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morals2  - | 8  
10 May 2008 /  #661
that erial has proven me right when i say that these blacks that prey on white women r scumbags and white women who date them wud also commit bestiality
scott usa  - | 63  
10 May 2008 /  #662
justyna i am shure ur parents are real PROUD of u dating blacks lol if u were my daughter i would disown u
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 May 2008 /  #663
Delayed response, Gliwice isn't a village, no. It's a city with over 200,000 people
morals2  - | 8  
10 May 2008 /  #664
so we are against the perverted practice of interracial dating and we agree that the white women who date blackmen r dirty slags
F15guy  1 | 160  
11 May 2008 /  #665
Do the women in your mosque have to wear burkas? Or do you simply keep them, barefoot, pregnant and without a driver's license?
PieknaTancerk  3 | 67  
11 May 2008 /  #666
long way to go until the red and white accepts the rainbow.

Are you meaning gays and lesbians/

white women who date black men r dirty slags

And what about black women who date white mean. And what makes them dirty if they are looking for what is on the inside and not necessarily what is on the outside
erialc43  1 | 36  
11 May 2008 /  #667
that erial has proven me right when i say that these blacks that prey on white women r scumbags and white women who date them wud also commit bestiality

My comments prove I give people a chance no matter what their colour.
Your nasty namecalling proves more about you than it does me mate.
PieknaTancerk  3 | 67  
12 May 2008 /  #668
I have always believed that racist people will always be the most unhappy. Because while those interracial couples are running around being happy; they are too busy being unhappy about someone else's life. As well as people who don't like gay. Less people are beginning not to give a f#@k about other people's opinions. So it sucks for everyone who tries to place judgment on other peoples lives; because you are going to miss out on your own.
erialc43  1 | 36  
12 May 2008 /  #669
Well said, hatrid just brings misery to the person that hates.
mist16  - | 1  
2 Jun 2008 /  #670
Hi there!
I was with African man for quite long time and what I have noticed that Polish guys were not happy at all seeing me with Him!!! I was not so happy with any Polish guy and I really believe Black Guys has more passion for live and they are more chearfull!!

and Polish guys have problems with creating relationships and dating in general:)

but Its their problem:) and I am happy we - woman can choose guys from other nations!!!:)
Madzia22  - | 72  
2 Jun 2008 /  #671
I really believe Black Guys has more passion for live and they are more chearfull!!

I really belive Black Guys smoke more cannabis!!
F15guy  1 | 160  
3 Jun 2008 /  #672
Black Guys have more passion for life and they are more cheerful!!

It depends upon the guy. I know black guys who are mean, depressed individuals as well as some who are the nicest people in the world.

Black guys smoke more cannabis

And white guys in the US use more cocaine because they have the cash to buy it.

Crystal meth is the worst:

  • After & Before
Andrew78  - | 97  
3 Jun 2008 /  #673
Whatz up
O **** a saw the picture in Chicago paper,really nasty
masks98  27 | 289  
11 Jun 2008 /  #674
Well I'm a black guy from New York, And When I walk around with my Polish girlfriend I get grilled from all sorts of people, guys, girls, young and old. Sometimes I even feel like the birds are like "wtf??" I was once told at a house party that I'm smart and cool because i'm american, but that "here the blacks are mostly african and they are stupid, we really don't like them." I was like wtf?? I almost wanted to swim back to my beloved statue of liberty.
incubus  1 | 146  
14 Jun 2008 /  #675
And what about black women who date white mean. And what makes them dirty if they are looking for what is on the inside and not necessarily what is on the outside

well said!

Sometimes I even feel like the birds are like "wtf??"

Wulkan  - | 3136  
15 Jun 2008 /  #676
I was once told at a house party that I'm smart and cool because i'm american, but that "here the blacks are mostly african and they are stupid, we really don't like them."

well thats right, all those immigrants from africa are stupid and sometimes dengerous, I wonder why the goverment doesn't do anything about it...
tomek  - | 134  
15 Jun 2008 /  #677
Well I'm a black guy from New York

You don't seem to be pure black, if it's you on the photo, so maybe thats the main difference in many aspect to blacks from africa they refer to.

But I'm curious, did you make many friends among the african blacks in Poland?
ina_pod  - | 32  
15 Jun 2008 /  #678
Hmmm...I have to say that I am surprised of what you said. No matter where you live, people always starring at interracial couples...I lived in NJ and had very good friend who was African-american..Whenever we hung out for lunch or just walk and talking, people was starring at us( of course not like here but u could not it). We discus many times why is that...For me was really strange because there live people from all nations and no one should act like that...I will always remember when once we were walking down the street and there was some construction workers...they stopped working and watching at us. It made me feel weird, but later just was laughing with it....I also note, that black women can't stand when some hot "bro" is hanging out with white girl....LOL...It's just a life darling and don't take it personal :)
masks98  27 | 289  
15 Jun 2008 /  #679
Yeah black girls get super jealous about that crap and have given me hell for it. "what we ain't good enough for you?? you think you better than us???" And it's true that interracial couples will always be kind of taboo, but back home the only people who gave me crap were other eastern europeans. A couple of russian guys started growling at me like dogs on the train once, but overall nobody cares. Big difference here in Warsaw.

