle to the wedding ( I had never met the uncle). My response was ok that’s fine the wedding was limited to 60 guests and under no circumstances am I inviting the uncle. So I told them I will give their places in wedding bus and party to some friends I had really wanted at the wedding any way.
On the day of the wedding we had over 20 phone calls to our mobiles from the sisters, while waiting to go into the church a call came in form an Irish land line I thought it was something to with the wedding so I answered it and it turned out to be the uncle I never met, he was on the phone asking where the wedding bus was that he and the sisters were ready and waiting to be collected. I just told him it was too late for them to decide at 12pm on the day of the wedding that they wanted to come there was nothing I could do for them now...................It must of been very expensive for the sisters to fly in the uncle to Ireland at such short notice especially since I got married on new year’s eve.
So southern can this be classified as a polish girls defence mechanism, is it like if men ask a polish woman out to dinner and she says no but really she wants to go to dinner with the man. The polish woman is waiting for the man to ask her 3 or 4 times. Unless there is a payoff for them they will only say yes the first time if a man says something like I will buy you a pair of expensive shoes then we will go to dinner? Now I am sure a polish woman will not say no to that.
So were my sisters in law wanting me to prove to them that I really wanted them at my wedding and the real cost of me having them there would be to invite there favourite uncle. (Expensive shoes)