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Why english men like polish women ?

daffy  22 | 1153  
13 Jun 2007 /  #31
english does not mean anglo saxons. anglo saxons means anglo saxons

english is a person born in england.

anglo saxons themselves displaced celtic tribes in brittanica. not to mention roman colonisations etc etc.

English men of all colour and creed will continue to love women of all colour and creed (indeed they may love men or both! - this isn't my fav thread)
Lee_England  4 | 51  
13 Jun 2007 /  #32
english does not mean anglo saxons. anglo saxons means anglo saxons

english is a person born in england.

I think you need to check your history books. English was the official name given to the anglo saxons, the britons were not banished they populated wales and are now known as the welsh.

Most people i know refer to themselfs as black british, african or british-african. I've not heard the term black english but if you want to call yourself that, that's entirely your choice, as long as you drink lots of tea and complain about the weather a lot of course :-D
peterweg  37 | 2305  
13 Jun 2007 /  #33
Apparently the DNA of the english today is about 95% celtic. The Scots are more like 97%

The Anglo Saxons mixed with the Celts and there were not very many of them. And the English are not very different from the Welsh and Scottish at all.
stepheng  - | 49  
13 Jun 2007 /  #34
The Anglo Saxons mixed with the Celts and there were not very many of them. And the English are not very different from the Welsh and Scottish at all.

They are different, a study was done on a programme, i think it was called the face of britain or something like that where they took the dna from different parts of the uk to discover what the genetic stock was like.

From what i remember they said that Cornwall, Wales and Scotland were very much Celtic descendants but in the south-east of England you get a strong Anglo Saxon/Norman/Danish viking trace (genetically speaking those groups were all of the same stock and are indistinguishable). In the Orkeney islands to the north of Scotland you had a strong Norwegian viking mixed with celtic ancestry that settled there, the Norwegian vikings wer eof a different stock to their danish counterparts strangely enough.

Between those locations you do of course get mixes but they discovered the genetic markers are strongest in those areas.

Always as I am in club english men buy drinks; they are very nice.

Some guys do buy women drinks hoping to get favour a bit too much, (no matter the nationality of the woman) its not uncommon for a woman to go out and hardly spend any money on drinks because she just gets them off all the guys hitting on her.
wilderwaif  - | 11  
14 Jun 2007 /  #35
Way to go Sparrow, Manners and politeness are great in any nationality and the door swings both ways Ive bought guys drinks too and even held the door for them.Doesnt mean I want anything more than conversation usually.Besides my Dad is a solid Polish guy do I need say more?

You are considered to be,where you were born. Therefore he is English no black no white,just English. You are referring to ethnicity. Im Canadian born,half Polish,one Quarter English and one quarter Irish, Good God Im Canish.

Alright Daffy,you sure know your stuff
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
11 Jul 2007 /  #36
For me its not a case of 'well she's polish so i'll approach her and buy her a drink' even though it is possible to tell she's polish e.g. the language and even the way she looks.

For me its simple, polish girls are usually more polite in the main part than British girls, easy to talk with or to, friendly, generous, caring and attractive. very very simple.

on the black guy and polish white girl topic, of course it can work, thre are all types of British people, Black, Asian, White my goodness probably even British Martian, ok so thats a bit over the top, but my point is if you want it to work of course it can work :)
michaelk2000  - | 6  
13 May 2008 /  #37
I have travelled very widely but have also lived in Poland for a few months as well as in England for a few years.

I would never consider marrying a English woman mainly due to their arrogance. When in Poland I have found Polish women to be very approachable and friendly. They are also more intelligent in how they react to strange men. They realize men are just human and in the modern world women and men have to take risks in getting to know strangers. We don't live in villages anymore - largely. English women are either terrified of strangers or extremely snobbish and full of themselves. Once you get to know them they are incredibly arrogant and full of themselves. They have accepted the fashion of trying to squeeze a man's testosterone out of him. They want to be on equal terms. This is not natural. To create this, forces the unatural into the natural. Waste of time. Waste of life.

My number 1 attractive feature in Polish women is their modesty and approachability. There are exceptions but in general this is the case. I love Polish women! They love to be a man's woman. They love to be a woman and they love a man to be man. That is the natural order.

Polish women know how to be very sexy. They know what turns a man on and they love to turn him on. English women are prude and drab when it comes to sex.

The big English cities are now full of arrogant and unattractive single English women. It will get worse.

Too lazy to write more about English women. I just don't consider them anymore. Look right through them and can't be bothered in the slightest.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 May 2008 /  #38
otwierają drzwi kobietą

kupują je dziewczyną

jak już to kobietom i dziewczynom, widzę, że Twój Polski też nienajlepszy... Skąd wiesz, że te drinki naprawdę są bez podtekstów skoro nie rozumiesz, co też ci Anglicy do Ciebie mówią? Tym bardziej w jakimś klubie, gdzie jest głośno? Były tu dyskusje o Polakach za granicą, którzy zdradzają swoje żony z samotności. Czyżby ich żony w Polsce leczyły swoją samotność w ten sam sposób? Nie masz żadnych koleżanek, z którymi możesz chodzić na imprezy? Po co Ci faceci, nie jestes panną. Mężatki nie ciągają sie same po klubach szukając jeleni co im kupią drinka za nic, tylko szukasz sobie kłopotów i niedługo je będziesz miała jak ktoś znajomy zobaczy Cię na drinku z obcym facetem i zamelduje Twojemu mężowi. Wtedy skończą się pieniążki na balowanie.

short translation - get a grip woman and go out with your girlfriends if you must, you're married and when your husband finds out you are chatting to some random men in clubs he will cut off your clubbing funds.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
13 May 2008 /  #39
They have accepted the fashion of trying to squeeze a man's testosterone out of him. They want to be on equal terms. This is not natural.