You don't seem to be pure black, if it's you on the photo, so maybe thats the main difference in many aspect to blacks from africa they refer to.
But I'm curious, did you make many friends among the african blacks in Poland?

I'm black, any white supremacist will vouch for that and hunt my @ss down, not all black people have the same skin tone, same for white people. Anyways my family is mostly haitian, my grandmother is cuban that's about it.

And I have barely seen any africans here, the ones I do see are just walking down the street so no I haven't made any African friends here. But I've known Africans in New York, in France and Switzerland, it's a bit off to say that they're stupid. Some are, somme aren't. Same with Poles isn't it?

well thats right, all those immigrants from africa are stupid and sometimes dengerous, I wonder why the goverment doesn't do anything about it...

Shoudn't it do something about all the stupid and dangerous hooligans first?
ina_pod  - | 32  
15 Jun 2008 /  #680
I'm black, any white supremacist will vouch for that and hunt my @ss down, not all black people have the same skin tone, same for white people

Once I was listening Michael Basden's radio show " Love,Lust and Lies" and some girl called and said that her sisters are extremely jealous of her because she is light skinned...Then first time I heard what does mean "yellow @ss" .

What I've learn over there is that you never should judge people based on their nationality,race or religion. ...I have met wonderful people who helped me a lot and we are great friends-they are Jews, my best gf is from Columbia,hubby is Polish guy...Important is what kind person is, not where is coming from!

Going to bed ...Monday is coming...AGAIN!!:(
Lightist  - | 2  
16 Jun 2008 /  #681
Firstly I have to apologise for the length, I read this thread and felt the need to comment (or write an essay!) As for me, I'm a Black guy from the UK (parents are Jamaican, I was born in UK, as such I class myself as Black British).

I have a friend(girl) who is Polish, from time to time we like to book short breaks away together, just to chill out and catch up. This time it was her choice and she chose Poznan. After doing a little research I wobbled for a bit and had second thoughts, I chose to look at the 'negative' views that are around on the internet, the ones that expressed it wasn't good for a Black guy to be in Poland (never mind walking around with a Polish girl on his arm!). Anyhow, life is too short and so...we went. I came back 2 days ago and yes...an interesting experience for sure.

For me Poznan is a beautiful place, nice architecture, vibrant and as it happens pretty laid back. I was too busy expecting the worse that I'd forgot what I was going for...the culture, to experience a little of Poland. As I walked the streets, yes we were noticed but not as I'd expected. I guess when you truly look into a persons face they can't really hide their real feelings. It's true that the 'odd' look was one of disgust or amazement, my favorite was an old woman who stood there open mouthed (which was full of food) as my Polish friend linked arms with me walking through Poznan square, still...it wasn't really a bad luck, it just seemed she couldn't believe what she was seeing, but she made no comment. I arrived in Poznan on the night Poland played Austria (a game you should have won ;). All the bars were packed and I sat and watched the football with some locals. I got no grief, not many looks really, just more of a party atmosphere all round. Yes, I had my wits about me and yes, I'm aware their are undesirables about, but in truth, I felt pretty calm that night, even more so after a few vodkas. The lads sang on the square, setting off fireworks, I walked past them...no grief, no nothing!

I was only there for a few days but what I did notice was this. The keyboard Kings & Queens who pollute a few forums with their over zealous views are probably not the majority they think they are. As said, people did look at us as a couple, some curious, some dislike, but the majority, well the majority was something else, it was like a look of acceptance...not acceptance for me or the girl that I was with. An acceptance that Poland is changing, its moving forward, and its happening fast. The main of the people seemed on the ball and I think they're open to change. In honesty, quite a few smiles were sent my way. And I don't just mean by girls looking for a quick flirtation, I mean by Polish people in general, couples, young, old, etc, etc. On the issue of Polish women, agreed...alot of attractive women around, some would look and some wouldn't, just like I'd look at some and others I wouldn't. Attraction is a personal thing, it's quite funny that its even being debated really. We all like who we like, don't think any kind of generalisation is going to get to the bottom of it. Even funnier was brain size and race coming into the equation...mmm...what about Soul size? if my shines brighter than yours does it make me more intelligent? closer to God? but then...what if you don't believe in God?...bit of non-argument really!

