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Cultural dating differences??

Nico Storm  
27 Sep 2006 /  #1
Hello to you all,

Just discovered this site and thought I'd ask you all a question.

I have met a Polish girl here in London where I am.

We have spoken on a few occasions but, as of yet, are yet to go out on a date just us together alone. We have tended to meet socially amongst mutual friends so far.

I have asked her out (she has accepted) and due to genuine time constraints on both our parts, this has not happened yet. It will, however.

Now I'm not asking for general dating advice or such things.

I just wanted to know if there are any differences in the Polish and English "dating scenes" that I might need to look out for or, even better, use to my advantage.

I know the question is a gross generalisation but I'm just trying to educate myself to be a better date.

Thank You in advance
27 Sep 2006 /  #2
Love speaks one language - so if you're in love you won't look at the borders :).
iwona 12 | 542  
27 Sep 2006 /  #3
I don't think there are any differences.
Marzena 2 | 122  
27 Sep 2006 /  #4
I'm sure there are differences, but it's hard to think of them without knowing the other culture. For example I think that most Polish women wouldn't sleep with the guy on the first... second, third... date.

Perhaps you can tell us something about the British dating customs and we can tell you how it's different in Poland.
27 Sep 2006 /  #5
most Polish women wouldn't sleep with the guy on the first... second, third... date.

Is that so? I guess I was lucky then :)
Marzena 2 | 122  
27 Sep 2006 /  #6
heheh, good for you :), perhaps she thought that that's all you were gonna be good for :)
27 Sep 2006 /  #7
Hey nico storm!!!

Ahhhh bless...aint love sweet!!! Not too long ago I was in a similar situation to you! In the summer I met a beautiful polish girl through a friend. Despite the language barrier we pretty much fell in love straight away!!! Her english was ok but not good enough to have long inspiring conversations. However, the chemistry was there, we made each other laugh, we understood how we felt and what we both wanted, and most importantly of all we really enjoyed each other's company. At the beginning of our relationship, I wouldn't say that I experienced any cultural differences because we were doing the same things as any other couple would do. I cannot stereotype or determine how polish girls exactly are when it comes to dating and relationships since I have only dated just the one! But the girl I have been seeing has turned out to be very decent, honest and loving and the majority I have met have all been really nice people....but maybe I'm just lucky!

I believe that all people are different and like to approach dating/relationships in their own ways. So its really down to listening, judging body languages and talking that's going to give you any idea of how the dating thing is going to go....and what direction it will go into (not that I'm trying to give you advice on dating). To conclude this perspective on muti-cultural dating, I would say that dating a polish girl is no different to dating an english girl. But the lanaguage barrier makes it interesting, even sometimes fun!!! As long as you enjoy each other's company then that's all that matters!!! Coming straight to the point, there's really no major differences, but judging from my relationship and the poles that I have met, they like to take things nice and slow (at the right steady pace) cos they seem to come from a more family orientated culture compared to Englands. But not everyone is the same of course! So the girl your about to see....its down to what kind of girl she is....so just try have fun, don't worry bout what to expect, just go a long with the ride cos the signs will soon come...he he....

But now, here I am trying to translate bloody polish in english in my emails, plus I piss everyone off when I keep begging them to help me out lol
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
27 Sep 2006 /  #8
:) good post.
OP Nico Storm  
27 Sep 2006 /  #9
Well thanks for the replies. Especially monkeyboy. Wise words thanks for them.

My suspicions that there were not much differences have been confirmed it would seem.

However, I do gather from all my interactions with her that she likes moving at a slow pace. So what you said has extra credence.

I guess I had to ask the question because I really think we are on to something and I don't want to mess it up. I didn't want to potentially do something that I did not have to that could send out a bad vibe. A girl has not made me feel this way for a long time, if ever, and I'd kick myself if my ignorance of her culture offended her.

Ok, I'm sounding like a sap now.

So once again cheers to you all.
27 Sep 2006 /  #10
Pleasure mate. Sounds like you've got a good one there!!! :) :) :)
plg 17 | 262  
27 Sep 2006 /  #11
Quoting: Marzena, Post #4
most Polish women wouldn't sleep with the guy on the first... second, third... date.

Is that so? I guess I was lucky then

can you smell that

I'm sure there are differences, but it's hard to think of them without knowing the other culture. For example I think that most Polish women wouldn't sleep with the guy on the first... second, third... date.
Perhaps you can tell us something about the British dating customs and we can tell you how it's different in Poland.


that'll be the diff . first , second, and third date, maybe even bring her pal(s)

does that explain it better marzena(nice name)
krysia 23 | 3058  
27 Sep 2006 /  #12
maybe even bring her pal(s)

You like threesomes, plg????
iwona 12 | 542  
28 Sep 2006 /  #13
I believe that all people are different and like to approach dating/relationships in their own ways

Monkeyboy, that is so true.......

You can have polish man and woman and they have nothing in common ....and polish english couple who click straight away.

I suppose difference is sometimes about past, upbringing.

When I met with my mates We can recollect funny moment from our school, university.....

I can't do it as much with my husband as he was brought up in England.

And all these snacks, sweets..... you have so many of them and know them all.
I suppose average English person knows what kind of sweets are in quality street tin.
We are not so much about it:) :) :)- I know maybe little stupid example.
28 Sep 2006 /  #14
Well I'm English and I've been dating my Polish girlfriend for about 9 months now. I start college next week to learn Polish at Bristol University, and next year I hope to be taking a TEFL course (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) followed by a CELTA course in the Summer, though that one's a bit more expensive!

Ideally I'd then marry my partner and move to Poland to buy a flat there!

As someone else has said, love can transcend all boundaries, even cultural and religious ones, if you truly, madly, deeply, do love one another and want to put the effort in to make the relationship work.

Best of luck. :)
Marzena 2 | 122  
28 Sep 2006 /  #15
ok, so men actually ARE romantic - sweet :). well, at least some.
plg 17 | 262  
28 Sep 2006 /  #16
Quoting: plg, Post #12
maybe even bring her pal(s)

You like threesomes, plg????

what is a threesome krysia
krysia 23 | 3058  
28 Sep 2006 /  #17
Me, you and bolo
Marzena 2 | 122  
28 Sep 2006 /  #18
krysia, did you mean you and bolo and him watching? :)
krysia 23 | 3058  
28 Sep 2006 /  #19
Might as well. Never know what a scot has under his skirt.

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