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Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Sep 2008 /  #31
I'm really sadened by the homophobic sentiments here.

Im saddened by the stupidity of this remark! It's victorian and to quite honest I expected more from a person who claims to sooooooooooo racially tollerent.

Excuse me...

Physical health and mental health are different. Skin and muscles is not what I am talking about...its MENTAL HEALTH, which SURELY is needy! wrong!! upset!!!

I am not against the gays... I am against gayism... this ailment! And I think its justified.
GeoLawyer  - | 20  
18 Sep 2008 /  #32
that the average life expectancy of sexually active homosexual males is from 20 to 25 years shorter than that of heterosexuals. Does anyone know why that is that is the case?


By the way in Europe the rate of AIDS prevalence is the highest among injecting drug users and heterosexuals than among gays...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Sep 2008 /  #33
am against gayism

WTF is gayism? I think you just invented a new word. Sorry I was thrown by it..my sincere apologies :)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 Sep 2008 /  #34
Sorry I was thrown by it

Thrown ? where?


Its the practice of gayness
Polson  5 | 1767  
18 Sep 2008 /  #35
Evidence obtained on the basis of extensive research carried out over many years in the US, Canada, Britain and Scandinavia has shown that the average life expectancy of sexually active homosexual males is from 20 to 25 years shorter than that of heterosexuals. Does anyone know why that is that is the case?

It's well known that too much coke is not good for health... ;)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
18 Sep 2008 /  #36
Why don`t you check your info before you post it?

you obviously have no idea about british humour and missed the point i was making

are you polish?
osiol  55 | 3921  
18 Sep 2008 /  #37
There are many causes of death about which we know, but we can rarely be certain of our own cause of death.
"Killed By Death" was a song by Motorhead in the mid 1980s, but it didn't (as far as I'm aware) satidfactorily explain how death itself can be its own cause. "If you squeeze my lizard, I'll put my snake on you", etc.

Rates are particularly high in Lithuania, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. Poland ranks at number 23 on a world scale, whilst the US is at 46 and the UK at 60. By profession, those most at risk seem to be doctors, veterinarians and male porn performers.

Busy Roads:
Poland seems to have many dangerous stretches of road. This is due to a a mixture of badly maintained road surfaces, bad drivers and alcohol. Other countries too have dangerous roads. There is no scientific evidence to prove that homosexuals cross roads any more than heterosexuals. Annecdotal evidence is not enough. If anecdotal evidence was enough, then we'd assume chickens to be most at risk.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
This can happen to people gay or straight, black or white, rich or poor. In Poland in 2005, there were said to be 25,000 people (0.1% ish of the population) with HIV/AIDS of whom 7,500 were women. It can be passed from person to person in a variety of ways, including dodgy blood transfusions, intraveinous drug use with unclean equipment, and consensual heterosexual farmyard activity by persons who have only ever indulged in such activity with other heterosexuals. Not everyone who has it knows they have it. Even amongst practising homosexuals, those with HIV/AIDS are in a minority.

Eating Too Much Cake and Too Many Pies
This kind of thing is gaining ground in Poland, especially amongst straight, white males.

Slipping On Banana Skins
This looks like a euphemistic reference to something pervy, but it's not. We've all seen the cartoons and read the comics. Be careful. be safe. Stop, look and listen, and definately no running with scissors.

Death by Internet Forum
Not as yet reported. I have noticed that gay Polish people use the internet.

That was my contribution to PF for the day. Goodnight and God bless you all.
pawian  226 | 27586  
18 Sep 2008 /  #39
you obviously have no idea about british humour and missed the point i was making

are you polish?

I have a sense of humour, but I had to correct you when you provided false information about Poland. I can`t allow such lies to be spread freely. :):):)

So, rememebr, life expectancy in Poland is not 20 but 3 years less than in the UK.

As for the other part of your post where you suggested that Polonius was gay, well, it was moderately funny. :)
dtaylor  9 | 823  
18 Sep 2008 /  #40
Are there any scientific facts to prove gays have a shorter life than the average hetro? what exactly, physically is different? or have too many bible books been read?
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Sep 2008 /  #41
By the way in Europe the rate of AIDS prevalence is the highest among injecting drug users and heterosexuals than among gays...

The same as anal prolapse.
Michal2  - | 78  
20 Sep 2008 /  #42
In Poland everybody dies young. This is due to the bad air they breath as well as cigarettes and alcohol. The driving is the worst in Europe so many die young on the roads too. I avoid the country like the plague!
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Sep 2008 /  #43
This is due to the bad air they breath

Their air is full of worms.

as well as cigarettes and alcohol

Papierosi are the worst cigarettes on earth.And polish vodka an ss-satanist invasion to make the folks dumb.

I avoid the country like the plague!

Good for you.The country mourns.
osiol  55 | 3921  
20 Sep 2008 /  #44
I avoid the country like the plague

You went there this year, didn't you?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
20 Sep 2008 /  #45
he dreamt it
Michal2  - | 78  
20 Sep 2008 /  #46
Yes, I did, in June as it happens. I dreamt it? Are you not dreaming about this super job in Poland that does not even exist?
Filios1  8 | 1336  
21 Sep 2008 /  #47
They are respect and accepted... and yes they are human. But humans can have dieseases too. In this case it is phsychological. I have never said that they should be treated badly.

Accepted as friends...family... but the treatment should be encouraged. It is nothing shameful to get a treatment for the dieseas.

Very well said, exactly my thoughts..
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Sep 2008 /  #48


No,they take a lot of vitamin from the anus.
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Sep 2008 /  #49
Some sad people posting here. I pity your views of others.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
21 Sep 2008 /  #50
No,they take a lot of vitamin from the anus.

And which vitamins are these southern?
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Sep 2008 /  #51
And which vitamins are these

Vitamin C.Fructose.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
21 Sep 2008 /  #52

lol... Fruit-ctose
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Sep 2008 /  #53

Basic component of the sem...
Filios1  8 | 1336  
21 Sep 2008 /  #54
Of sem....???

Whatever do you mean my good friend?
22 Sep 2008 /  #55
Some sad people posting here.

osiol  55 | 3921  
22 Sep 2008 /  #56
Are you not dreaming about this super job in Poland that does not even exist?

Who is Michal1/2 talking to now?

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / DO POLISH GAYS ALSO DIE YOUNG?Archived