Anyhow, I'll stop ranting and get back to Poznan. Yes I was cautious, but I'm glad I went. The people of Poznan still seemed calm not as stressed as their British counterparts maybe, I could still see a quality of life there. Don't get me wrong, I love England, but like Poland, it is in transition at the moment, and sometimes seems a little tooo hectic for the likes of moi!!! But still, it is home :) To me, Poland is integrating and its happening fast. With so many nationals out of the country an exchange of cultures and diversity is a natural movement/flow. Forgot to mention, the food was wicked too. As for Black guys and white girls...figure we just do what feels right, maybe start with good guys for good girls and work it out from there...
ina_pod  - | 32  
17 Jun 2008 /  #682
Well said, Lightist:)
IronsE11  2 | 441  
17 Jun 2008 /  #683
I stopped reading at:

I arrived in Poznan on the night Poland played Austria (a game you should have won ;).

as you clearly don't know what you're talking about ;)

I have a white friend who is married to a black girl. He wont go to many places in Eastern Europe because he can't be bothered with the aggro whether it be verbal abuse or open-mouthed stares.

It will improve with time and education.
masks98  27 | 289  
17 Jun 2008 /  #684
That was interesting lightist, my experience is similar, except that I had a really hard time dealing with the stares. In New York if someone stares at you too long it's a fight, so I'o I instictively hate being stared at even though I know it's to be expected. I got used to it now. I had similar festive experiences with Poles here, I hope to have some more, but I'm still wary of going to a nightclub or something. And were I to frequent one it would be in Warsaw, never in a smaller town, I've turned down some opportunities to go partying in Zamosc. It depends on where you go, Zamosc itself is not that bad, although so far that's the only place where I've been taunted, and pointed at. Today I had a strange experience in Warsaw, I was walking with my girlfriend, when we came close to some white polish girl talking to two 'gangsta' black dudes. I can't imagine what she said to them, but they both turned around and grilled me worse than I've ever been grilled in Poland. So maybe it's not just me race, maybe it's me mug, i've just got one of those faces...(John Lennon said something like that once..)
Lightist  - | 2  
18 Jun 2008 /  #685
Thanks Ina:)

As for this...

as you clearly don't know what you're talking about ;)

Well, what can I say? At least I know what side of the fence your on Irons ;) To be fair I didn't really see ALL of the match as I was too busy people watching! First evening in Poznan and all that:p.

And yes Masks, like you and Irons mate, getting used to the staring thing is a little weird. Not sure I could deal with it full-time because in the 21st century I haven't got the patience for it, but I understand where it comes from and yes, it will change in time. Like you, I was wary of a nightclub venture as people seem to get a little braver as the night goes on, one step at a time I guess. Do think I'll retutn to Poland in the future tho...
scott usa  - | 63  
29 Jun 2008 /  #686
Maska in detroit in the high schools only 23 percent of black finish high school and i am so sick of hearing about racist still what is the blacks going to do if we have a black president lol what are they going to complain about?They still talk about stuff over 300 years ago and say it is holding them down and did u know all though there are only 32 black people in usa they account for more then 85 percent of aids in the world also not to mention the percent of blacks in jail.So what are u and ur hommies going to complain about if there is a black president becuase u cant say america is racist no more since they voted for a black president what will be ur excuss for the next 300 years?
Film Maker  - | 3  
1 Jul 2008 /  #687

I am a MA student in Video Production and Film studies at TVU London and making a documentary about relations between Black guys and Polish girls. I am looking for people who are interested in taking part in my documentary. I am looking for a Polish girl who is dating a Black guy and both are willing to take part in the documentary. So, if you fit the criteria and live in London or close to London, please contact me.

Please note that the schedule for this project is tight so if you are interested please e-mail or call me as soon as possible.


MA Video Production and Film Studies
Thames Valley University
E-Mail: vahab5@yahoo.co.uk
espana  17 | 951  
1 Jul 2008 /  #688
I am looking for people who are interested in taking part in my documentary

a documentary or a porn film? hehe
taiji000  1 | 13  
1 Jul 2008 /  #689
Firstly, apologises for bad english, i have never been to any english speaking country or anything. I have had a black gf for more than 2 years now. We have been to Poland many mnay times. Never experienced anything bad. We traveler around Poland (something like tramps) people were very friendly, i have never heart anything bad about us. Yes people looked at us, stared and such, but they do because its something diffrent. I got a lot of tattoos and people stare at me too :)

We experienced lots of rasist from...black people. Expescially in France or Spain. Of course, some black people were very very friendly to us asking us stuff about how it is if its hard and so un, but those were usually those older folks. Young 'gangsta' types were not friendly at all.

Once in france i was told that 'black girls shouldt go out with white dudes' to my face, by a black guy. Im not the person u **** to, so i shouted at him like it should be (like in the army) he ran away.

Few posts eairlier, someone mentioned that a polisdh guy is afraid to take his black gf to Poland becasue of abuse etc. What kind of man is he? People like him wont change the world or make it even better for interacial couples.

Also, you got loads of rasist people all over the world, you wont change they way they think, trust me, I tried that till i was 23, then i gave up. People are like dogs u need to be strong with them and not let them **** with you :)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
1 Jul 2008 /  #690
blacks and polish girls why not blacks and just white girls. whats the point of this film, to advert this kind of relationship ?

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