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Foreigner's opinion about polish ladies

sapphire  22 | 1241  
6 Jul 2007 /  #271
I wouldn't mind discovering the polish position...

i think its doggy style
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Jul 2007 /  #272
It is just an avatar.
espana  17 | 951  
6 Jul 2007 /  #273
i think its doggy style

doggy style????????

  • eriso.jpg
Ranj  21 | 947  
6 Jul 2007 /  #274
You mean Americans right? I think we're lazier.

American women *are* lazier -- sorry

I think American men also.....I agree with Fisz, I think in general, compared to Europeans, Americans are very lazy.....not to say there are no hardworking Americans, but I think Bubbawoo said it somewhere, "In America things are easier." It's just a natural progression that we become lazier with life conveniences.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #275
It's just a natural progression that we become lazier with life conveniences.

Bingo :) I saw a guy in Manhattan rolling around on a Segway :( How lame is that? People can't even walk any longer.
Ranj  21 | 947  
6 Jul 2007 /  #276
I saw a guy in Manhattan rolling around on a Segway

LOL.....cracks me up when I see someone on one of those.....saw a guy on one in Indy, for goodness sake....INDY....a city the size of a Manhattan block....lol! (and people wonder why there's such a problem with obesity in this country.***shakes head in disbelief***)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #277
hahaha People are just becoming pathetic. I wanted to kick him off and make him use his legs to chase me. He was such a metro too. LOL ipod in ears and a murse. Made me gag.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
6 Jul 2007 /  #278
guys.. what is a segway??? Im imagining some kind of skate board or scooter?
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #279
"Human Transporter" :)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
6 Jul 2007 /  #280
bloddy hell.. you yanks are lazy :) what is the point of it? do people actually use them to go to work and stuff or are they just for fun?
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Jul 2007 /  #281
Everyday lazyness :) Don't worry they'll be in the UK one day too :) For your Poshy types :)
sapphire  22 | 1241  
6 Jul 2007 /  #282
ive have seriously never heard or seen of them before. Guess its more economical than a car or motorbike.. wonder what they run on?? anyway, this is seriously off thread, but interesting nevertheless. I really hope we dont get them here.
Ranj  21 | 947  
6 Jul 2007 /  #283
Don't worry they'll be in the UK one day too :)

I'm surprised they are not already.....especially with the dense populaces and the price of gas over there.....I would actually think it to be a wise thing to have over there....:) It actually is an economic form of transport, but here in the states, I think it's more or less used to show "status" (which again, IMO, is laziness).
BornInTheUSA  2 | 41  
6 Jul 2007 /  #284
Quoting: BornInTheUSA
I wouldn't mind discovering the polish position... i think its doggy style

Better than the American version - everyone on top.
Michal  - | 1865  
8 Jul 2007 /  #285
ve have seriously never heard or seen of them before. Guess its more economical than a car or motorbik

They have had them running along Miami Beach for several years now.
jnowiski  2 | 121  
8 Jul 2007 /  #286
i wait till i meet someone before i judge what kind of person i think they are. I know of general steriotypes i've heard, but i usually don't believe them until i meet alot of people that meet that steriotype.
jtmWIEN  2 | 24  
9 Jul 2007 /  #287
veryday lazyness :) Don't worry they'll be in the UK one day too :) For your Poshy types :)

They have segway tours around Krakow and the market square now... saw it last weekend... stupid machines that make the people riding them look even stupider.

And what ever happened to riding a bike?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
11 Jul 2007 /  #288
Ok, i'm just a normal english guy giving my views on polish girls, as asked for by the author of this topic.

from my experience of polish girls which to be honest has been both good and bad, here are my points

firstly lets get the bad ones out of the way, lol:

1. Paranoia, when you know a polish girl its fine but before hand, my goodness there not very out going and think that your going to do or say something bad to befriend them, even letting you into there house is a big thing for some polish girls.

2. Trust, goes hand in hand with point one, at the beginning of the friendship sometimes its like trying to get water from a stone, impossible. maybe its just hte girls i've met but it seems polish girls especially are extra careful, in the UK anyway, i can understand that they are far from home and that this may be part of the issue,

Ok so only two bad points i can really think so please don't bite my head off!! LOL!!!

to the good points

Loving & Caring: in both friendships and relationships very very caring and loving, more so i feel than girls in the UK. I think its just part of the polish culture, but its a good part. :)

Pretty/Hot/Attractive (Whatever you call it), Comparing girls form different parts of the world is difficult however in the whole if your to take the population of the UK and the population of Poland there are probably more pretty/hot/attractive polish girls than girls in the UK on the whole. There are a number of reasons for this but i will not go into it as i don't want to offend anybody with only my third post.