You sound like a bitter and twisted knob... have you been hurt by an English girl, perchance?
13 May 2008 /  #40
probably not, he just doesn't like women who are not submissive. Just like a "real" man would;)
his post sounds like a product review to me and as far as I know neither sex is a product.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
13 May 2008 /  #41
like a "real" man would

Ah got you.... I'll go back to ironing my dungarees and polishing my doc martens.... ;)
sophiarosy19  - | 2  
16 May 2008 /  #42
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IronsE11  2 | 441  
16 May 2008 /  #43
I would never consider marrying a English woman mainly due to their arrogance. When in Poland I have found Polish women to be very approachable and friendly.

Roughly translated to:

'I've got knocked back by every English girl I've tried it on with'

Chin-up mate. We can't all be charming and look good ;)
espana  17 | 951  
16 May 2008 /  #44
michaelk2000000000000 you fell threatened by english women , you are not man enough to handel one
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
16 May 2008 /  #45
Always as I am in club english men buy drinks; they are very nice. Polish men are not nice:( Why ?
My english ist...słaby:(
I hope that you understand me:)

Men buy women a drink regardless of nationality if they're attracted to the woman.
Davidow  - | 6  
17 May 2008 /  #46
I love ONE Polish woman more than my wife because she understands me
(get that, I speak english, learning Polish, my wife is english and she doesn't understand me !!!!)
There is no 'general' answer to "why english men like Polish women" as each Polish woman and each english man is different - All I know is if 'cupid strikes' (sic) run with it and never regret it - regardless of language / nationality.

"Better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all ......"
kingkong1  - | 27  
17 May 2008 /  #47
michaelk2000000000000 you fell threatened by english women , you are not man enough to handel one

Excuse me,is it too much to ask that you get your grammar correct,please? Good grief! This is bloody embarrassing!
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
17 May 2008 /  #48
We have people from all over in these forums. We're here to discuss topics, not point out everyones grammar errors. If you'd like to teach and give pointers to native Poles, maybe you can create a 'proper English' grammar thread. Until then, leave people alone if they aren't perfect.
kingkong1  - | 27  
17 May 2008 /  #49
The mark of everlasting shallowness is blissfull ignorance and conceit. I rest my case.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
17 May 2008 /  #50
Ho hum.

You aren't perfect. I rest my case.
espana  17 | 951  
17 May 2008 /  #51
grammar correct,please?

i will if i can
michaelk2000  - | 6  
17 May 2008 /  #52
-You sound like a bitter and twisted knob... have you been hurt by an English girl, perchance?

typical London woman. You deserve what you will most likely end up with. A single lonely life, filled with your silly fantasies of how incredible you are and how James Bond is only just around the corner waiting to sweep you stinky ass off to live happily ever after. My advise to you. Learn modestly. Life is short and no one has time for hautiness, a sign of abject stupidity.

-doesn't like women who are not submissive

Load of rubbish. Women like you are so full of it. To be modest and approachable and modest is not a sign of submissiveness. Men should be the same and that does not make them submissive.

Sigh... I really have no time for your sort. As I said, I'm absolutely uninterested..

---Roughly translated to:

'I've got knocked back by every English girl I've tried it on with'

Chin-up mate. We can't all be charming and look good ;)


Well not exactly.. Usually, just watching all the English guys get snobbed is enough to put one off. There is simply nothing about these snobbish English girls that make it worthwhile chasing them. What exactly is it that makes them think they are so special. What is it that an intelligent, well educated, most and kind Polish women doesn't have? Why waste one's time.. unless one is some kind of masochist who enjoys inflating these silly English women's egos..
kingkong1  - | 27  
17 May 2008 /  #53
i will if i can

Remark made earlier about grammar wasnt meant to despise or belittle you at all. My sincere apologies if understood thus. I'm not perfect either,no one is. RESPECT.
espana  17 | 951  
17 May 2008 /  #54

who are you t***?
english womens are the best :)
kingkong1  - | 27  
17 May 2008 /  #55
Well,obviously you didn't understand the context but never mind. I'm not even on about English or other women for that matter. Still RESPECT.
espana  17 | 951  
17 May 2008 /  #56
i m not talking to you .
yes i did , a wanker talking bad things about the english womens
i dont care if you respect or not
argumentive36  - | 12  
18 May 2008 /  #57
I buy allllllllll women drinks in a bar or nightclub when I meet them and am not English :-)
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
18 May 2008 /  #58
typical London woman. You deserve what you will most likely end up with. A single lonely life, filled with your silly fantasies of how incredible you are and how James Bond is only just around the corner waiting to sweep you stinky ass off to live happily ever after. My advise to you. Learn modestly. Life is short and no one has time for hautiness, a sign of abject stupidity.

Typical misguided fool. I am happily married to a wonderful guy and I have plenty of fantastic male friends.

I buy allllllllll women drinks in a bar or nightclub when I meet them and am not English :-)

You're welcome at my local any day :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 May 2008 /  #59
You buy all women drinks? I'll send some OAP's round and they'll gladly accept ur charity
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
18 May 2008 /  #60
I personally don't care what nationality my girl is. If she speaks English, she's pretty and she's a nice lass then she's enough for me. I do prefer English women due to culture similarities. Polish women don't understand a word I say as I speak too fast... too much hard work...! Stuff that. Welcome to England!

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