Ambitious, Know i don't know why or have any reasons for this but i just think its a good thing. I love people who want to better themselves or like to work hard to achieve goals or objectives they have and a lot of polish seem very ambitious or have an overall target in life, for example those who come to the UK want to be educated and earn money to take or send home with an overall objective in mind.

thats a brief explanation of what i think, believe me i could go on i have lots of views on polish girls/poland and anything else polish lol, but i won't bore you now!!!
Jambo  2 | 106  
12 Jul 2007 /  #289
I have worked with a Polish woman and also met a Polish woman in the UK who currently lives with me in the UK ( that is not a straightforward relationship which I have explained in other threads). I have also spent 5 days in Katowice with the Polish woman who lives with me. So my experience of Polish women is very limited and I am very conscious of making sweeping generalisations. However based on my limited experience I would make the following comments about Polish women ( and some of these comments could equally apply to women from other countries);

- they are very attractive;

- they have good bone structure and amazing eyes;

- they are friendly most of the times;

- they dress well and are stylish without being provocative;

- they do not communicate their feelings as they are guarded which can lead to misunderstandings;

- because of the above they can appear quite cold and ruthless at times;

- they need a lot of time to get to know you;

- you never quite know where you stand with them.

In my case my Polish female friend is now much more friendly towards me since we start to live together ( 12 days now) like she was when we first met. She will leave my house in 5 weeks as she has a new job and needs to relocate. She will live about 90 minutes drive from my house I do wonder how much she will want to see me after she moves. That will be the test for me of her feelings for me. If she is ambivalent about me going to see her then i know I really need to move on from her.
scotjock  1 | 40  
12 Jul 2007 /  #290
- they do not communicate their feelings as they are guarded which can lead to misunderstandings;

- because of the above they can appear quite cold and ruthless at times;

I can relate to that Jambo. However, when the relationship develops that soon goes away. Well, it did in my relationship. Good luck after the house removal!

By the way, do you think you should have taken the £8m for Gordon?
Jambo  2 | 106  
12 Jul 2007 /  #291
Thanks mate. Her relocating will be the acid test really because I will then know how much she really cares for me. As I said if she is not much bothered about meeting up then I know where we are. For now we enjoy the time we spend together which so far has been great. I will enjoy whilst it lasts. Her attitude towards me is so much better since she moved to my house.

I thought it was £5m. I think Hearts should hold out for much more.
scotjock  1 | 40  
12 Jul 2007 /  #292
Only £5m! I agree, hold out for more. EPL clubs are splashing it about at the moment.
Jambo  2 | 106  
12 Jul 2007 /  #293
I take it you have a polish partner. Interested in how you met, how long was it before the relationship blossomed ( sometimes I think I expect too much of her right now we met 1 April) , how did you deal with culture differences and language difficulties. Do you live in Scotland. I live in East Sussex. Hope you do not mind me asking.
15 Jul 2007 /  #294
i really respect, and what you happend with you i feel sorry for you as well. but five finger are not equal, but i advice you one then before you go for any thing we should think alot... if a man just want you sleep with a girl them you know what does it mean, it is crystal clear,,, ...... i am comming poland in next month so you soon if possible
19 Nov 2007 /  #295

I am Polish woman and speaking from my own experience in America. I know how it is to be a young inexperienced girl in foreign country. You can find piece only with a guy from your own culture. All Polish Ladies marry ONLY Polish Guys!!! Do not follow my mistakes. I know that new and exotic is attractive but it is never going to work out. You can only be with a guy you understand and you can read lies and true not only in his words but gesture and eyes. I found my piece with a great Polish Guy. Believe me it is the best solution for you.
sledz  23 | 2247  
19 Nov 2007 /  #296
but it is never going to work out.


you can read lies and true not only in his words but gesture and eyes.

How poetic, maybe you just met the wrong guy
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Nov 2007 /  #297
Foreigners simply impressed sing about polish invasion.

Sexy foreigner expressing the reasons that turned him to a polish women admirer.
Ogourki  2 | 20  
30 Nov 2007 /  #298
I know that new and exotic is attractive but it is never going to work out

Dont agree, myself being mix black/white is one of the most awfull statements i ever heard. the reason that our planet is not evolving. If you came here to canada you would see an entire other reality, evryone is mixing over here. In fact the reason i love polish women so much is because i relate more with them then traditional canadian women. Polish women , for the most, have sense of family values , loyalty and are open minded sexually (high sex drive) which are the most important three assets that matches my criterias of a relationship. Traditional canadian women for the most have one of the highest divorce rates, (here in the quebec province over 50%) ,can be are materialistic and do not hav e the same sense of family values... and did say for the most , there is always exceptions......thank god! My previous relationship with a polish women was the best i ever had , no regrets. So sorry but could not agree with that statement, you polska women are some of the best on this planet! :) Now as of that guy she was with the nigerian cant generalise, there is over 50 different countries with back people, different cultures values , languages ,, cant egneralise... please poeple be more objective :)

Love , peace and happiness to all :)
Michal  - | 1865  
2 Dec 2007 /  #299
I find Polish women to be bad tempered on the whole.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
2 Dec 2007 /  #300
only when we encounter idiots that make statements without thinking..

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